[ DTV Stats ]

Filling Out Stats!

Much like a game of Dungeons and Dragons, Café Phantasia has a combat system and dice mechanics!

*Please be aware that this is a homebrew system, so some things will be different than official D&D rules. Thank you!

Below you’ll find a guide on how to fill out the various stats your character’s DTV will need to have.

^^^ above is an example from a D&D sheet! ^^^

Filling out Ability Scores

You have a total of 6 stats to fill out! They are stated in the example, but we’ll list them here as well, for a refresher:

STRENGTH (STR for short)
DEXTERITY (DEX for short)
WISDOM (WIS for short)
CHARISMA (CHA for short)

You will be allotted a total sum of 72 points to distribute among these stats as you please!
Below is an example of how one might distribute the points:

STR: 15
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 13
WIS: 10
CHA: 8

To check to make sure the correct amount of points has been used, just add them all up for good measure.

15 + 12 + 14 + 13 + 10 + 8 = 72

Or use Sozzlefrood's super handy
ability score calculator to save you some manual labour! On the google sheet, go to File > Make a Copy to save it to your drive and use it to your heart's content. Put in your desired number for an abilty score, and it'll automatically tell you both the current modifier, as well as how many points you've used and have left to spend.

To keep things balanced, we ask that you make a stat no higher than 20!


Once you have your ability scores written out, it's time to apply your modifiers! What are these?

Modifiers are added to rolls to either help or hinder your ability to succeed. The modifier number coincides with your score number: the better your score, the better your modifier!!

Here's a table to help you fill this part out correctly, the first column shown is the ability score, the second column is the modifier that goes with it.

[ C-P ] Stats :: Ability Scores v. Modifiers

NOTE: If you're using a race from D&D please be aware racial abilities will not be applied by default. (Not everyone will be picking a D&D race, so we'd like to keep things somewhat even between everyone) You'll need to add any abilities you'd like under the passive abilities or active abilties/spells section of your DTV form! You can find more about how abilities work here: DTV Spell, Abilities and Weapons.