WAF Season 1

I'm taking a new approach to managing a wrestling federation. I'm starting with the 1970s WAF set using Face to the Mat. My goal is to start small, as any new federation would. Our first 'season' will be a few random events at local high school gyms. From there we have big aspirations to build into a huge federation.

Here's how this will work. I selected 20 wrestlers to start with. 14 male and 6 female wrestlers. Of the 14, six are assigned to tag teams. I have one stable, the real heels of the federation. Each event, my hot box wrestlers will consist of non-fed wrestlers. If they end up being part of the action, I'm signing them to a contract! Same rules apply to the celebrities. These will also be non-Fed wrestlers who will be signed if called into action.

For starters, we will have just one Championship belt. That goes up for grabs each night. I am tracking injuries, grudge points, and TV ratings. Everything else comes from the charts. At the end of each 'season' I will run the Commissioner's edict cards to determine the fate of each wrestler in the federation.

As new wrestlers join, we will slowly add tag teams and stables. At 14 wrestlers, the females will create 3 tag teams. After that, for both male and female, we will add two tag teams for every 10 new wrestlers. A new stable will be created every 20 wrestlers.

Once I run through the 70s WAF set, I will move on to the 80s WAF set, then the 90s.

Let's get ready to ... well, you know the saying!

Preliminary storylines (before the first match)

Armed Forces is the Heel stable of my new federation. It features the Armed Forces tag team of Cap'n Black and Colonel Union, male wrestlers Sargeant Slash and Chief Wahoo, and female wrestler Bunny Munsey.

The Hometown Boys is a Face tag team featuring Ray Edd Hargus and Haystacks Hill.

Southern Comfort is a neutral tag team featuring Roughneck Ron and Croc Wilson.

For the individual male wrestlers, Mr. Everything is a Heel. The Rasslin' Rabbi and Kwang Choi are both Faces. The Big Grabowski, Bananas Foster, and Lobsterman are all neutral.

For the female wrestlers, Heather Glenn is a Face and Debbie Caruso, The Snakestress, Lisette Montreal, and Earthquake Erma are all neutral.

WAF I: Long Island High

Lisette Montreal v. The Snakestress: Lisette Montreal gets booed by the crowd during her entrance. Snakestress executes her finisher for the win. Paul Revere makes an appearance and convinces the ref to reverse the decision!

Interview: Bea from the Sea makes an appearance during Heather Glenn's segment and issues her a Grudge Match challenge for the next event!

Lobsterman v. Chief Wahoo: Z makes a surprise appearance and steals the mic. He electrifies the gym and sees a bump in his TV rating. Lobsterman gets hurt during the match and is unable to finish. Chief Wahoo gets the win but is booed by the crowd for dirty tactics.

Hometown Boys v. Armed Forces: Tag Match! Big Dog Dickerson joins Armed Forces before the match and the three wrestlers excite the crowd, gaining all a bump in their TV ratings. Cap n' Black secures an immediate win and then issues a Cage Grudge Match challenge to Crash Bradley! Haystacks Hill attacks Cap n' Black as the crowd roars and sees a bump in his TV rating.

Interview: The Big Grabowski has a great segment and sees a bump in his TV rating.

Kwang Choi v. Sergeant Slash: Sergeant Slash attacks Kwang Choi before the bell. Kwang Choi locks in a submission hold securing an immediate win. Kwang Choi gets a huge pop from the crowd for his effort.

The Rasslin' Rabbi v. Mr. Everything w/Bunny Munsey: Championship Match! Mr. Everything attacks the Rabbi before the bell. Bunny Munsey gets ejected for her interference in the match. Mr. Everything secures an immediate win after injuring The Rasslin' Rabbi. Kid Cowboy comes to the Rabbi's defense and starts a feud with Mr. Everything. Mr. Everything is the new champion and sees a bump in his TV rating!

WAF II: Manhattan Armory

Bea from the Sea v. Heather Glenn: Hardcore Grudge Match! Lisette Montreal accompanies Bea from the Sea to ringside and both receive a huge pop from the crowd. Heather Glenn wins the match. Ruka makes a surprise appearance and gets booed by the crowd. Heather Glenn sees her TV rating bumped, while Bea from the Sea sees her rating drop.

Interview: The Snakestress has a poor segment resulting in a drop in her TV rating.

Bananas Foster v. The Big Grabowski: Bananas Foster gets a huge pop from the crowd on his entrance. The match spills over into the concession stands where Big Grabowski secures the win. Big Grabowski gets a bump in his TV rating.

