River City Wrestling

Using Face to the Mat by Plaay Games, and their original WAF set that comes with the game, I have created a fictional wrestling association.

Show #1: Richmond Coliseum

Cruiserweight: Fabulous Freddy Flores v. 'Senator' Edd Levisson. Fabulous Freddy Flores seizes the opportunity to sell himself on TV and gains +2 TV grade. Ref is KO'd and Freight Train Wayne takes over as the Special Referee, benefitting Levisson. Levisson attempts a pin, but Flores kicks out. Levisson fails on a finisher attempt. Levisson delivers a ring rocking body blow. Action spills outside the ring. Levisson executes his 'Pedigree by Popular Vote' finisher. The Green Meanine concots scheme to knock Fabulous Freddy Flores down a notch. -1 TV grade for Flores. "Senator" Edd Levisson by Finisher.

Tag Team: Great American Heros v. Harguss Falls Hitmen. Tu'ua Cokanauto makes funny comments on guest shot. -1 grudge. Harguss Falls Hitmen perform double team move. Ray Edd Harguss tags in. Matt Hero tags in. Action spills outside ring. Mitt Hero smashes Ray Edd Harguss with steel chair. Action returns to the ring. Josh Hero tags in. Josh Hero pins Ray Edd Harguss. Tu'ua Cokanauto compliments Harguss Falls Hitmen. -2 grudge. Great American Heros by Pinfall.

Heavyweight: Preaux Boneau v. Jimi Knack. Jimi Knack angered by Preaux Boneau's excuses. +2 grudge. Action spills outside ring. Each wrestler delivers payback blows. Action returns to ring. Preaux Boneau executes submission hold. Preaux Boneau pins Jimi Knack. Commissioner makes comments about Preaux Boneau, who then interrupts TV intwrview with blistering criticism of Commissioner. +3 grudge. Preaux Boneau by Pinfall.

River City Heavyweight Championship Match. Nick Massive v. Aubert the Titan. Nick Massive exults too much in fan response. -1 grudge. Nick Massive fakes an injury and then clocks Aubert the Titan while match is stopped and Aubert the Titan is gloating. Nick Massive pin attempt. Aubert the Titan kicks out. Aubert the Titan pin attempt. Nick Massive kicks out. Nick Massive pins Aubert the Titan. Nick Massive adds Helped {V} quality. Nick Massive +1 TV grade for winning championship. Nick Massive by Pinfall! Nick Massive is the new River City Heavyweight Champion!

Show #2: Richmond Coliseum

Cruiserweight: Rock Solid Rick Houston v Fast Eddie Rey. Fast Eddie Rey is overconfident. -1 grudge. Fast Eddie Rey executes 'Fast Splash' Powerbomb. Action spills outside the ring. Fast Eddie Rey slams Houston to concrete floor. Wrestlers return to the ring. Fast Eddie Rey pins Rock Solid Rick Houston. Dann Tanna fawns over Fast Eddie Rey. -1 grudge. Fast Eddie Rey by Pinfall.

Tag Team: Money Men v Big Time Babylon. Chris Babylon distracted by jeering crowd, doesn't hear bell to start match. Mikii Mauga delivers body slam. Rolls Royce hot tag Mikii Mauga tags in. Big Time tags in. Rolls Royce tags in. Action spills outside ring. Big Time delivers payback blows. Rolls Rpyce smacks Big Time into side of ring. Wrestlers return to ring. Rolls Royce pins Big Time. Money Men angry after Big Time Babylon make excuses calling their ability into question. +2 grudge. Money Men by Pinfall.

Heavyweight: Graham Reaper v El Despreciable. Graham Reaper double-crossed by Tu'ua Cokanauto (who loses all grudge points). If Reaper wins he gets +4 grudge. El Despreciable locks in submission move. Action spills outside ring. El Despreciable slams Reaper on concrete floor. Wrestlers return to the ring. El Despreciable pins Graham Reaper. El Despreciable generates heat. +1 TV grade. El Despreciable by Pinfall.

Carytown Tag Team Championship Match. Great American Heros v The Outlaws. Great American Heros plot to eliminate The Outlaws from federation. If they win, The Outlaws TV grade is F. Mitt Hero tags in. Josh Hero tags in. Road Kill tags in. Mitt Hero tags in. Ref takes shots from Road Kills. Finally has enough. Rips off shirt, disqualifies Great American Heros, and wrestles Road Kill (The Outsider). Match ends in Disqualification.

