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Get Advising

When to go to the General Advising Counselor:

  • help with Gen Ed course options

  • help with Art History course options

  • help with transferring Gen Ed and Art Courses

  • help with Good Study Habits

  • help with signing up for graduation

Carol Sloan is our General Advising Counselor:

You can sign up for a meeting with her here (external link).

Apply for Graduation: type “application for degree” in the search bar on the website to find the most recent form. Send that form to Carol and Mary.

When to go to your asigned DAD Faculty Advisor:

  • every semester when you need to set up your course schedule

  • help with figuring out your program focus

  • help with transferring your program courses

  • portfolio guidance

DAD Program Advisors

Susan Bonner (she, her, hers)

Bill Fischer (he, him, his)

Mike Dollar (he, him, his)