2019 WAF Dual Federation

Face to the Mat

This is a dual federation format that I am working with Paul Salzgeber. We held a draft for the male wrestlers in the 2019 WAF set. We are running a 52 week schedule with Monthly PPV Supercard events. Every quarter ends with a major event. There are weekly shows, and some special events throughout the schedule. I decided to honor the passing of Eddie Van Halen by naming each Supercard after a Van Halen song.

Battleground Roster

Commissioner: Howard Schorr

General Manager: James Cast

  1. Super Stinger

  2. Chris Babylon

  3. The Big Time

  4. Nuke Newsome & Jon Deadly

  5. Freakenstein Jr.

  6. The Rasslin' Rabbi

  7. Shanigan

  8. Rogan

  9. Jimi Venturi & Screamin' Eagle

  10. Beulah Roy

  11. Manis Humanis

  12. Rob Van Zander

  13. The Committee

  14. Mister Henderson

  15. The Head Trip & Greg Malone

  16. Brecken Z Deutsch

  17. Adam Ten-Eight

  18. Bad News Barrie

  19. Chump Changer & Four Wheel McNeel

  20. Kenny Twenty-Twenty

Armageddon Roster

Commissioner: Emerson Schorr

General Manager: Paul Salzgeber

  1. Me the VP

  2. Triple G

  3. Shawn Banner

  4. Ruslan w/ Nestorenka

  5. The Legend

  6. Trash Can Epic

  7. King Ned & William Royal

  8. The Biz & Matt Crux

  9. Dolf Signall

  10. The Missing Piece

  11. Who IS This Guy?

  12. The Mortician

  13. CR Maloney & Kyler Bass w/ Tallulah Sudbuster

  14. John Kentt

  15. Alberto Del Sol

  16. Bray Watts

  17. Gunn Grabner & Eric Maharas

  18. Smokin' Jones

  19. Scrapyard Mongrel

  20. Biff Barona

CWA Draft

Site: Richmond, VA

Draft: Each General Manager drafted the rosters above during today's event and also held some matches to kick off their brand.

Babble On hosted by Chris Babylon with guest Super Stinger: Battleground debuted a new Interview segment. During his interview Rogan made an unscheduled appearance and issued a Grudge Match Challenge to The Rasslin' Rabbi.

Tag Team Match: The Committee (Greupthinck & Zippit) v IRA (Shanigan & Beulah Roy). Four Wheel McNeel coimplimented The Committee and lost 2 grudge points. Action spills outside ring. Groupthink pin attempt. Shanigan kicks out. Groupthink pin attempt. Shanigan kicks out. Wrestlers exchange blows. +1 grudge for all. Zippit attempts "Meeting Adjourned" but fails. Shanigan pin attempt. 123 pinfall! Four Wheel McNeel gets riled up over IRA comments in TV Interview and adds 3 grudge points. IRA by pinfall.

Hardcore Championship Match: Rob Van Zander v Mister Henderson. Mister Henderson interrupts TV segment with memorable, chair-smashing tirade. +2 TV grade. Mister Henderson pin attempt. Rob Van Zander kicks out. Mister Henderson slams Rob Van Zander to mat with viscious DDT move. Immediate win. Jimi Venturi irate over hot dogging by Mister Henderson. gets into argument. +1 grudge for Venturi and Henderson. Henderson +1 TV grade for belt. Mister Henderson by Immediate Win.

Everybody Wants Some!!!

Site: St. Louis, MO

Fan Fest event

Singles Match: Super Stinger v Chump Changer. Super Stinger upset when Chump Changer destroys his souvenir before match and threatens to do the same to him. Grudge +1. Chump Changer KOs Ref - no benefits. Action spills outside ring. Chump Changer pin attempt. Super Stinger kicks out. Super Stinger pin attempt. Chump Changer kicks out. Super Stinger attempts finisher and fails. Super Stinger delivers 'Big Sting' Suicide Stinger Splash. Super Stinger by Finisher.

Tag Team Match: The Committee (Greupthinck & Leeve) v Un-Natural Disasters (Nuke Newsome & Jon Deadly). Manis Humanis ticked off by Announcer's comments. +1 grudge. Jon Deadly jars Greupthink with knee to chin. Action spills outside ring. Zippit pin attempt on Nuke Newsome. The Committee lose their Helped (G) quality. The Committee by pinfall.

