Neighbourhood Plan

Referendum result

Thank you to all those who turned out in what were very inclement weather conditions to cast their vote on Thursday 1st March 2018.

Under the circumstances, it was a high turnout with 203 votes cast (38.23% of eligible Parishioners) with a majority 'YES' vote of 184 to 19 'NO'.

Bury Neighbourhood Plan has been ‘Made’ at the SDNPA Planning Committee on 12th April 2018. It becomes part of the Development Plan and will be used to assess Planning Applications.

Thank you to everyone who helped bring this project to a successful conclusion.


Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

  • Rogers Beetlestone
  • Lynnette Leeson
  • Susan Lewis
  • Tony Lewis (Chairman)
  • Rod Pearce
  • Graham Rodmell
  • Bob Trent

The final 'Made' Plan (click top right corner to open)

Notice of RESULT.pdf
Link to SDNPA website

What is the Bury Neighbourhood Plan?

The Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared, following much consultation, to provide a clear framework for residents, local authorities and developers to guide future development in the Parish until 2032. The Neighbourhood Plan sets out planning policies covering;

  • Settlement boundaries and built character
  • New housing
  • Protection for our locally important heritage
  • Protection for our community facilities and green spaces
  • Measures to enhance and protect the local economy
  • Measures to preserve our natural environment and the landscape
  • Transportation issues including parking and the public highway

What has been said about the plan?

As part of the process so far, the plan has been examined by an independent examiner to check it meets the required legal tests. In his conclusions he said “This is a locally distinctive plan that offers protection to the main village of Bury and the other settlements from inappropriate development. This is a really beautiful area within the South Downs National Park. The plan will provide the sound basis for decision making in the area over the next decade and a half. It strikes the right balance between protecting what is important to the community, at the same time taking the initiative in allocating a site to meet the Parish’s future housing needs”.

The Neighbourhood Plan for Bury Parish achieved a majority YES vote of 184 to 19.

Bury Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area

GIS_20150218_231_Parish_Bury CP(small).pdf

Map showing the Parish boundary, which is also the Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area.

Consultation Statements volumes 1 and 2

Consultation Statement vol 1 July 2017.pdf
Bury NDP Consultation Statement vol 2.pdf
Settlement Boundary Review.pdf