Console Commands

We've extracted the full list of commands from the CheatManager (generic) and JackCheatManager (DQXI-specific) classes.

However, there are more commands than this used in game. Most commands work on both the OG and Definitive Editions of the game, with few differences. For examples of how the console can be used, check out the image gallery above, or the tutorials in Using the Console [Tutorials]. The dev console can be used as a powerful tool for in-game traversal, save editing (rename player, set flags, add and remove items and spells) and testing mods.

There are hundreds of commands listed here on the homepage, but there may be more we don't know about that are unlisted in the game data, or included in other classes we don't know about. Let us know if you find anything useful that isn't in the main list below!

Useful Commands

  • ActionLearn <TargetName> <ActionID> - Teaches spells & abilities

  • BattleMonsterSpawn <MonsterID> - See tutorials section

  • ChangeSize <F> - Change current player scale, 1=normal, 0.5=half size

  • DebugGameCamera - Freecam without the benefits of ToggleDebugCamera

  • DumpConsoleCommandsJack - Lists some console commands and usage in full size console, pageup/pagedown to read more

  • FOV <ValueFOV> - Changes field of view value

  • ForceGetItem <ItemID> <ItemCount> - Adds item directly to proper bag

  • ForceGetItemToBag <ItemID> <ItemCount> <BagType> - Adds item to custom character/bag

  • ForceSetWorldTime <Hour> <Min> <Sec> <bResetNPCSchedule> - Changes game time e.g. ForceSetWorldTime 12 0 0 1 = midday

  • FriendJoin <InName> - Add party members (P002-P008, All)*

  • FriendLeaveKeepItems <InName> - Remove party members (P002-P008, All)*

  • Gold <InGold> - Replaces current gold, e.g. Gold 69420 sets player's gold to 69420 - no more, no less

  • GuestNpcJoin <InName> - See tutorials section

  • GuestNpcLeave <InName> - See tutorials section

  • HPSet <InName> <NewHP> - Set HP (P002-P008, All)

  • LevelSet <InName> <InLevel> - Set Level (P002-P008, All)

  • MPSet <InName> <NewMP> - Set MP (P002-P008, All)

  • MonsterGeneratorEnabled - Toggles monsters in overworld

  • MonsterSpawn - See tutorials section

  • Muteki <InName> <bEnabled> - Invincibility (P002-P008, Monsters, Players, All)

  • SetActorRotation <Roll> <Pitch> <Yaw> - Player rotation, if your hero fancies taking a nap on the ground, this could be useful

  • SetControlRotation <CameraRoll> <CameraPitch> <CameraYaw> - Camera rotation, trippy

  • SetFlag <FlagCategory> <FlagName> <Value> - Change the value of certain flags used in game

  • SetPlayerCameraDataArmLength <Min> <Max> - Higher values = further away camera

  • SetPlayerName <PlayerName> - Allows you to change your character's name... to literally anything! Useful for downloaded saves or bypassing the character limit.

  • Slomo <Scale> - Adjust entire game speed, useful for speeding up battles, 1=default, 2=double speed

  • Taimatu - Instant torch, works on some characters

  • Teleport - Teleports player to target location (where camera is pointing) use debugcamera to find surfaces with collision

  • TeleportLocation <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleports player to specific location

  • TeleportMapStart - Teleports player to starting point of current map

  • TestPlayerDash <InDashSpeedMult> (unlisted command) - Adjusts the max speed of the dash/sprint feature in game.

  • ToggleDebugCamera - Freecam, useful for finding ActorName and other info in OG version. White line indicates target has collision

  • VehicleSpawn <VehicleName> - Spawns vehicle / tamed monster. V105 = Dragon

  • ViewActor <ActorName> - Move camera to NPC (ActorName can be found in ToggleDebugCamera in OG version - BP_UNXXXXX)

  • ViewPlayer <S> - Return camera to player

  • ViewSelf - Move camera to player

  • Yubibue - Summon Horse

*(P001 can be used in Definitive Edition)

CheatManager [Standard UE4 Commands]

