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Dual Enrollment

in Digital Art and Design at Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University

See this video about the Dual Enrollment for Intro to Digital 3D:

  • Offered Fall 2021

  • SVL Students only: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-6:30 Synchronous online.

  • Any Dual Enrollment Student: Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30-6:30 Synchronous online.

See this video about the Dual Enrollment for Sound Design:

  • Offered Fall 2021

  • Any Dual Enrollment Student: Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30-6:30 Synchronous online.

Find out more and apply:

Frequently Asked Questions:

How will you work with students who may not have access to higher-end computer hardware and software in your Sound Design and Intro to Digital 3D course(s)?

  • KCAD Digital Art and Design Labs have computers with all the software and hardware that is needed for these courses.

  • Due to Covid-19 restrictions access may be restricted. Please see (external link) for updates.

  • For the Spring of 2021 the Digital Art and Design Dual Enrollment courses are fully online.

  • If you are a SVL (Success Virtual Learning) or "Link" student, SVL or Link will work with their advisor for the equipment and software provided by SVL or Link.

Sound Design:

  • Specialized External hardware such as recording equipment is needed for Sound Design and the Sound Design students will have access to that equipment for checkout and pick up at the college or in some cases the equipment can be shipped to them during Spring of 2021. We will work with you to get the recording equipment you need to start. The equipment is a part of the Digital Resource course fee.

  • There is free software that you could use to take the Sound Design course and Mike Dollar, the instructor can help you to access it. Please email Mike Dollar at for more information.

  • The software is called Cake Walk by Bandlab and it can be found here: (external link) Cake Walk will only work on a PC. For those with a Mac, they will be required to purchase the Monthly Adobe Creative Cloud subscription for around $29 per month.

Intro to Digital 3D:

  • The Intro to Digital 3D a student only needs access to a 3 Button mouse. The software, Modo is free.

What software programs are essential for a student to successfully complete your course?

Sound Design:

Intro to Digital 3D:

Can students in your course use a non-Mac computer as long as they have the ability to run the software required?

    • Students may use a PC or Mac, our software will work on either.

    • The horsepower that the computer you learn on has is important for being able to complete multimedia art and design.

    • We usually recommend no less then 16 GB of Ram. The software CakeWalk, for sound design can run on 4GB of Memory. See their site for specs: (external link)

    • See the KCAD Digital Art and Design Technical Requirements here:

    • If you have a different computer and are interested in taking the course you still may be able to.

    • Please reach out to Susan Bonner by emailing to review the computer specifications you have access to so that we can determine if you will be able to take the course.

Equipment that generally will not be powerful enough for these courses:

    • Tablets

    • Chrome books

    • iPads

Unsure about the course or the equipment?

    • Reach out to Susan Bonner by emailing:

    • I would be happy to help you understand the course content and what you will need to succeed.