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Program Electives

These Series of courses are organized by portfolios within the focuses.

Reference these recommendations when you are choosing your Program Electives. It will ensure that you are building a portfolio suitable to a particular field within the Digital Art & Design industry. Keep in mind that you will have additional opportunities to create focused portfolio projects in Thesis I & II as well as Professional Studio I & II (an additional 4 courses).

Concentration in Multimedia Design:

Interaction Design Portfolio

Interactive User Experiences for Websites, Advertising, Games, AR/VR and Mobile Devices .

Motion Design Portfolio

Animation and video for Television & Film Titles, Advertising, and Infographics.

Concentration in Entertainment Arts:

Visual Development Portfolio:

(choose 5)

Visual Development and Production Design for game, animation, and multimedia.

3D Game Art Portfolio

Concepting, 3D Modeling, and texturing.

Complete list of Digital Art and Design Program Electives

Courses Offered Fall Only

Courses Offered Spring Only