  • BugIt <ScreenShotDescription>

  • BugItGo <X> <Y> <Z> <Pitch> <Yaw> <Roll>

  • BugItStringCreator <LocString>

  • GoString

  • ViewRotation

  • ViewLocation

  • ChangeSize <F>

  • CheatScript <ScriptName>

  • DamageTarget <DamageAmount>

  • DebugCapsuleSweep

  • DebugCapsuleSweepCapture

  • DebugCapsuleSweepChannel <Channel>

  • DebugCapsuleSweepClear

  • DebugCapsuleSweepComplex <bTraceComplex>

  • DebugCapsuleSweepPawn

  • DebugCapsuleSweepSize <HalfHeight> <Radius>

  • DestroyAll <aClass>

  • DestroyAllPawnsExceptTarget

  • DestroyPawns <aClass>

  • DestroyTarget

  • DumpChatState

  • DumpOnlineSessionState

  • DumpPartyState

  • DumpVoiceMutingState

  • FlushLog

  • Fly

  • FreezeFrame <Delay>

  • Ghost

  • God

  • InvertMouse

  • LogLoc

  • OnlyLoadLevel <PackageName>

  • PlayersOnly

  • RebuildNavigation

  • ReceiveInitCheatManager

  • ServerToggleAILogging

  • SetMouseSensitivityToDefault

  • SetNavDrawDistance <DrawDistance>

  • SetWorldOrigin

  • Slomo <NewTimeDilation>

  • StreamLevelIn <PackageName>

  • StreamLevelOut <PackageName>

  • Summon <ClassName>

  • Teleport

  • TestCollisionDistance

  • ToggleAILogging

  • ToggleDebugCamera

  • ViewActor <ActorName>

  • ViewClass <DesiredClass>

  • ViewPlayer <S>

  • ViewSelf

  • Walk

NEW: Definitive Edition Specific Commands (incomplete)

  • PhotoMode_CameraReturnDisable

  • PhotoMode_CameraReturnEnable

  • PhotoMode_CharacterEnter *

  • PhotoMode_CharacterHeadLookAt

  • PhotoMode_CharacterHeadLookAtEnd

  • PhotoMode_CharacterLeave

  • PhotoMode_CharacterLookAt

  • PhotoMode_DispDebugInfo

  • PhotoMode_DispRelocateCharaDistance

  • PhotoMode_DispRelocateRadius

  • PhotoMode_PlayCharacterEmotion <EmotionName>

  • PhotoMode_PlayCharacterEmotionDebug

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentCharaDistance <InDistance>

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentCharaShift <InShift>

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentType <InType>

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentWtypeCharaDepth <InDepth>

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentWtypeCharaDistance <InDepth>

  • PhotoMode_SetHiddenCharacter <bInHidden>

  • PhotoMode_SetLookAtType <InType>

  • PhotoMode_SetRelocateCharaDistance <InDistance>

  • PhotoMode_SetRelocateRadius <InRadius>

  • PhotoMode_StopCharacterEmotion

  • PhotoMode_TeleportCharacter <InX> <InY> <InZ> <InYaw>

  • PhotoModeDebugSavePath <InSavePath>

  • PhotoModeErrorTest <ErrorNo>

  • SetControlledCharacterType <CharacterType>

* required for other PhotoMode commands to take effect

JackCheatManager [DQXI Specific Commands]

  • ActionLearn <TargetName> <ActionID>

  • ActionLearnJumon

  • ActionPlay <ActionID>

  • ActionPreview <TargetCharacterName>

  • ArasuziDebugFlagSet <ArasuziID> <bPlayThroughSecond>

  • AssetRegistryEnabled <bEnabled>

  • AudioMasterVolume <Volume>

  • AudioSEADVolume <Volume>

  • AutoRun

  • BattleAIFirstCheckChange

  • BattleAIFirstCheckLogShow

  • BattleAISecondCheckChange

  • BattleAISecondCheckLogShow

  • BattleActionCameraDebugMode

  • BattleActionCameraInfo

  • BattleActionExtentInfo

  • BattleActionInfo

  • BattleAutoCameraInfo <Value>

  • BattleAutoCameraParam <Value>

  • BattleBackJump

  • BattleBackJumpForceByAutoCamera

  • BattleBackJumpThresholdLength <Length>

  • BattleBukiGuard <Value>

  • BattleCalcInfo

  • BattleCameraMode <Value>

  • BattleCharaInfo

  • BattleCharaStateInfo

  • BattleCollisionInfo

  • BattleCommandAIActionPattern <Order1> <Order2> <Order3> <Order4> <Order5> <Order6>