Additional Match. The Outside v Road Kill. The Outsider is injured. No athletics qualities. The Outside cannot move fast enough, suffers ring rocking body blow. The Outside cannot move fast enough, suffers ring rocking body blow. Road Kill pins The Outsider. Commissioner's comments anger Road Kill who interrupts TV interview with blistering criticism of Commissioner. +3 grudge. Road Kill by Pinfall.

Show #3: Richmond Coliseum

Cruiserweight: Tu'ua Cokanauto v The Green Meanie. The Green Meanie has his entrance interrupted by Tu'ua Cokanauto. +2 grudge. The Green Meanie delivers a big boot. Tu'ua Cokanauto has a comeback surge. Action spills outside ring. Tu'ua Cokanauto pummels The Green meanie on the announcer's table. Wrestlers return to the ring. Tu'ua Cokanauto pins The Green Meanie. The Green Meanie and El Despreciable attack Tu'ua Cokanauto after the match. He is injured for 3 matches. Tu'ua Cokanauto by Pinfall.

Tag Team: Rock N Rollers v Harguss Falls Hitmen. Chief of Staff Ronald J. Chafee makes insulting comments about Harguss Falls Hitmen. +1 grudge. Delbert Daley tags in. Rim Rocker tags in. Rim Rocker pins Delbert Daley. Hothead McShane irate over Rock N Rollers hot-dogging. Gets into argument. Increase all grudge grades +1. Rock N Rollers by Pinfall.

Heavyweight: Bizzy Street v Corporal Punishment. Stu Blackburn fawns over Bizzy Street. -1 grudge. Action spills outside ring. Corporal Punishment slams Bizzy Street to concrete floor after smacking him into side of ring. Wrestlers return to the ring. Corporal Punishment pin attempt, but Bizzy Street kicks out. Mitt Hero takes over for Bizzy Street and completes match. Mitt Hero is injured for 5 matches. Mikii Mauga irate over hot dogging of Corporal Punishment. Increase both grudge grades +1. Corporal Punishment wins due to injury.

Shockoe Crusierweight Championship Match. Fabulous Freddy Flores v Fast Eddie Rey. Fast Eddie Rey angered by negative fan response to entrance. +2 grudge. Match goes out of control. Both wrestlers start swinging. Double disqualification. Match ends in Double Disqualification.

Show #4: Richmond Coliseum

Cruiserweight: Rock Solid Rick Houston v "Senator" Edd Levisson. "Senator" Edd Levisson exposes Rock Solid Rick Houston's questionable tactics using videotaped highlights. -1 TV Grade for Rock Solid Rick Houston. Rock Solid Rick Houston locks in submission hold. Rick Houston hits Levisson with a thrown object. Edd Levisson lands his Fill-A-Buster specialty move. Edd Levisson pins Rick Houston. Commissioner's commens anger "Senator" Edd Levisson. Levisson interrupts TV interview with blistering criticism of Commissioner. +3 grudge. "Senator" Edd Levisson by Pinfall.

Tag Team: Money Men v The Outlaws. The Outlaws are forced to calm down 'or else' by Commissioner. -2 Grudge. Mikii Mauga executes Stink Face specialty move. Mikii Mauga lands shot, revels in moment, doesn't notice Road Kill sneaking up from behind. Road Kill then lands a chair shot on his head. Action spills outside the ring. Mikii Mauga slams X-Factor into side of ring. Wrestlers return to the ring. Mikii Mauga pins X-Factor. The Outlaws generate heat. +1 TV Grade. Money Men by Pinfall.

Heavyweight: Graham Reaper v Corporal Punishment. Corporal Punishment's entrance interrupted by Graham Reaper. +2 grudge. Corporal Punishment lands Multiple Elbow Drops specialty move. Corporal Punishment leaves ring to engage Seamus O'Rourke. Doesn't return in time. Graham Reaper is attacked by Chris Babylon and a new match breaks out. Graham Reaper by Countout.

