Gaming Log

On this page I will track all the games I play. This log was started on September 1, 2020.

Project Planning Board. I'm using Jamboard to help me plan out my monthly gaming sessions and keep various projects on track. You'll also get a glimpse into what I have in store for 2021!

I actually switched my planning to a new board using Mural a couple of months ago. It will be my focus for the next year.

Monthly Goals & Retrospectives

November 2022

October Recap: Talk about going off the rails! September and October turned into lost months for the most part. I ended up completing 29 gaming sessions in October using 13 different games. This was in large part thanks to the Hoops in Hartford event hosted by Plaay Games. Attending that re-energized me and allowed me time to reflect on some project failures. I spent some time the last two weeks on planning and regrouping some of my projects that were basically stalled. The podcast also hit some rough spots, with an inability to record the past two weeks.

Goals: I picked up steam the past week and hoping to ride that momentum into November. The plan this month is to complete some inflight projects including the 1974 NLL showcase and a 2022 World Cup showcase for Team USA. I am also going to get back to paying close attention to my aging dashboard to get some games back to the tabletop.

September 2022

August Recap: This past month I completed 34 gaming sessions using 20 different games. I completed my 1977 NASL Tournament using Soccer Blast and a Demo Derby Smashdown showcase. I participated in the Extra-Life Tabletop Gaming marathon, completing 6 hours of gameplay on August 20th and raised $150 for the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU. My podcast crossed 10,000 plays as well. I added Planet Flipper and Baseball Highlights to my gaming collection.

Goals: It's back to routines month as I strayed away from too many this past month. I am reevaluating my monthly goals for the rest of 2022 as well. I plan to complete a showcase using Lacrosse Blast this month, and may not bring any other projects across the finish line. I also plan to create two new YouTube videos for my channel.

June 2022

May Recap: This past month I completed 52 gaming sessions using 10 different games. I completed my 1990 NFL Replay using Fast Drive Football and the 1890s Fight Club showcase. I pulled the plug on the 1961 Continental League with interest waning. I started another new Highlight Maker Hoops project with the AT75 set and started using Reggie Bower's trackers for both Second Season and History Maker Golf. I also started play-testing the HMB Express game. I also completed gaming session #1000 this month and my total stands at 1,021.

Goals: My monthly showcase project will be Fury Football using the Mercenaries set. I am also hoping to wrap up my Tom Seaver 1985 Mets What-If project as well as the 1990s Greats season for Red, White & Blue Racin'.

May 2022

April Recap: This past month I completed 63 gaming sessions using 13 different games. I completed my Career Campaign of Chris 'The Cannon' Carter in Legends of Boxing, the World Championship season in Decathlon, and a Regional Tour in Jai-Alai. The 1961 Continental League saw only a slight nudge (32% complete, +2% last month). I started a new project in Highlight Maker Hoops: Hoops Madness. I have all but abandoned the Discord Server project, but did post my first ever YouTube video. The Podcast crossed 6800 plays as we continue to march toward our 2022 goal of 10,000 plays.

Goals: My monthly showcase project in May will be 1890s Fight Club. I am also hoping to wrap up my 1990 NFL Replay using Fast Drive Football. I am also planning to start using two of Reggie Bower's utilities for Second Season Express and History Maker Golf to assist with those projects. This month should also feature my 1000 gaming session since I started tracking in September 2020.

April 2022

March Recap: This past month I completed 57 gaming sessions using 12 different games. I completed my Heroes & Heels Dodgeball Showcase as well as the 2021 Fury Hardball World Cup. The 1961 Continental League is starting to fade as fewer and fewer games are played (32% complete). Highlight Maker Hoops was added to the collection and spent several sessions on the tabletop. We started a new cooperative project using the BLAM season. I launched a Discord server and hosted two shows on it, though attendance is minimal. The Podcast crossed 5200 plays as we continue to march toward our 2022 goal of 10,000 plays. I also completed my 900th gaming session since I started tracking in September, 2020.

