[ Flying Balloons Puppet ]

Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 印尼日惹

  • 團隊介紹 Introduction

Flying Balloons Puppet is a young, prolific, energetic and optimistic theatre troupe. The founder, Rangga Dwi Apriadinnur, explores the field of puppetry with a background in theatrical performance. Some of the members do not have theatre experience. Therefore, the troupe adopts a system of mentorship to pass on the experiences and collaborate with one another. This might also be the reason why the troupe is open to various experiments with performance forms, space and collaborations with other artists.

Flying Balloons Puppet currently has five members with one founder/director/puppet builder/puppeteer, one co-founder/artistic director/puppet builder/puppeteer, and three other puppet builders and puppeteers.

Flying Balloons Puppet 是一個年輕而多產,充滿活力、樂觀的劇團。創辦人 Rangga Dwi Apriadinnur 以戲劇表演的背景進入偶戲的領域探索,而有些成員並沒有劇場背景,因此以類似師徒制度的模式,傳承經驗並互相合作。也許正是此原因,使劇團在演出形式、空間、合作對象有相當多樣的嘗試。


  • 偶戲創作及願景 Mission and Vision

Flying Balloons Puppet incorporates life-sized puppets, shadow puppets and semi-bunraku style puppets, sock puppets and recently fabric puppets in their works. They pay close attention to the environment and Indonesian mythologies. Flying Balloons Puppet’s creative process begins with stories, and then they create objects or puppets. Through exploring physical movements and other forms of arts, they experiment with different possibilities of storytelling, and find a unique language through puppets.

Flying Balloons Puppet 混合使用半身偶、影戲、類「文樂」樣式的戲偶、襪子偶,以及近期製作的 fabric puppet。他們關注環境以及印尼地方傳說。從故事出發,創作物件或偶,同時透過肢體表現或其它藝術形式的選擇,嘗試任何說故事的可能性,並在偶身上找到了獨特的語言。

  • 演出規模 Performance Scale

Flying Balloons Puppet usually has one to two original productions each year. Other performances are remakes or collaborative projects.

They have performed in theatre, classrooms, open spaces, rice fields and historical sites before. They believe that each space has its own unique way of expression which requires artists to learn about the space and breathe life into it through performances.

Flying Balloons Puppet 通常一年會製作一到兩齣原創作品。其它則是重演舊戲或與其他藝術家合作。


  • 國際交流 International Exchange

Flying Balloons Puppet’s first international performance took place at the 2019 George Town Festival. They presented their latest production, Pongo Abelii, an experimental piece that explores different forms of performance.

Though they have never invited international artists for collaborations before, they usually attend performances or workshops hosted by foreign artists when they visit Indonesia or during the international art festivals in Yogyakarta.

Flying Balloons Puppet 首次的海外演出為 2019 年參與的喬治市藝術節,搬演最新的製作 「Pongo Abelii」,一個嘗試不同演出形式的實驗作品。


Photo Credit: Flying Balloons Puppet