Unscheduled Match: Graham Reaper v Chris Babylon. Chris Babylon pin attempt, but Graham Reaper kicks out. Chris Babylon executes submission move. Chris Babylon pin attempt, but Graham Reaper kicks out. Chris Babylon fails on finisher attempt. Chris Babylon not distracted by spectacle outside ring, pummels Graham Reaper. Chris Babylon pins Graham Reaper. Fast Eddie Rey enters ring and injures Graham Reaper who will be out for 6 matches. Chris Babylon by Pinfall.

River City Heavyweight Championship Match. Nick Massive (Champion) v Jimi Knack. Aubert the Titan comes up with scheme to knock Nick Massive down a notch. -1 TV grade. Nick Massive executes submission move. Action spills outside ring. Nick Massive pummels Jimi Knack on announcer's table. Knack delivers payback blows, then Massive slams Knack to the concrete floor. Wrestlers return to the ring. Nick Massive pin attempt, but Jimi Knack kicks out. Nick Massive pins Jimi Knack. The Commissioner reverses the decision and awards belt to Jimi Knack. Jimi Knack +1 TV grade for winning championship. Nick Massive -1 TV grade for losing belt. Jimi Knack by Reversed Decision.

Show #5: Richmond Coliseum

Cruiserweight: Fast Eddie Rey v Tu'ua Cokanauto. Corn Row Connelly starts feud with El Despreciable. +1 TV grade. Action spills outside ring. Tu'ua Coaknauto return to ring. Wrestlers swap points. Action spills outside ring. Tu'ua Cokanauto slams Fast Eddie Rey into side of ring. Wrestlers return to ring. Tu'ua Cokanuato pin attempt. Fast Eddie Rey kicks out. Tu'ua Cokanauto locks in submission move. Fast Eddie Rey breaks free. Tu'ua Cokanauto pin attempt. Fast Eddie Rey kicks out. Fast Eddie Rey pin attempt. Pinfall! Kirk Engle riled up over Fast Eddie Rey's comments in TV interview. +3 grudge. Fast Eddie Rey by pinfall.

Tag Team: Big Time Babylon v Rock N Rollers. Rock N Rollers fall for Tony Rocco's sweet talk. -2 grudge. Chris Babylon tags in. Rim Rocker tags in. Thurston Forbush attacks ref. Rock N Rollers immediately disqualified. Decision changed to 'no decision' when new referee overrules on technicality. No Decision.

Heavyweight: Preaux Boneau v Aubert the Titan. Preaux Boneau pumped by enthusiastic fan response. +1 grudge. Preaux Boneau executes submission hold. Aubert the Titan breaks free. Preaux Boneau pin attempt. Aubert the Titan kicks out. Preaux Boneau buries Aubert the Titan under Body Avalance. Preaux Boneau pin attempt. Aubert the Titan kicks out. Preaux Boneau delivers "Preaux Bowl" finisher. Aubert the Titan reveals clever scheme that captivates TV audience. +1 TV grade. Preaux Boneau by Finisher.

River City Tag Team Championship Match. Money Men v The Outlaws. The Outlaws miffed by TV announcer's comments. +1 grudge. The Outlaws make hot tag. Mikii Mauga leaves ring to attack heckling spectator. The Outlaws make hot tag. Road Kill comeback surge. The Outlaws execute double-team move. Rolls Royce tags in. Rolls Royce unable to avoid slingshot move. Road Kill ejected from arena for misbehavior. Rolls Royce pin attempt. X-Factor kicks out. Rolls Royce distracted by spectacle outside ring. X-Factor pin attempt. Rolls Royce kicks out. Rolls Royce pin attempt. X-Factor kicks out. X-Factor pin attempt. Rolls Royce kicks out. Rolls Royce fails on finisher attempt. Rolls Royce pin attempt. X-Factor kicks out. X-Factor delivers "X-Terminator" finisher. X-Factor gets angry after Money Men make excuses that call X-Factor's ability into question. +2 grudge. The Outlaws +1 TV grade for winning title. The Outlaws by Finisher.

Show #6: Richmond Coliseum

Cruiserweight: The Green meanie v Fabulous Freddy Flores. The Green Meanie is folled into making truce. -3 grudge. Fabulous Freddy Flores delivers Knee Drop specialty. The Green Meanie pin attempt. Fabulous Freddy Flores kicks out. Fabulous Freddy Flores pin attempt. Pinfall! Stu Blackburn gets into feud with El Despreciable. +1 TV grade. Fabulous Freddy Flores by Pinfall.