Goals: I am looking to continue the idea of completing a showcase each month to get less frequently played games on the tabletop. This month the feature will be Jai-Alai. I will also look to wrap up the Decathlon project which is 10 years in the making! Chris 'The Cannon' Carter will also wrap up his career this month. I am also hoping to launch a YouTube channel this month.

March 2022

February Recap: This past month I completed 52 gaming sessions using 12 different games. I completed my WWF Superstars project and also completed the 1980 Olympic Hockey Tournament, which was a cooperative event. Our Pro Football Showcase fizzled out and did not reach the finish line (yet). My first interview was a success and has become a Top 5 episode. Also, the 1961 Continental League cooperative project is now 27% complete.

Goals: I shuffled the order of my project list based on status. In March I am hoping to complete my 2021 Fury Hardball World Cup and decided to bring forward Dodgeball for a quick project completion. This moved the Fast Drive Football 1990 NFL Replay back to May. The plan right now is to get 11 games on the tabletop, but if I can keep pace this month, I will try to bring some other titles out as well.

February 2022

January Recap: Looking at my goals for January, I am happy to report that I accomplished my two primary goals. I completed the 2021 Demo Derby Smashdown season project as well as my 1940 AL Mini-Play using History Maker Baseball. I completed 52 gaming sessions and saw 15 games on the table this past month. My aggressive schedule turnd out to be a little too aggressive, and wasn't aligned with my primary goals for the month, so many scheduled games were not completed. My podcast had a great month with over 1000 plays and the 1961 Continental League project is about 18% complete.

Goals: This month I would like to wrap up my WWF Superstars project which will require 5 more events to complete (about 1 per week). I am also kicking off a new cooperative project to replay the 1980 Olympic Hockey tournament using Hockey Blast. I should also wrap up the 2022 Pro Football Showcase effort started with a small group of friends. Beyond that, I will keep an eye on the other projects due next month (1990 NFL Season Replay and 2021 Fury Hardball World Cup). For the podcast, I will be conducting my first interview this month as I attempt to expand the content offered in my podcast.

January 2022

December Recap: I had some time off at the end of the month and was able to mostly get caught up after a month lag. I pushed my Final Foursome project across the finish line and finalized my 2022 plans. I also purchased some new games (including Bowl-a-Rama), did some play testing for FDFC and QSB, and wrapped up Season 1 of my podcast. 16 games made it to the table in 44 gaming sessions.

Goals: I am hoping to wrap up my 2021 Demo Derby Smashdown season as well as my 1940 AL Mini-Play in January. I have an aggressive schedule with lots of games scheduled as I try to get the year started on the right foot. Season 2 of my podcast will kick off, and the newest Coop effort will also start up (1961 Continental League). It should be a busy month!

December 2021

November Recap: I struggled a little bit this past month as life continues to return to normal and time away from the tabletop increases (a good thing!). I was able to travel for the holidays and that meant a week away from gaming. I did complete my 1973 NFL Replay this month, my 700th gaming session (in 14 months), and continued to grow my audience for the podcast. This month saw 44 gaming sessions and 15 different games on the tabletop.

Goals: I will complete the Final Foursome project for History Maker Golf this month, as well as move several other projects forward. I need to spend some time catching up from missed sessions in November as well. Our EURO 2020 coop project will wrap up this month and I am doing a soft launch of a new coop project for the 1961 Continental League using History Maker Baseball. Planning for 2022 will also wrap up this month.

November 2021

October Recap: What a great month, highlighted by several community projects! The Plaay Tour and 2000 Football America projects wrapped up this month. I took part in the 2021 Commissioner's Surprise tournament, playing two games. We also kicked off the EURO 2020 cooperative project and saw 9 of the 36 group stage games completed before our official November 1st kickoff. I also concluded the King of the Ice Mountain tournament and made great strides with my podcast, surpassing 525 plays in just over a month. The 2022 calendar is coming into focus and good progress was made on several in-flight projects. All told I completed 54 gaming sessions with 17 different games appearing on the tabletop this month.