Southern Comfort v. Hometown Boys: Tag Match! Chief Wahoo makes a surprise appearance ringside and gets a huge pop from the crowd. Ray Edd Harguss and Croc Wilson have an epic moment mid-match and get a huge pop from the crowd. Hometown Boys secure the win, by the Commissioner makes an appearance to reverse the decision. Hometown Boys issue a grudge re-match challenge to Southern Comfort.

Interview: Lobsterman gets a huge pop from the crowd during his segment. Z makes an appearance and issues Lobsterman a Grudge Match challenge for the next event!

Cap n' Black v. Crash Bradley: Cage Grudge Match! Cap n' Black gets a huge pop from the crowd. Crash Bradley is injured mid-match and cannot continue. Cap n' Black wins the match, but is booed by the crowd for his dirty tactics. Cap n' Black sees a bump in his TV rating, while Crash Bradley's rating drops. Cap n' Black then issues a Grudge Match challenge to Pete Revere!

Kwang Choi v. Mr. Everything: Championship Match! Kwang Choi gets a huge pop from the crowd. Kwang Choi wins the match. Kwang Choi gets booed by the crowd for a lackluster match, but is the new champion!

WAF III: Westchester Fairgrounds

Debbie Caruso v. Bunny Munsey: Debbie Caruso gets a huge pop from the crowd during her entrance. The ref is KO'd and Bunny Munsey secured an immediate win. Bunny Munsey gets a huge pop from the crowd and also see a bump in her TV rating.

Interview: The Rasslin' Rabbi invites Hank McFee out during his segment and the two get a huge pop from the crowd. Their segment electrifies the fairgrounds and both see a bump in their TV rating.

Z v. Lobsterman: Grudge Match! Lobsterman secures an immediate win. Lobsterman sees a bump in his TV rating, while Z sees his drop.

Southern Comfort v. Hometown Boys: Grudge Tag Match! Southern Comfort gets booed on their entrance. Roughneck Ron delivers his finisher for the win. Roughneck Ron and Croc Wilson get booed by the crowd for dirty tactics.

Interview: Mr. Everything issues a grudge match challenge to Steve America.

Cap n' Black v. Pete Revere: Grudge Match! Cap n' Black gets booed by the crowd during his entrance. The wrestlers stop their match midway through to announce they have jumped to a rival fed! Match ends prematurely.

Kwang Choi v. Chief Wahoo: Championship Match! Kwang Choi gets a huge pop from the crowd. Kwang Choi delivers his finisher for the win. Doc Off Rocker makes a surprise appearance, only to get booed by the crowd.

WAF IV: Bronx Science

Ruka v. Lisette Montreal: Ruka gets a huge pop from the crowd. Ruka grabs the microphone mid-match and gets another huge pop from the crowd. Lisette answers by securing the pinfall. Debbie Caruso makes a surprise entrance after the match and gets a huge pop from the crowd.

Interview: Doc Off Rocker is attacked by an unknown assailant and is injured. Gaylord T. Goode makes a surprise entrance and is booed by the crowd.

Big Dog Dickerson v. Hank McFee: Copacetic makes a surprise appearance before the match and gets a huge pop from the crowd. Big Dog Dickerson executes his finisher for the win. Both wrestlers get a huge pop from the crowd for the match.

Southern Comfort v. Armed Forces: Tag Match! Armed Forces is booed by the crowd during their entrance. Armed Forces wins by count out, but the Commissioner intervene4s and reverses the decision!

Interview: Bea from the Sea gets a huge pop from the crowd and electrifies the gym receiving two bumps to her TV rating! Duke of Whirl makes a surprise appearance and challenges Lucky Lou Cool to a Grudge Match!

Mr. Everything v. Steve America: Grudge Match! Steve America gets a huge pop from the crowd. Mr. Everything secures the pinfall. Mr. Everything sees a bump in his TV rating while Steve America sees his drop.

Kwang Choi v. Lobsterman: Championship Match! Lobsterman gets a huge pop from the crowd. Kwang Choi executes his finisher for the win. Mother Mertz makes a surprise appearance after the match and gets a huge pop from the crowd.

WAF V: Coney Island

Bea from the Sea v. Bunny Munsey: Bunny Munsey gets a huge pop from the crowd. Bea from the Sea wins by pinfall. Bunny gets booed by the crowd for her lackluster performance.

Interview: Gaylord T. Goode gets a huge pop from the crowd. Roger Elder makes a surprise appearance to challenge Kwang Choi for the championship. Gaylord T. Goode agrees to quit if Elder wins!

Mother Mertz v. Copacetic: Joe Matlock makes a surprise appearance and gets a huge pop from the crowd. Copacetic wins by pinfall. The Commissioner compliments the match performance, which receives jeers from the crowd for both wrestlers.

Big Fun v. Armed Forces: Tag Match! Armed Forces gets booed by the crowd. Armed Forces quickly dominates for an immediate win. Tred Whitewall makes an appearance and gets booed by the crowd.

