[ DTV Spells, Abilities & Weapons ]

Abilities and Spells!

Your DTV is going to need something to fight with, on this page you’ll find what you need in order to create your own abilities, spells, traits, and weapons, or how to modify existing ones from DnD to fit within our system. 

The Basics

Rather than worrying too much about the mechanics from various schools or elements of magic, everything gets broken down into these four categories:

Ability & Spell Categories:

Melee spells and abilities have a starting max dice of 1d6

Ranged spells and abilities have a starting max dice of 1d6

Healing spells and abilities have a starting max dice of 1d8

Support spells and abilities have a starting max dice of 1d8

Making your own abilities and spells

Spells and abilities can fall under one of four categories in our system (Melee, Ranged, Healing, Support), each having their own damage dice to roll and to keep things consistent. You’ll have to decide what category your spell or ability falls under.

Next you’ll need to write out the specifics of your spell or ability. Here’s some stuff to keep in mind when working on them:

What does it do? Here you can give us the flair, describe how your spell works, and how it looks.

When can you cast it? During combat on your turn you will have an action and a bonus action. And not on your turn you will have reactions. You’ll want to specify at which of those points you can use your ability or spell.

Is there a Saving Throw? A saving throw gives your target a chance to try and resist the effects of your ability or spell with a roll. This is usually good for spells that can cause extra damage, or force a buff or debuff on a target.

The difficulty to pass your saving throw is always 8 + either your level -or- the modifier of your spell/ability casting modifier. We’ll default to the latter if you don’t specify it in your description.

Who is it targeting? Let us know who or what you intend to use your spell or ability on.

The most common targets are: Self, Single, Multiple (in this case make sure to specify a number!) and Area of Effect.

How long does its effects last? This is more for support spells, or spells with saving throws that inflict a buff or debuff on a failure, on top of the initial damage they may have caused. Keep in mind the duration of a spell or ability cannot be listed as ‘constant’ and need to have an end at some point. This will be most commonly expressed in a ‘d8 rounds’ or ‘d8 minutes/hours’ format, especially for support spells, where you roll for how long it lasts. If you don’t want to use dice for time, it could be that your spell lasts until your next turn, or any length of time from a couple seconds to a couple hours. (But not exceeding 24 hours)

Converting other RPG abilities and spells

If you’d like to look to D&D, Pathfinder, WoW, or other games for inspiration for your spells and abilities you are certainly welcome to do so! Though keep in mind you may have to modify them a bit to get them to fit within Cafe Phantasia’s system. 

Figure out which category it fits under:

Adjust the damage dice:

Check for and replace mentions of proficiencies

Check for and remove level bonuses

Check for and remove point pools


Traits are minor abilities that are natural to your DTV, things that don’t normally require rolls to be made to use them (but can have an effect on rolls). Including things like known languages, darkvision, waterbreathing, shapeshifting, etc. Are good to put in here! You’ll be able to have up to 4 traits to start, with the potential to make edits or gain more at later levels.

Traits don’t have the necessary 3 uses per long rest rule applied to them, you’re able to use these whenever you please. But because you can use them any time, there’s a limit to how much they can do, here’s a list of what is preferred for traits.

Traits can be physical abilities:

Traits can be minor utility spells:

Traits can be resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities:

Traits can be known languages:

Traits can affect rolls:

Traits can affect stats:

Traits can affect your available combat actions:

Traits should not cause damage or saving throw on others:

Starting Equipment.


Everyone needs a weapon! Your character’s DTV will be allowed to start with two weapons of their choice! These could be anything, a dagger and a longsword, or maybe a short-sword and a shield, two shields? How about a crossbow and a knife, or a firearm and a spoon? The possibilities are nearly endless! Just...don’t bring in an infinity gauntlet, that’s a little OP.
Homebrew Ruling: Unlike D&D 5e - the use of certain weapons are not locked to class. Meaning if you wanted to, your barbarian could wield a quarterstaff, or your rogue could use a club, there's a lot of chances for character flavour here!

There’ll be plenty of chances for you to buy more weapons in the future from the store or find them during your adventures!

When adding weapons to your character’s DTV, make sure to write what category of weapon you feel they fall under! This will affect what dice you roll when doing damage with your weapon(s).

For more on how your weapons will work and how rolls and stats can affect them, please check :: Dice Mechanics!


Small Piercing or Slashing Weapons - These are your daggers, knives, claws, small and sharp! They do 1d4 damage.

Large Piercing or Slashing Weapons - Swords, lances, spears, pikes, glaves, battle axes, anything large that can stab or slash your enemies, and probably needs two hands to hold properly. They do 1d6 damage.

Ranged Weapons - Bows, crossbows, firearms, projectiles shot from a distance, even throwing knives, needles or darts. These do 1d6 damage.

Blunt Weapons - Maces, clubs, hammers, quarterstaffs, brass knuckles, whips, etc. Anything that causes blunt-force damage, they roll a 1d6!

Improvised Weapons - Anything from your surroundings that one wouldn’t carry on as a weapon, but use in the spur of the moment, like a glass bottle in a bar fight or a big ladle. They get a 1d4.

Unarmed - Sometimes you just gotta punch a guy, you know ? Or headbutt, or stomp! These roll a 1d4 of damage.
