
2021 World Population is 7.9 Billion

Globally, 69% or 3.8 Billion have a bank account

1% of worlds population owns one half (1/2 ) of worlds wealth or USD$280 Trillion =

Baby Boomers control three-quarters of the world’s net worth

9 out of 10 Gen Z babies ( born 1997-2015) were born in the emerging markets

Home Equity Line of Credit ( Canada ) =

The Balance Collateral Loan =

Everything you see or hear is hyped. Advertisements are everywhere. Even comments overheard in coffee shops, on social media sites and on radio and in newspaper is influenced by someone or some company. At one time a recommendation is something you could count on, but now, that comment has been devised by a company who paid for an "Influencer" who spoke the words at just the right time to just the right demographic group who may just buy the idea and base their future purchases on what they heard or saw. You can't trust anyone.

To survive in this world, you need to work to earn money or have someone give you money to pay for things you need. Your decisions are based on how well you foresaw the options and whether you chose well or poorly. Your status in the world is judged by others who made good decisions or poor decisions. How you invest and what you invest in, is one of those decisions.

World Population