Interview: Z comes up short in his interview segment and gets booed by the crowd.

Duke of Whirl v. Lucky Lou Cool: Grudge Match! Duke of Whirl is booed on his entrance. Lucky Lou Cool secures an immediate win. Lucky Lou Cool sees a bump in his TV rating while Duke of Whirl's rating drops. Lucky Lou Cool then gets a grudge match with Tucson Jones for the next event.

Kwang Choi v. Hank McFee: Championship Match! Kwang Choi gets a huge pop from the crowd. The ref gets KO's and Dan Hammer takes over, favoring Choi. Hank McFee leaves the ring and is counted out by Hammer. Kwang Choi gets another huge pop from the crowd.

WAF VI: Prospect Park

Ruka v. Debbie Caruso: Ruka gets a huge pop from the crowd. Debbie Caruso secures an immediate win. Melanie Mellon challenges Debbie Caruso to a match.

Interview: Lisette Montreal has little action in her segment. Boom Boom Barrignton steals the spotlight and gets a huge pop from the crowd.

Mr. Everything v. Bananas Foster: Mr. Everything gets a huge pop from the crowd. Sergeant Slash takes over for Mr. Everything and KOs the ref. Sergeant Slash secures the pinfall. Sergeant Slash issues a grudge re-match challenge to Bananas Foster.

Southern Comfort v. Big Fun: Tag Match! Southern Comfort gets a huge pop from the crowd. Big Fun secures the win. Both teams get booed by the crowd.

Interview: During Crash Bradley's interview, The Beautiful One appears and issues a grudge match challenge.

Lucky Lou Cool v. Tucson Jones: Grudge Match! Tucson Jones gets a huge pop from the crowd. Lucky Lou Cool secures the win, but the decision is reversed by a scheming Fast Bobby Bernard. Tucson Jones gets a TV bump and Lucky Lou Cool drops in his rating.

Kwang Choi v. Roger Elder: Championship Match! Roger Elder and Dan Hammer get a TV Rating bump for pre-match spot. Kwang Choi is DQ's. Roger Elder issues a Grudge Re-Match Challenge.

WAF VII: Wagner College

Melanie Mellon v. Debbie Caruso: Mid-match, Caruso went down to the TV booth and issued a Grudge re-match with Melanie Mellon, before re-entering the ring and delivering her finisher. The crowd didn't enjoy the match too much and both lost grudge points.

Interview: Chief Wahoo was left standing in the ring until Doc Off Rocker appeared to take the hosting duties. The two yucked it up for the crowd and got a pop from the crowd as well as a bump each in TV ratings.

The Beautiful One v. Crash Bradley: Grudge Match! Crash Bradley got a huge pop from the crowd, but it was The Beautiful One who delivered his finisher for the win. Gaylord T. Goode appeared from backstage and attacked The Beautiful One. The Beautiful One get a bump in TV rating while Crash Bradley dropped.

Hometown Boys v. Lobsterman & Fast Bobby Bernard: Tag Match! Lobsterman & Fast Bobby Bernard got a pop from the crowd. Ray Edd Harguss delivered his finisher for the win. The Commissioner berated their performance, allowing all four wrestlers to get a huge pop from the crowd.

Interview: Hank McFee made a poor showing and got booed by the crowd

Sergeant Slash v. Bananas Foster: Grudge Match! Bananas Foster got booed on entrance, but Sergeant Slash prevailed by executing his finisher. Sergeant Slash got booed from the crowd, but also got a bump in his TV Rating, while Bananas Foster lost a rung in his TV rating.

Kwang Choi v. Roger Elder: Championship Grudge Match! Kwang Choi got booed from the crowd, but it was Roger Elder who KO'd the ref. Steve America and Duke of Whirl entered the ring along with a new ref and the match turned into a Tag Match! Duke of Whirl ended the match with his finisher. Carmine Rizzuto jumped out from the stands and pleased with the ref who reversed his decision, giving Kwang Choi and Steve America the win and a bump in their TV Ratings. Roger Elder and Duke of Whirl each dropped in their ratings.

WAF VIII: Nassau Coliseum

Melanie Mellon v. Debbie Caruso: Earthquake Erma gets a huge pop from the crowd as she watches ringside. Debbie Caruso secures the pinfall and gets a huge ovation for her win.

Interview: Chief Wahoo interrupts Bunny Munsey's interview and challenges host Steve America to a Grudge Match at the next show.

Gaylord T. Goode v. The Beautiful One: Duke of Whirl does a great spot before the match and gets a TV bump. Roger Elder replaces The Beautiful One mid-match and secures the pinfall. Ray Edd Harguss makes a plea for more airtime and gets a big crowd response.