8 Man Battle Royal: Kenny Twenty-Twenty, Rob Van Zander, Four Wheel McNeel, Manis Humanis, Adam Ten-Eight, Bad News Barrie, Screamin' Eagle, Brecken Z Deutsch. Commissioner makes deragatory comments about match. +3 grudge all wrestlers. Brecken Z Deutsch eliminates Rob Van Zander. Adam Ten-Eight eliminates Kenny Twenty-Twenty. Bad News Barrie eliminates Four Wheel McNeel. Chris Babylon makes unscheduled appearances and aids Brecken Z Deutsch. Brecken Z Deutsch eliminates Manis Humanis. Adam Ten-Eight eliminates Screamin' Eagle. Brecken Z Deutsch eliminates Bad News Barrie. Final match .. exits ring and continues up stairs to concession stand. Ref takes shot, groggy, but continues. Adam Ten-Eight pin attempt. Brecken Z Deutsch kicks out. Adam Ten-Eight attempts finishers but fails. Brecken Z Deutsch pin attempt. Adam Ten-Eight kicks out. Adam Ten-Eight attempts finisher but fails. Adam Ten-Eight attempts finisher but fails. Adam Ten-Eight suffers injury, cannot continue. Brecken Z Deutsch generates Heat. +1 TV grade. Brecken Z Deutsch wins by Injury.

Babble On hosted by Chris Babylon with Guest Mister Henderson. Chris Babylon and Mister Henderson conspire against The Head Trip. He must win next match or lose a quality. Howard Schorr makes appearance and demands that Mister Henderson apologize to The Head Trip or be suspended. Mister Henderson apologizes. -1 TV grade. +6 grudge.

Tag Team Match: Route 66 (The Head Trip & Greg Malone) v IRA (Shanigan & Beulah Roy). Route 66 fooled by fake peace offer by IRA. -3 grudge. IRA delivers double team move. Nasty blow sparks free-for-all and Grudge Rematch Challenge. Double Disqualification.

Interview Segment: Hosted by Howard Schorr with Guest Jimi Venturi. Jimi Venturi forgets script and improvises. -1 TV grade.

Cage Grudge Match w/ Object: The Rasslin' Rabbi v Rogan. Rogan distracted by jeering crowd and misses bell to start match. The Rasslin' Rabbi delivers body slam for 1 point. The Rasslin' Rabbi delivers blow with Torah Scroll. Rogan delivers 'Happy Hands' punches. Rogan delivers blow with chair. The Rasslin' Rabbi attempts to climb cage and is pulled down by Rogan. Rogan climbs up and over cage. Celebrity 1 heaps praise on Rogan. -2 grudge. Rogan +1 TV grade. The Rasslin' Rabbi -1 TV grade. Rogan wins by escaping the cage.

Singles Match: The Big Time v Freakenstein Jr. Freakenstein Jr.s entrance disrupted by The Big Time. -2 grudge. The Big Time embarassing fail on agility move. IRA attempt to enter ring ro assist Freakenstein Jr., but ref won't allow it. The Big Time delivers 'Welcome to the Big Time' Atomic Drop. The Big Time pin attempt. Freakenstein Jr. kicks out. The Big Time pin attempt. Freakenstein Jr. kicks out. The Big Time executes 'Quittin' Time' Top Rope Suplex. Freakenstein Jr. generates heat. +1 TV grade. The Big Time by Finisher.

Battleground 1

House show from Wilmington, DE.

Hardcore Singles: The Rasslin' Rabbi v Adam Ten-Eight. Mister Henderson adds the *Mean Quality. Action spills outside ring. The Rasslin' Rabbi smashes Adam Ten-Eight through a table. Gets immediate pin attempt for win. After match, Adam Ten-Eight admits The Rasslin' Rabbi is superior wrestler. Both wrestlers -2 grudge. The Rasslin' Rabbi by pinfall.

Interview: Howard Schorr interviews Zippit from The Committee. Zippit comes out and starts rambling. The crowd boos. Chump Changer comes out and delivers his Finisher: 'Coin Drop' Military Press Bomb. +1 TV Grade for Chump Changer. +3 grudge for The Committee.

Singles: Super Stinger v Rogan. Pre-match, Rogan gets into heated argument with Super Stinger. +1 TV grade for Rogan. Super Stinger delivers specialty, Damascus Head and Leg Lock. The ref gets KO'd and Good Guy Celebrity takes over as ref, benefitting Super Stinger. Super Stinger pins Rogan. After the match, Rogan surrenders his gimmick. -2 TV grade for Rogan. Super Stinger by pinfall.

Babble On: Chris Babylon with guest Rob Van Zander. Rob Van Zander insults celebrity who upstages him with classic comeback to delight crowd. -1 TV grade for Rob Van Zander.

Tag Team Match: Four Wheel McNeel & Screamin' Eagle v. Un-Natural Disasters. Pre-match, Bad News Barrie upset by comments made during interview by Four Wheel McNeel and Screamin' Eagle. +3 grudge for Bad News Barrie. Jon Deadly squeezes Screamin' Eagle in head vice. Action spills outside ring. Ref restores order. Un-Natural Disasters execute double team move. Nuke Newsome pins Screamin' Eagle. After the match Un-Natural Disasters form alliance with Bad News Barrie. Un-Natural Disasters by pinfall.