Goals: The 1973 NFL Replay will conclude this month and I am also hoping we complete the Group Stage of the EURO 2020 tournament by Thanksgiving. With fewer projects scheduled for the tabletop as the year winds to a close, I will continue to look to dust off some games that have been absent from the tabletop in an effort to make my playing dashboard less red. The Plaay Games holiday sale will take place this month and I am putting together my wish list in order to prepare my project list for 2022.

October 2021

September Recap: It was a busy month on the tabletop. I completed my 2019-20 Liverpool FC replay with Liverpool winning the EPL and outperforming their real record that year. I started a cooperative full-season replay for the 2000 Football America set using Second Season Express. After 2+ weeks the project is 86% complete and well on its way to meeting the one month goal I set. I completed 48 gaming sessions this month and as of tonight will have recorded 10 podcasts as I had hoped. I fell one event short of completing my monthly calendar, but added two events that weren't planned, the 2021 Plaay Tour for HMG and the cooperative football project mentioned earlier. Also, I saw the BAEL league fold this month that I had recently joined.

Goals: Primary goal is to complete my King of the Ice Mountain Hockey Blast tournament. I should also see the completion of the 2000 Football America cooperative project. My 1973 NFL replay will feature Round 1 playoff games this month. I am also participating in the Commissioner's Surprise tournament for Hockey Blast. I will spend some time this month working on my 2022 calendar, including setting up a routine for my podcast. Fewer projects are being featured on my table this month as I attempt to close out several projects before year end.

September 2021

August Recap: What a month! I attended Plaay-Dot-Con and was able to complete my 2019 NLL Tournament. I completed 52 gaming sessions in all, and only missed by one event of completing my planned calendar (the result of playing the same wrestling match twice!). I also started recording a podcast which I plan to advertise once I reach 10 recordings. I played 17 different games during the month.

Goals: Primary goal is to complete my 2019-20 Liverpool FC replay. I am also hoping to move several projects forward and complete 10 recordings of my podcast. I'm in two baseball leagues now, so that adds to my time commitments. I also want to complete plans for a cooperative group project to complete an entire football season in a single month using Second Season Express.

August 2021

July Recap: I completed all my scheduled sessions for July and then some! This month I completed my 500th session since starting this journey in September 2020. In July I completed 46 gaming sessions with 17 different games on the tabletop. July was a month of firsts. We the People, Fast Drive Football, The Milers, and HMB Home Run Derby all made appearances for the first time since starting my tracking. I also my my 1st Round-the-World trip in Aviatrix '37, though missed the cutoff time for the big prize. I played my first series for the SLOBS league, started a 1990 NFL season replay with Fast Drive Football, tested out a new version of Fury Football that I am working on called the Mercenary League, rebooted my 1940s MLB AL mini-play, and kicked off the 2021 Fury Hardball World Cup.

Goals: This month I am attending the 2021 Plaay-Dot-Con and can't wait to get into a full two days of gaming! I also will be purchasing a brand new title for my tabletop with Demo Derby Smashdown! My focus is on working toward completing the 2019-20 EPL Livepool replay as well as my 2019 NLL Tournament.

July 2021

June Recap: June saw a return to normal life for the most part, and as a result less gaming. It was also the month where I realized I got away from this goal planning that I was working on. I also decided to scrap my 1940 AL Project format and focused my energy on getting projects across the finish line. That meant more focus on Fury Football (completed!) and Soccer Blast (major progress). I also took my turn in the Plaay KART series project, running my race at the Midlothian Mile. I also registered for Plaay-Dot-Con and ordered two new games.

Goals: July will see a continued focus on my 2019-20 EPL project as I continue to track toward a Labor Day finish to the Liverpool season. I am also hoping to move my 2019 MLL tournament by completing a pair of games this month. I am restarting my 1940 AL project with a new format and joined a new league using the Famous Fall Classics 1 set from Plaay Games for History Maker Baseball. I don't expect any projects to finish up in July.