  • BattleCommandAIChangeActionPattern <ActionPatternTypeName>

  • BattleCommandAIChangeIntelligence <IntelligenceTypeName>

  • BattleCommandAIInfo

  • BattleCounter <Value>

  • BattleCritical <Value>

  • BattleDataTableCheck

  • BattleDead <TargetName>

  • BattleDistantBranch <Value>

  • BattleDropCertainty

  • BattleEncountEnable

  • BattleEventBattleInfo

  • BattleFieldFailSafe <FailSafeType>

  • BattleFieldHiddenGrass <Value>

  • BattleFieldInfo

  • BattleFieldLowAngleCameraInvalid <Value>

  • BattleFixDamage <Damage>

  • BattleGroupInfo

  • BattleHazukasiiNoroi <Value>

  • BattleHazukasiiNoroiText <Value>

  • BattleHitStop <HitStopPresetTypeEnumName>

  • BattleLockOnMovementTest

  • BattleLose

  • BattleMikawasi <Value>

  • BattleMiss <Value>

  • BattleMitoreru <Value>

  • BattleMonsterAppearDrawBox

  • BattleMonsterAppearSkip

  • BattleMonsterLimit <Value>

  • BattleMonsterNigeru <Value>

  • BattleMonsterSpawn <MonsterID>

  • BattleMovementInfo

  • BattleNakamaYobiInfo

  • BattleNigeru <Value>

  • BattleOddEffect <Value>

  • BattleOpen

  • BattlePlayerAICalcInfo

  • BattlePlayerAIFlowBossBattle

  • BattlePlayerAIFlowLogShow

  • BattlePlayerAIScoreCheckLogShow

  • BattlePlayerAITestFlow

  • BattlePlayerMoveSpeedInterpIn <InterpTimeCoeff>

  • BattlePlayerMoveSpeedInterpOut <InterpTimeCoeff>

  • BattlePlayerMoveTest <TestMode>

  • BattlePlayerMoveTurnToEnable <bEnable>

  • BattlePopupBalloon

  • BattlePositioningInfo

  • BattlePositioningMonster <Value>

  • BattlePositioningPlayer <Value>

  • BattlePreparationCameraDrawSphere

  • BattleRareDropCertainty

  • BattleResultDrop2000Lottery

  • BattleResultDropLog

  • BattleResultSkip

  • BattleRoundInfo

  • BattleSenseiKougeki <Value>

  • BattleStateInfo

  • BattleTateGuard <Value>

  • BattleTeleportInfo

  • BattleTextDebug_Action <ActionID> <TextType>

  • BattleTextDebug_OddEffect <OddEffectID> <TextType>

  • BattleTextDebug_SetTag <InCaster> <InTarget> <InDamage>

  • BattleTextDebug_TextID <TextID>

  • BattleTextInfo

  • BattleToubatuEffect <Value>

  • BattleTurnSkip <Value>

  • BattleVoiceInfo

  • BattleWin

  • BattleZoneInfo

  • BlockingLoadForceHighPriority

  • BowgunGet

  • ChangePadModePS4

  • ChangePadModeVita

  • CharacterCaptureDebugMode <bShowInfo> <bShowTargetSize>

  • CharacterCaptureEnableFixedColor <bEnable>

  • CharacterCaptureSetFixedColor <Intensity>

  • CheckRegion

  • ClearCameraFade

  • ClearFontCache

  • ClearInstallDummyResult

  • ClearPreloadMap

  • CloseMiniMap <bRemoveWidget> <bForceRemove>

  • CloseText

  • ClothAllEnabled <bEnabled>

  • ClothNPCEnabled <bEnabled>

  • CommandReceiverInfo

  • CopyMonsterLookUpDefeatLogs

  • Crash

  • CutSceneFinish <InCSStart> <InCSEnd>

  • DebugAutoRun

  • DebugBGMVolume

  • DebugGameCamera

  • DebugLoadGame <SlotIndex>

  • DebugMenu

  • DebugMenuEnabled <bEnabled>

  • DebugSaveGame <SlotIndex>

  • DebugSpawnAllPartyCharacters

  • DefragGPUResources

  • DisableCharacterTickInterval <bDisable>