Tag Team: Harguss Falls Hitmen v Money Men. "Senator" Edd Levisson makes funny comments on guest shot. -1 grudge. Action spills outside ring. Mikii Mauga delivers payback blows. Wrestlers return to ring. Delbert Daley tags in. Harguss Falls Hitmen execute hot tag. Money Men execute double team move. Harguss Falls Hitmen execute double team move. Rolls Royce pin attempt. Pinfall! Harguss Falls Hitmen highly upset after disparaging comments by opponent. +3 grudge. Money Men by Pinfall.

Heavyweight: Kirk Engle v Hothead McShane. Hothead McShane highly upset after reading disparaging news article. +3 grudge. Action spills outside ring. Hothead McShane delivers steel chari to head. Ref issues warning and returns wrestlers to ring. Hothead McShane pin attempt. Kirk Engle kicks out. Hothead McShane locks in Sleeper Hold Finisher. Hothead McShane generates heat. +1 TV grade. Hothead McShane by Finisher.

River City Cruiserweight Championship Match. Fast Eddie Rey v Rock Solid Rick Houston. Chief of Staff Ronald J. Chafee fools Rock Solid Rick Houston into letting down guard. -1 grudge. Fast Eddie Rey climbs into TV Booth and berates Rock Solid Rick Houston. Issue Grudge Re-Match Challenge. Fast Eddie Rey embarrasing failure after attempting difficult agility move. Rock Solid Rick Houston pin attempt. Fast Eddie Rey kicks out. Rock Solid Rick Houston delivers "Rock Solid Roll" Finisher. Corporal Punishment gets riled up over comments of Rock Solid Rick Houston in TV interview. +3 grudge. Rock Solid Rick Houston +1 TV grade for winning title. Rock Solid Rick Houston by Finisher.

Show #7: Richmond Coliseum

Cruiserweight: "Senator" Edd Levisson v Fabulous Freddy Flores. "Senator" Edd Levisson gets in first blow before bell. Edd Levisson lands his signature move. Action spills outside ring. Freddy Flores returns to ring. Valet baits Fabulous Freddy Flores with display, Edd Levisson follows up with blind-side blow. Edd Levisson pin attempt. Pinfall! Octane expresses support for Freddy Flores. -1 grudge.. "Senator" Edd Levisson by Pinfall.

Tag Team: Harguss Falls Hitmen v Rock N Rollers. Commissioner makes glowing statement about wrestlers. -2 grudge for all wrestlers and hot box members. Rim Rocker tags in. Rim Rocker lands Flying Dropkick. Ray Edd Harguss makes hot tag. Thurston Forbush involved in huge melee with spectators, match suspended. +1 TV grade for Rock N Rollers. Match Suspended.

Heavyweight: Bizzy Street v El Despreciable. Bizzy Street talks trash. +1 grudge. Intentional ref bump by El Despreciable. Ref KO'd, match continues ref-less. Bizzy Street pin attempt. El Despreciable kicks out. El Despreciable pin attempt. Bizzy Street kicks out. El Despreciable lands "Atasque el golpe Del Infierno". El Despreciable by Finisher.

Normal Rules Grudge Match. Fast Eddie Rey v Rock Solid Rick Houston. Rock Solid Rick Houston goes ballistic when Fast Eddie Rey destroys his favorite personal item. +6 grudge. Rick Houston locks in submission hold. Eddie Rey breaks hold. Rick Houston locks in submission move. Eddie Rey breaks hold. Action spills outside of ring. Rick Houston attacks with steel chair. Wrestlers return to ring. Rick Houston pin attempt. Pinfall! The Commissioner reverses decision in secret pact with Fast Eddie Rey. Fast Eddie Rey +1 TV grade for win. Rock Solid Rick Houston -1 TV grade for loss. Fast Eddie Rey by Reversed Decision.

River City Heavyweight Championship Match. Jimi Knack v Preaux Boneau. Jimi Knack extremely agitated about Preaux Boneau's questionable tactics. +3 grudge. Jimi Knack delivers big boot. Preaux Boneau pin attempt. Pinfall! Mikii Mauga ticked off by TV analyst's comments. +1 grudge. Preaux Boneau +1 TV grade for championship. Jimi Knack -1 TV grade for losing belt. Preaux Boneau by Pinfall.