2000 Football America



Left to Play


This is a new approach to a cooperative tabletop gaming experience. We are looking to gather a large number of gamers who are interested in participating in a full season replay with a minimal commitment. The goal is to complete a 13 team football season in less than month.

Gamers are not required to 'own a team'. Instead, they are assigned games at random. You play your game and report your score. If you only want to play a single game, your commitment is over. If you want to play more, you'll get another game assigned. have a favorite team? You can request only games featuring that team as long as there are games left to play for them.

We're recreating the 2000 Football America season using Second Season Express by Plaay Games. We chose this season primarily because it is offered for free on the Plaay Games site - so no purchase is required (if you already own the Second Season Express game). We chose Second Season Express, because you can finish a game in about 30-45 minutes. We don't require any stat keeping for this initial season, but no one is stopping you from tracking more detailed stats.

When you sign up, The Commissioner will send you a game to play. Once you finish playing that game, you email him back with the final score. That's it! If you request another game, he'll send you another one.

Interested? Use the Register link below.

Want to see more about why I developed this format? Read my blog post below.

You can register using this Google Form: https://forms.gle/FaAMLZN1PeP5CHMT9

And you can read more about my idea on this blog: Tabletop Projects: The Community Approach

Commissioner's Notes

9/17 A special thanks to everyone participating! We are off to a great start with this season replay. After only three days, we already have one quarter of the schedule either completed or on deck to play. You can see from the standings that Birmingham is establishing themselves early on and Bay Area looks like they are in some trouble. So far 10 different gamers have participated, and I'm hoping to increase that number over the next week. I hope you continue to have fun with this project. Looking forward to how the next few weeks unfold!

9/18 Four days and 1/3 of the season is either complete or scheduled for play! Wow. Three teams remain unbeaten, but Detroit has only played one game to date. Birmingham remains the team to beat with Highland Ranch putting up a good showing so far as well. Bay Area and Chicago are each 0-3 and seeking win #1.

9/20 Tomorrow will be a full week since we launched this effort, and 50% completion is within site. Huge shout out to everyone participating! Highlands Ranch has become the team to beat as they now sit at 3-0 and the lone undefeated team in the league after Birmingham dropped two in a row. Chicago beat Birmingham and Bay Area won an overtime thriller to give every team at least one win on the season. The standings have been improved to capture more detail.

9/22 In just 8 days we crossed the 50% completion mark! Exactly half of the games are either completed or scheduled. Highlands Ranch is now 4-0, just 1/2 game better than Philadelphia at 4-1. It's still anyone's division for the taking, but we are clearly seeing the strong teams separate from the weaker ones.

9/23 Our completion rate continues to climb. I introduced a new award at the bottom of the web page. Highlands Ranch continues to lead the pack at 4-0. Bay Area has completed 8 of their 12 games. Chicago and Detroit are struggling at the bottom of the standings. We've had two OT games so far. Our high game score is 49 points (Highlands Ranch) and our low score is 3 points (Portland).

9/24 We continue to march forward with a good number of games turned in today. Highlands Ranch finally lost, but continue to outpace the league with a 6-1 record. Philadelphia sits in second with a 4-1 record. I got confirmation from Keith Avallone that our championship game, between the top two teams, will take place on the Plaay Space live once we complete the season!

9/26 Congratulations to John M. McGuinness for completing the Tour of America challenge! John adds his name to our award winners (seen below). Highlands Ranch is still in first place with a 7-1 record. Philadelphia is 5-1, and these two seemed poised for a championship showdown. We are 2/3 of the way through our season with tomorrow marking our 2-week mark. Tremendous progress!

9/27 Today our cooperative project was showcased in the Plaay Connect newsletter. No bump in participants so far, but we are at 74% of the project complete now. Highlands Ranch is now the only one loss team left in the league and Philadelphia and New Jersey are tied at 5-2 in second place. Every team has played at least six games and two teams have already played their 10th game. Appreciate all those that have taken part and hoping we have enough stamina left to see it to the finish! fingers crossed we get a few others to pitch in hand with a single game here and there.