  • DisableFlagBreakPoint <FlagCategory> <FlagName> <AccessType>

  • DisableLoadReductionForNPC <bDisable>

  • DisplayAchievementInfo

  • DisplayCameraModeStack

  • DisplayCharacterComponentInfo <ComponentName>

  • DisplayCharacterInfo

  • DisplayCharacterTickIntervalInfo

  • DisplayChurchInfo

  • DisplayCoinInfo

  • DisplayDebugInfo

  • DisplayEquipmentInfo

  • DisplayExecutedRenkeiInfo <bMonsterRenkei>

  • DisplayFukkatunojumonInfo

  • DisplayGCInfo

  • DisplayGamePlayerInfo

  • DisplayGamma <Gamma>

  • DisplayHasItemObjectInfo

  • DisplayInnInfo

  • DisplayInstallInfo

  • DisplayItemGetIcon <ItemID>

  • DisplayItemGettableObjectInfo

  • DisplayItemInfo

  • DisplayItemPresentInfo

  • DisplayKiraInfo

  • DisplayMapInfo

  • DisplayMedalInfo

  • DisplayNPCInfo <CharacterName>

  • DisplayNPCStat

  • DisplayPlayerCamera

  • DisplayPreloadInfo

  • DisplayPressedKeyName <bEnable>

  • DisplayRecipeBookInfo

  • DisplayRuraInfo

  • DisplaySQEXNGWordInfo

  • DisplaySaveDataInfo

  • DisplayShopInfo

  • DisplaySibariInfo

  • DisplaySoundDebugInfo <CharacterID>

  • DisplayTabiNoKokoroe <TabiNoKokoroeID>

  • DisplayTextIdInfo

  • DisplayTextMacroReplaceInfo

  • DisplayUIFukidasiIconInfo

  • DisplayUIMenuList

  • DisplayUISelectedItem

  • DisplayUiStaffRollInfo

  • DisplayUiStaffRollWarningInfo

  • DisplayWeatherInfo

  • DisplayWorldInfo

  • DumpAssetNameSpecifiedVersion <UE4Version>

  • DumpAssetNumberEachVersion

  • DumpConsoleCommandsAll

  • DumpConsoleCommandsJack

  • DumpConsoleCommandsUE4

  • DumpFlag

  • DumpFukkatunojumonCommand <ScenarioNumber>

  • DumpMapSymbolInfo

  • DumpObjectCount <Type> <SearchWord>

  • DumpPlayerCoordinateInfo

  • DumpReferencingObject <Name>

  • EmptyPCFootmark

  • EnableFlagBreakPoint <FlagCategory> <FlagName> <AccessType>

  • ExportSaveData

  • FindOnMemoryObject <Name>

  • FixedTimeStep30

  • FixedTimeStep60

  • FixupLooks

  • FlagLogOff <Slot>

  • FlagLogOn <Slot>

  • FlagLogPrint <Slot>

  • FootIKAllDisabled <bDisabled>

  • FootIKNPCDisabled <bDisabled>

  • ForceAcquireAchievementAll

  • ForceAcquireAchievementDirect

  • ForceAcquireAchievementDirect <AchievementID>

  • ForceAddDefeatMonsterCount <MonsterID> <AddCount>

  • ForceClearAchievementQueue

  • ForceClearedSecondPlaythrough <bFlag>

  • ForceCrash

  • ForceDebugBreak

  • ForceDepositGold <Gold>

  • ForceDisableNewMark <ItemID>

  • ForceDiscardBagAll

  • ForceDiscardItem <ItemID>

  • ForceDisplayFukidasi <FukidasiID>

  • ForceEquipItemAttach <CharacterType> <RegionType> <ItemID> <bUseAuto>

  • ForceEquipItemDetach <CharacterType> <RegionType>

  • ForceExchangeCoinItem <ExchangeId>

  • ForceExchangeMedalItem <ExchangeId>

  • ForceExchangeShopFlag <bFlag>

  • ForceExperienceRecipeAll <Result>

  • ForceExperienceRecipeAllRandom

  • ForceExperienceRecipeRank <RecipeName> <Result>

  • ForceExperienceRecipeRankIndex <RecipeIndex> <Result>

  • ForceExperienceRecipeRankParts <PartsName> <Result>