Singles Match: Manis Humanis v Freakenstein Jr. Pre-match, Beulah Roy angered by perceived snub. +2 grudge. Freakenstein Jr. humiliated by Shanigan's actions and leaves ring in shame. -1 TV grade for Freakenstein Jr. Manis Humanis wins by Forfeit.

Grudge Tag Team Rematch: Route 66 v IRA. Pre-match, Route 66 fooled into thinking IRA wants to make peace. -3 grudge for Route 66. Shanigan executes awesome submission hold on Greg Malone who taps out. After match, IRA adds Helped (G) quality with Freakenstein Jr. as their new Gang member. IRA by Immediate Win.

Main Event Singles Match: The Big Time v Brecken Z Deutsch. Pre-Match, The Big Time concocts scheme to embarrass Brecken Z Deutsch. -1 TV grade for Brecken Z Deutsch. The Big Time tosses Brecken Z Deutsch out of ring. He is unable to return in time. After the match, Howard Schorr makes appearance and defuses intensity of The Big Time with comments. -3 grudge for The Big Time. The Big Time by Count Out.

Armageddon 1

Bray Watts vs. Scrapyard Mongrel

O-66, P-22, Q-32 = Me the VP finds an object, a weighted version of “The Button”. “This feels very Presidential, and I think I’ll hold onto it for awhile.” +Object and +TV Grade (AAA).

Bray Watts tries a CHEAT move and it backfires! The ref calls for the bell and calls this a no decision. Scrapyard Mongrel is furious and calls Bray Watts some dirty words and calls him out right then and there. “This dirty cheat can’t beat me fair and square. If you want to cheat, let’s do it right… in a Hardcore Match at Melee Monday!!” Watts accepts and we’ve got our first scheduled match.

John Kentt vs. Smokin’ Jones

Before the match, Smokin’ Jones snatches Kentt’s baseball bat and breaks it over his knee and tosses the pieces into the crowd. Kentt is furious, +3 Grudge (7).

Fan in front row tosses Kentt a chair and he pummels Smokin’ Jones. Jones gets back in the ring, Kentt covers for a two-count. Jones hits a couple of forearm smashes and covers for a one-count. Kentt counters with a Double Leg Slam and again covers for a two-count. Smokin’ Jones with a stretch powerbomb that leaves Kentt open to the Health Hazard and Kentt taps out.

Win: Smokin’ Jones

Post Match: Kentt -1 Grudge (6)

Alberto del Sol vs. The Missing Piece

Before the match, Emerson Schorr, walking with The Legend and Triple G says “I can’t believe you two aren’t wrestling and those two are. It’s shocking really.” Both in-ring wrestlers hear and both +3 grudge (6 for both)

TMP uses illegal hold while ref is distracted for 6 points early. Another cheat move scores 3 more. TMP gets a cover for a two-count. TMP locks in finisher, but too close to the rope and has to break! Del Sol makes the turn, but TMP with another cover for a one-count. Del Sol gets a cover for a one-count. TMP finally locks in the Natural Wonder in the middle of the ring and Del Sol taps out.

Win: The Missing Piece

Post Match: TMP overconfident, -1 Grudge (5)

Biff’s Riff w/ Me the VP

Me the VP goes off script and fans love it. TV +1 (but already AAA, so it stays put).

Shawn Banner vs. Trash Can Epic

Banner gets heckled by fan and lets down his guard. -1 Grudge (5)

Banner in control and goes right for the Liberty Bell, but can’t get the hold. TCE gets a cover for a one-count. Banner in trouble and TCE hits his Trash Collection elbow. 1-2-3. And then stuffs Banner in a trash can.

Winner: Trash Can Epic (heels are now 3-0)

Post match: Back stage, Triple G gets in the face of TCE and says he should fight someone better than Shawn Banner. Feud between TCE and Triple G begins.

Cleveland Boys vs. The ‘Muricans (tag team title)

The ‘Muricans -1 Grudge (now -2) as The Biz plays a trick on them.

Back and forth match. CR Maloney locks in the All Nighter for 5 points, but both teams return to even.Matt Crux and Kyler Bass engage in Test of Strength, won by Crux. Crux with a cover for 1. Bass covers the Biz for a 1 count. The Biz is down and they tag in Tallulah Sudbuster, who shows off, hitting a Shoulder Block that knocks down The Biz. She drags him up and throws him to the ropes and lands a Stun Gun, down goes The Biz…. 1-2-3. (all was set up by V-36)


Post match: +1 TV grade for ‘Muricans (on top of +1 for winning a belt, jumps them to A)

Wrap up:

The ‘Muricans are tag team champions.