Big Fun v. Hank McFee & Tucson Jones: Tag Match! Crash Bradley joins the commentary team and gets a huge response from the crowd. Big Fun gets the win by pinfall. Copacetic complains about the referee and gets a huge pop from the crowd.

Interview: Lucky Lou Cool and Crash Bradley get jumped by two celebrities and a fight breaks out. Carmine Rizzuto and Jerry Wayne (celebrities) challenge the two to a Grudge Tag Match at the next show. Lucky Lou Cool gets a TV bump.

Mr. Everything v. The Rasslin' Rabbi: Hardcore Grudge Match! Mr. Everything secures an Immediate Win and gets a huge pop from the crowd. He also gets a TV bump while The Rasslin' Rabbi sees his rating fall.

Kwang Choi v. Lobsterman: Championship Match! Kwang Choi got booed from the crowd. He secures the pinfall for the win, only to get a bigger negative response from the crowd who seem to be tiring of his reign as champion. After the match Hometown Boys announce a new alliance with Hank McFee, Tucson Jones, and Heather Glenn as they form a new stable to challenge Armed Forces.

WAF IX: Citi Field

Bunny Munsey v. Lisette Montreal: The crowd turns on Lisette Montreal during her entrance. Lisette Montreal secures the pinfall. The crowd loves her performance and gives her a huge pop.

Interview: Bea From the Sea gets a huge pop from the crowd during her segment.

Ray Edd Harguss v. Sergeant Slash: Sergeant Slash gets a huge pop from the crowd. Ray Edd Harguss wins with his finisher. The Commissioner speaks glowingly of both wrestlers deflating their grudge.

Carmine Rizzuto & Jerry Wayne v. Lucky Lou Cool & Crash Bradley: Grudge Tag Match! Lobsterman makes a surprise appearance and is booed by the crowd. Lucky Lou Cool & Crash Bradley win by pinfall. Carmine Rizzuto & Jerry Wayne geta huge pop for their performance in a losing effort. Lucky Lou Cool & Crash Bradley improve their TV rating, while Carmine Rizzuto & Jerry Wayne lower their TV rating.

Interview: The Rasslin' Rabbi interrupts Bananas Foster's interview and issues him a grudge match challenge at the next show.

Chief Wahoo v. Steve America: Hardcore Grudge Match! Big Dog Dickerson makes an appearance at the commentator's booth and is booed by the crowd. Steve America wins by pinfall. Steve America gets a huge ovation from the crowd and sees his TV rating improve. Chief Wahoo suffers a drop in his TV rating.

Kwang Choi v. Mr. Everything: Championship Match! Kwang Choi got booed from the crowd. Mr. Everything suffers a TV rating decline when his valet interrupts the match. Kwang Choi secures the pinfall for the win and see his TV rating improve.

WAF X: Carrier Dome

Earthquake Erma v. Heather Glenn: Earthquake Erma hits Heather Glenn with a steel chair several times during her opening statement. Earthquake Erma tosses Heather Glenn from the ring, and Heather is counted out. Despite being banged up, the crowd loves her effort and she sees her TV rating improve.

Interview: Kevin Linton comes out of the crowd and interrupts Croc Wilson's interview. The two argue and Kevin Linton executes his finisher on Croc Wilson, receiving a huge bump in his TV rating.

Joe Matlock v. Boom Boom Barrington: Kid Cowboy makes an appearance at ringside and is booed by the crowd. Joe Matlock attacks the ref twice, finally getting DQ'd on the second attack. The Commissioner has kind words for both wrestlers, and the fans turn on them.

Dan Hammer & Tred Whitewall v. Armed Forces: Tag Match! Dan Hammer & Tred Whitewall get a low-key response from the crowd who aren't sure who they are. Sergeant Slash executes his finisher for the win. Dan Hammer & Tred Whitewall put in a good performance against the veteran tag team, and the crowd gives them a huge pop.

Interview: Copacetic has a less than stellar interview, and while his TV rating drops, the crowd still sees him as a fan favorite and gives him a nice ovation.

The Rasslin' Rabbi v. Bananas Foster: Hardcore Grudge Match! Mother Mertz joins the announcer's ringside and gets a huge pop from the crowd. The Rasslin' Rabbi secures the pinfall. The Duke of Whirl appears from backstage after the match and the crowd booes him. The Rasslin' Rabbi gets a TV rating boost, while Bananas Foster sees his rating decline.

Kwang Choi v. Lucky Lou Cool: Championship Match! Lucky Lou Cool gets a huge pop from the corwd during his entrance. Kwang Choi executes his finisher for the win. The crowd still turns on Kwang Choi as they grow increasingly tired of his dominance in the division.