  • ForceFukkatunojumon <PlayerName> <ScenarioProgress>

  • ForceFukkatunojumonDecode <InStr>

  • ForceFukkatunojumonEncode

  • ForceGC <bFullPurge>

  • ForceGarbageCollection <bFullPurge>

  • ForceGetItem <ItemID> <ItemCount>

  • ForceGetItemToBag <ItemID> <ItemCount> <BagType>

  • ForceHaveStampPage4Flag <bFlag>

  • ForceHiddenNPC <bHidden> <Distance>

  • ForceLearningRecipeBook <RecipeBookID>

  • ForceLearningRecipeBookAll>

  • ForceLearningRecipeBookFItemId <ItemID>

  • ForceLossRecipeBook <RecipeBookID>

  • ForceLossRecipeBookAll>

  • ForceLossRecipeBookFromItemId <ItemID>

  • ForceMoveItem <BagTypeDst> <BagTypeSrc> <Index> <ItemCount>

  • ForceParameterSettingPowerAwakening

  • ForceParameterSettingWhenBackToThePast

  • ForceReceiveItemPresent <DlcId>

  • ForceRecordExecuteMonsterRenkei <MonsterRenkeiID>

  • ForceRecordExecuteRenkei <RenkeiID>

  • ForceRecordRideMonsterVehicle <VehicleID>

  • ForceRemoveDefeatMonster <MonsterID>

  • ForceSavingBackToThePastInfo

  • ForceSetBattleCountBySwordAttack <Count>

  • ForceSetBattlePlayerAICalcScoreTimeMax <TimeMax>

  • ForceSetBattleVictoryCount <Count>

  • ForceSetBlowAwayMonsterCount <Count>

  • ForceSetCampCount <Count>

  • ForceSetCoinCount <Count>

  • ForceSetDefeatMetalMonsterTotalCount <Count>

  • ForceSetDefeatMonsterTotalCount <Count>

  • ForceSetDefeatMonsterZukanCount <MonsterZukanID> <Count>

  • ForceSetEnableOverrideTranslationText

  • ForceSetHazukasiiNoroiTalkMessage <Index>

  • ForceSetHazukasiiNoroiTalkRate <Rate>

  • ForceSetInnStayCount <Count>

  • ForceSetItemGettableObjectFlag <ID> <bGetFlag>

  • ForceSetItemIndex <BagType> <DstIndex> <SrcIndex>

  • ForceSetItemTotalGetCount <ItemID> <Count>

  • ForceSetItemUseCount <ItemID> <Count>

  • ForceSetKiraReplacementSec <Seconds>

  • ForceSetMedalCount <Count>

  • ForceSetObjectDestructionCount <Count>

  • ForceSetPlaythrough <Through>

  • ForceSetQuestClearCount <Count>

  • ForceSetRenkeiUseCount <Count>

  • ForceSetSibariPlayDisplayFlag <bFlag>

  • ForceSetSibariPlayFlag <Type> <bFlag>

  • ForceSetTokugiUseCount <ActionID> <Count>

  • ForceSetWorldTime <Hour> <Min> <Sec> <bResetNPCSchedule>

  • FrameSkip

  • FrameTimeControl <Mode>

  • FreeCamera

  • FriendJoin <InName>

  • FriendLeave <InName>

  • FriendLeaveKeepItems <InName>

  • FusigiKaziGetNowGaugeValue>

  • FusigiKaziSetGaugeValue

  • FusigiKaziSetSuccessNum

  • FusigiKaziSetTemperature

  • GatherOnMemoryObject <StrAddr>

  • GetFlag <FlagCategory> <FlagName>

  • Gold <InGold>

  • GuestNpcJoin <InName>

  • GuestNpcLeave <InName>

  • GuestNpcWarp <InType>

  • HPSet <InName> <NewHP>

  • HideScreenShotCopyright

  • ImportSaveData

  • IncrementalGC

  • JackHelp

  • JumonForget <InName>

  • JumonGet <InName>

  • KaziFlagSet <InFlag>

  • KeyConfigTest <bDefault>

  • KillOffMonsters

  • KillOffPlayers

  • LevelPause

  • LevelSet <InName> <InLevel>

  • LoadGame

  • LoadSavedGame

  • LoadSystem

  • LoadingTipsSwitchTime <InTipsSwitchTime>