9/28 Congratulations to Tom Bromwell who became the third PLAAYer to complete the Tour of America Challenge. We are now two weeks into this project and as you can see above, we've completed 81% of all games. Highlands Ranch is still on top and the only team over 300 points. The are averaging 36.1 per game. Behind them the shuffling has started with New Jersey (5-2) and Orlando (6-3) emerging as contenders ... for now. Bay Area has allowed 300+ points, the only team to hit that ominous mark. They allow 32.6 per game. Los Angeles remains in last place with a 2-7 mark. Every team has completed as least 7 games.

9/30 In the last hour of September and we had a great couple of days for this project. First, congratulations to Rob Gallamore for becoming the fourth person to complete the Tour of America challenge! Second, welcome to Steve Heller and Casey Rice who both completed their first games and give us 13 Plaayers in this cooperative effort! Third, we are now over 90% complete! We also saw our first team complete their season, as Orlando finishes at 7-5. They are not officially eliminated yet, but many teams now are. That is because Highlands Ranch clinched the #1 seed by reaching a mark of 10-1 on the season. Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles, Bay Area, and Detroit are all eliminated, although we will complete their seasons.

10/1 A few more games completed and we now have only 3 games left to schedule! Portland wrapped up their schedule, finishing with a 5-7 record. The second championship game spot is still up for grabs as that race tightens between the remaining teams. Looking forward to getting the last few remaining games scheduled and those out for play wrapped up. Going to be an interesting finish!

10/2 Tonight I scheduled the last remaining game, so completion is now in your hands! We have 9 games queued up and I'll be reaching out to everyone to make sure they are still willing to play those games. Memphis, Birmingham, and San Antonio were all eliminated in the past 24 hours. The race for the final spot in the Championship game is down to Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York, and Orlando. Who will head to Highlands Ranch to face the #1 seed? We will find out in the next few days!

10/3 Only three games remain in the schedule and the final championship spot is technically still up for grabs. Philadelphia hosts Chicago needing a win to claim that spot outright. If they lose, they need to maintain their comfortable point differential lead to win a tiebreaker with New Jersey and Orlando. John McGuinness is playing that game for his project leading 16th game! I was finally able to complete the Tour of America challenge and the final group of award winners is posted below. I'll update later tonight if any more results come in.

10/4 We are just about to wrap this up. There is only one game left to play and it has no bearing on the championship game. Philadelphia has clinched the second seed, despite losing their final two games and making it close. Philadelphia, Orlando, and New Jersey ended up tied at 7-5. Philadelphia beat Orlando in OT in Game 15, New Jersey beat Philadelphia in Game 6, and Orlando beat New Jersey in Game 64. So with head-to-head a non factor, Point Differential was the tiebreaker. Philadelphia finished the season +76, Orlando +23, and New Jersey +12, so Philadelphia will face Highlands Ranch in the championship game! Keith will schedule that for an upcoming Plaay Space live on You Tube! I'll be putting together a recap blog post this week, but a big thanks to all those that participated!

10/5 It's a wrap! The regular season wrapped up today exactly three weeks from when we started! Congrats to everyone that took part. I think we've set a new standard for cooperative projects in the Tabletop community! Our Championship Game will take place next week with Highlands Ranch hosting Philadelphia!

Championship Game: Highlands Ranch 35, Philadelphia 6


James Cast

Jeff Caldwell

Mike Iacavone

Tom Bromwell

Mike Boling

John M McGuiness

Cooper Gilbert

Keith Avallone

Rob Gallamore

Steve Gorman

Harvey Couch

Steve Heller

Casey Rice

Tour of America Award

As extra incentive for all those early participants, I've created the Tour of America award which goes to anyone who completes game using all 13 Football America teams.