January 2021

Goals: New year, new plans. I have decided to make an attempt to get as many of my 19 games to the table each month, but with 20 gaming sessions per month, it's a tall task. So some games will need to be played seasonally. I am still working on developing season plans for all 19 games, some of which have already been declared as 'One Shots', because there isn't really a seasonal component to it. My two in-flight projects (2019 Mets and 2019 WAF Dual Fed) will each see an increase in time this month as will two new projects, the 2019-20 Liverpool FC replay and the Hockey Blast ATG Classics playoffs. In total, 15 games are scheduled to hit the table this month.

December 2020

Goals: As 2020 comes to a close I am hoping to wrap up two major projects for the year. My College Football Championship and the 2020 Fury Hardball Championship. Both will require a good number of gaming sessions this month. I also want to continue to make steady progress on the 2019 Mets season, hoping to cross the halfway point of the season by month's end. I also started a new joint project with Paul Salzgeber using the 2019 WAF set for Face to the Mat. Lastly, I want to get a new podcast recorded this month and get into a nice routine for podcasts each week.

Retrospective: Lesson learned: plan for time off around the holidays. I fell short of getting my late sessions in, and will make a note for next year to not plan for as much around the holidays. I also forgot to plan some time for newly arrived games. On the positive side, I was able to see two major projects finish up in December with the 2020 Fury Hardball Championship and the Ultimate College Championship. The 2019 Mets project did cross the halfway point, but unless I record a podcast today ... it's not getting done. I also played my 203rd gaming session (since 9/1), so continuing to plug along at a good pace.

November 2020

Goals: This month I am hoping to keep my steady pace going strong with 50+ gaming events. I am looking to complete the Big North portion of my College Football Championship, the AL leagues of the Fury Hardball Championship, complete the first 5 weeks of my Wrestling federation, and complete series 10-13 of my 2019 Mets season. I also want to expand the scope of this gaming site, by starting a weekly podcast, and posting as least one free game on the site. In October I got 7 different games to the table, so I would like to get 8 different games to the table this month.

Retrospective: This was a busy month. I managed to keep a steady pace, but fell a few items short in my monthly plan. The biggest shortfall was not doing enough play-testing of my latest game creation: 21. I was happy that I managed to get a working product in a single month and will definitely try to do another sprint of game design in Q1 2021. I did not record a podcast, and will try to accomplish that task in December. On the successful side, I did get 9 games to the table last month. I also played the Montreal v Washington game in the Commissioner's Surprise tournament for Plaay Games. I made steady progress on several projects, but didn't see anything completed last month.

October 2020

Goals: I want to continue keeping pace with the 2019 Mets season and potentially get through Game 60 of that season by month's end. I should wrap up the Stock car season in Weekend #1 of October, which will complete a major project for 2020. I plan on dedicating time to wrap up the HMB Owner's Choice season and complete the Atlantic Coast Conference schedule of my College Football Championship. I have also been discussing starting up a wrestling campaign in the next few weeks.

Retrospective: I completed 54 gaming events in October maintaining the pace set in September (mostly). The 2019 Mets season made it through Game 49 as I fell short of my goal. I did wrap up the Stock car season, the Owner's Choice season, and completed the ACC portion of my College Football championship. I was able to kick off my new Wrestling federation and also started the 2020 Fury Hardball Championship with 98 games played to date, completing both NL leagues. This month also saw some new games hit the rotation with the recent PLAAY NOW GAMES release of National Emergency and a freebie game from Al Wilson called d6 Pro Football Dynasty.

September 2020

Goals: In September my focus is on completing the 2020 Nascar season, getting the 2019 Mets replay off to strong start, competing in the Plaay Golf Tour, completing the Southeast Conference schedule for the College Football Championship, and kicking off the 2020 Fury Hardball Tournament

Retrospective: I completed 58 events in September which is more than I anticipated. I ended up playing some additional games for the HMB owner's Choice league, but was able to complete the Plaay Golf Tour events, the Southeast Conference portion of my College Football Championship, and 30 games of the 2019 Mets season. Fury Hardball suffered, as I wasn't able to play as many games as I wanted. The Stock Car season is almost a wrap, and it should be completed in the early days of October.

Gaming Log