  • LoadingTipsView <InTipsNo>

  • LogAssetInfo <AssetPath>

  • LogAssetList <AssetPath>

  • LogFNameList <bDumpNameHash>

  • LogItemPictorialBookInfo

  • LogLevelPackageInfo

  • LogLevelPackageList

  • LogMapStartPackageInfo <MapStartName>

  • LogMapStartPackageList <MapStartName>

  • LogMemoryPackageInfo

  • LogMemoryPackageList

  • LogNPCInfo <Mode>

  • LogPackageInfo <PackagePath>

  • LogPackageList <PackagePath>

  • LogShowTextMacroReplace

  • MPMax <InName>

  • MPSet <InName> <NewMP>

  • MSC <DebugCommandMacroShortCut>

  • MeasureLetterSize

  • MigrationOfSaveData

  • MonsterForceLotteryType <InLotteryType>

  • MonsterGeneratorEnabled

  • MonsterLotteryNumMax <InSpecifyCost>

  • MonsterSensorEnabled

  • MonsterSpawn <MonsterID>

  • MonsterSpawnNear

  • MonsterSpawnWithSubstance <MonsterID> <SubstanceId>

  • MusicDirectLoadMode

  • MuteAudio

  • Muteki <InName> <bEnabled>

  • OddEffectClear <OddEffectID> <TargetName>

  • OddEffectClearBad <TargetName>

  • OddEffectClearBattleEnd

  • OddEffectClearGood <TargetName>

  • OddEffectInfo

  • OddEffectSet <OddEffectID> <TargetName>

  • OddEffectSetTakusan <TargetName>

  • OpenImeNameEntry

  • OpenMiniMap

  • OpenPresentCodeInputScreen

  • OpenProductBrowse <DlcId>

  • PackagesLoadList <Search>

  • ParticleInfo

  • PartyTalkCameraSetting

  • PartyTalkFriendJoin <InType>

  • PartyTalkTestTalk <InTextNo>

  • PauseActorByName <Name> <bPause>

  • PauseItemGettableObject <bPause>

  • PerchMovement <bEnable>

  • PlayerMakerUpdateOnTeleport <bEnable>

  • PreloadExclusionBP_UN

  • PreloadExclusionMode <InMode>

  • PreloadLog

  • PreloadMap <MapStartName>

  • PreloadMemoryLog <InAutoTimer>

  • PreloadOnOff

  • PreloadOutPutLog

  • PreloadStopWatchStart <KeyName>

  • PreloadStopWatchStop <KeyName>

  • PreloadSubLevelFastMode <InMode>

  • PrintFontList

  • PrintLetters

  • PrintSimpleText <InTextId>

  • PrintSimpleTextArgs <ParamList> <ParamList>

  • PrintText <InTextId>

  • PrintTextArgs <ParamList> <ParamList>

  • QuestParamaterLogOutput <bOnlyValidData>

  • QuestProgressSet <QuestId> <ProgressFlag>

  • RandInfo

  • RandomEncountImmediately

  • RecoverAll <bRevive>

  • RefreshItemGettableObject

  • RefreshMonsterDeploy

  • RemoveFlagBreakPoint <FlagCategory> <FlagName>

  • RenkeiAvailable

  • RenkeiCutInFastestTimeZero

  • RenkeiFormationView

  • RenkeiSpectacleShowResult <Value>

  • ResetFlags <FlagCategory>

  • ResetGamePlayerCondition

  • ResetSteamAchievement

  • RiremitoJump <InJumpTag>

  • RootMotionDisabled <bDisabled>

  • RunMacro <DebugCommandMacro>

  • RunRate <PlayRate>

  • RuraDebugCheck <bStart>

  • RuraJump <InJumpTag>

  • SakusenSet <InName> <SakusenName>

  • SaveGame

  • SaveMapJourney

  • SaveSystem

  • SerifuWindowInvisible <bInvisible>

  • SetAchievedSibariSetting <Index> <bEnable>

  • SetActorHiddenInGame <PatternStr>

  • SetActorNotHiddenInGame <PatternStr>

  • SetActorRotation <Roll> <Pitch> <Yaw>

  • SetCSBatchArray <FilePath>