Feud started with Trash Can Epic and Triple G

Grudge Hardcore Rematch between Bray Watts and Scrapyard Mongrel

Melee Monday 1

Prime Time Event from Austin, TX.

The Committee put on a show in the early part of the Melee, entering at #4 and eliminating nine different wrestlers before finally being eliminated by Shanigan. Groupthinck would return later in the match as the special guest referee when Freakenstein Jr. knocked out the actual ref. Freakenstein Jr. was very upset afterward, and rumor has it he signed with rival Armageddon after the show. The Head Trip and Super Stinger dominated late each with a trio of eliminations. Super Stinger eliminated Nuke Newsome, setting up a surprise final match against The Rasslin' Rabbi who was injured. Super Stinger scored an immediate pin and then issues a Grudge Match challenge against Nuke Newsome.

Best of Both Worlds

Site: Cleveland, OH

Cross Brand Supercard

Hardcore Championship Match: The Rasslin' Rabbi v Mister Henderson (Champion). The Rasslin' Rabbi is upset when Mister Henderson interrupts his interview. +2 Grudge. Mister Henderson lands a fire extinguisher shot. Mister Henderson goes for the pin, but The Rasslin' Rabbi kicks out. Mister Henderson goes for another pin. The Rasslin' Rabbi kicks out again. ister Henderson lands his 'Testing 123' Reverse STO finisher. Mister Henderson gains The Head Trip as an ally. The Head Trip makes a heel turn. Mister Henderson by Finisher.

Singles Match: Rob Van Zander v Brecken Z Deutsch. Brekcen Z Deutsch is upset after reading a bad article about himself. +3 Grudge. Rob Van Zander lands 'Medley of Hits' Guitar Shots. The action spills outside the ring. Brecken Z Deutsch delivers payback blows. Rob Van Zander lands a chair shot. The Ref returns the action to the ring. Rob Van Zander goes for a pin attempt and Brecken Z Deutsch cannot kick out. The Big Time is outraged by Brecken Z Deutch's comments after the match. +1 Grudge. Rob Van Zander by Pinfall.

Battleground Championship Match: Jimi Venturi v Bad News Barrie. Jimi Venturi gets a huge boost from the crowd. +4 Grudge. Bad News Barrie lands 'News Flash' punches. Action spills outside the ring. Bad News Barrie smacks Jimi Venturi into side of ring and bashes him into a barricade before the Ref sends them back to the ring. Bad News Barrie goes ofr the pin. Jimi Venturi kicks out. Jimi Venturi secures a pinfall. Bad News Barrie receives compliments from a celebrity. -1 Grudge. Jimi Venturi +1 TV grade for winning the Championship. Jimi Venturi by Pinfall.

Babble On hosted by Chris Babylon with Guest Screamin' Eagle. Rogan makes a surprise appearance and issues a Grudge Match Challenge to Screamin' Eagle.

Tag Team Championship Match: The Committee (Groupthinck, Zippit, Leeve) v IRA (Shanigan & Beulah Roy). Kenny Twenty-Twenty is upset about actions of IRA. +1 Grudge. Action spills outside ring. Shanigan smashes Groupthinck on announcer's table. Immediate pin atte,pt by Shanigan. Groupthinck kicks out. Beulah Roy tags in. Beulah Roy lands the 'Totally Uncalled For' Corner Splash. Shanigan tags in. Zippit tags in. Zippit bumps ref, who is out for 10 FACs. Shanigan injured for 2 matches. Howard Schorr joins Beulah Roy. Beulah Roy enters ring. Zippit lands 'First Impression' Forearm Smash. Zippit lands big blow. Beulah Roy pin attempt. Zippit kicks out. Zippit pin attempt. Beulah Roy kicks out. Zippit delivers 'Meeting Adjourned' Big Boot and Collar Toss finisher. The Committee +1 grudge after celebrity berates them. +1 TV grade for winning the Championship. The Committee by Finisher.

Singles Grudge Match: Super Stinger v Nuke Newsome. Chump Changer makes unforgettable speech. +3 grudge. Nuke Newsome +3 grudge. Super Stinger leaves ring to attack heckling spectator. Action spills outside ring. Nuke Newsome delivers payback blows on the announcer's table. Ref brings them back to ring. Nuke Newsome pin attempt. Super Stinger kicks out. Nuke Newsome pin attempt. Super Stinger kicks out. Super Stinger pin attempt. Nuke Newsome kicks out. Super Stinger fails on finisher attempt. Nuke Newsome +1 grudge. Super Stinger pin attempt. Nuke Newsome kicks out. Super Stinger secured pinfall. Howard Schorr belittles Super Stinger with scheme. -2 TV Grade for Super Stinger. -1 TV Grade for Nuke Newsome in losing grudge match. +1 TV grade to Super Stinger for winning grudge match. Super Stinger by Pinfall.