  • SetControlRotation <CameraRoll> <CameraPitch> <CameraYaw>

  • SetDecideButtonIsRightSide <bRightSide>

  • SetEnabledLiveStreaming <bEnable>

  • SetEnabledScreenShot <bEnable>

  • SetEnabledSharePlay <bEnable>

  • SetEnabledVideoRecording <bEnable>

  • SetEncountEnabled <bEnabled>

  • SetFlag <FlagCategory> <FlagName> <Value>

  • SetGCInterval <Interval>

  • SetGameplayTime <GameplayTime>

  • SetGraphicsOption <AntiAliasingQuality> <PostProcessingQuality> <ShadowQuality> <TextureQuality> <VisualEffectQuality> <FoliageQuality> <FrameRateLimit> <bVSyncEnabled> <WindowMode> <ScreenPercentage> <ScreenX> <ScreenY>

  • SetInstallDummyResult <Result>

  • SetKeyboardType <KeyboardType>

  • SetMapVisit <InMapVolumeID> <InVisited>

  • SetMiniMapVisible <bVisible>

  • SetMonsterOptimize <bEnabled>

  • SetNextLanguageType <Language>

  • SetOffAchievementMessage <bOn>

  • SetOffTutorialMessage <bOn>

  • SetPlayerCameraDataArmLength <ArmLengthMin> <ArmLengthMax>

  • SetPlayerName <PlayerName>

  • SetSaveLoadForceFailResult <InForceFailResult>

  • SetSeisui

  • SetShareEnable <bEnable>

  • SetTextLogEnabled <bEnabled>

  • SetToherosu

  • SetWorldMapVisible <bVisible>

  • ShowBehaviorNGCutScene

  • ShowClothCollisions

  • ShowCutSceneMovieTimelineInfo

  • ShowCutSceneTextureLoadInfo

  • ShowFlagBreakPoints

  • ShowGuestFollowTargetLine

  • ShowLastBehaviorName

  • ShowMonsterGeneratorInfo

  • ShowMonsterSensor

  • ShowMonsterSymbolInfo

  • ShowParticleEffectComponentInWorldSettings

  • ShowPartyTalkSafeAreaInfo

  • ShowPartyTalkSafeAreaLine

  • ShowPartyTalkingSafeArea

  • ShowRandomEncountInfo

  • Slomo3x

  • SlomoDown

  • SlomoReset

  • SlomoUp

  • StartCSAutoMovieCapture

  • StopCSAutoMovieCapture

  • StreamedObjectsToBeResident

  • TabiNoKokoroeTaughtFlagSet <TabiNoKokoroeID> <bNewFlag>

  • TeleportLocation <X> <Y> <Z>

  • TeleportMapStart

  • ToggleAutoSaveEnabled

  • ToggleReturnToAutoSaveVolumeEnable

  • ToggleSaveLoadForceFailMode

  • TokugiClose <TokugiPanelID> <bConsumePoint>

  • TokugiOpen <TokugiPanelID> <bConsumePoint>

  • TokugiPoint <TargetCharacter> <Point>

  • TraceCutSceneMatineeInfo

  • TryLoadAsset <AssetPath>

  • TryLoadLevel <LevelPath>

  • TryLoadPackage <PackagePath>

  • UpdatePackageStatus

  • UpdatePartyFromCutScene

  • ValidateMemory <Type>

  • VehicleSpawn <VehicleName>

  • ZoneEnable

  • ZoneKeepRemainTurn <Value>

  • ZonePoint <Value>

Unlisted Commands:

  • TestPlayerDash <InDashSpeedMult>

Modding Information & Tutorials

Presets and other configurations to get the best visuals/performance from XI S: INI Tweaks

Getting started using the dev console

Unlocking the Console
Using the Console [Tutorials]

Getting started with modding

  • Check out our curated list of Essential Mods for XI S!

  • Or browse our Mods Directory to find mods by category!

  • Want to experience XI/XI S in VR? Check out the DQXI-VR page for information! (unfinished)

Modding Tutorials

In-game IDs & reference material