Coronavirus updates

Update 28 July 2020

Getting Tested for Coronavirus – anyone with Coronavirus symptoms can now get a free NHS test at a drive-through or walk-through centre or order a home test kit. For full details please see here

Flu Vaccination – the Government have announced an expanded flu vaccination programme to cover up to 30 million people this flu season, designed to protect vulnerable people and to protect the NHS. The major change is that a free vaccination will also be made available to people aged 50 to 64 later in the year. Further details as to exact timescales will be made available in due course – the NHS will contact people directly with information on where to go to get the vaccine. For more details please see here

What You Can And Cannot Do – for the very latest FAQs from the Government on what you can and cannot during the Coronavirus outbreak please see here

Foreign Travel – following the announcement on Saturday by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office that travellers arriving in the UK from Spain must now quarantine for 14 days, this has now been extended to include the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands. The FCO is advising against all non-essential travel to mainland Spain and the Islands and anyone now travelling against that advice may risk invalidating their travel insurance.


West Sussex County Council have advised that construction works are starting this week on a temporary Cycle Way in Chichester connecting the Spitafield Lane hospital area to Chichester railway station thereby creating a 2km long key worker corridor for safe cycling. The work is expected to take two weeks and road users are advised to allow extra time for the likely delays to their journeys. More information can be found here

The Novium Museum re-opens on Tuesday 28th July and features a new exhibition “Mystery Warrior: The North Bersted Man” exploring the secrets of the most elaborately equipped Iron Age warrior grave ever found in England. Admission to the Novium remains free of charge but advance booking is required. For full details please see

Chichester Festival Theatre are staging a Movies and Music Weekend during the August bank holiday weekend. A Drive-In Cinema will operate from 28th to 30th in the Northgate Car Park, there will be a Family Fun event on the 31st in Oaklands Park from 11am and an evening Concert in the park at 6pm. Tickets go on sale from 10am on Thursday 30th July. Full details can be found at: -


We have been asked by Fittleworth Parish Council to share with you the plans that Fittleworth Sports and Social Club hope to make for the refurbishment of their current building to create a purpose built community hub for local sports and community groups to use, not just for Fittleworth but also surrounding parishes who do not have access to such facilities. They would welcome feedback via their questionnaire which you can access here


The Eat Out to Help Out scheme offering a 50% discount on meals and soft drinks of up to £10 per head gets under way on 3rd August and operates on Monday to Wednesday throughout the month. To further promote the scheme, the Government have now launched their Restaurant Finder which identifies establishments intending to participate in the scheme within a 5 mile radius of any given postcode. There is also a link enabling you to check which chain restaurants have signed up to the scheme. Full details can be found here

The Squire and Horse in Bury will be participating along with The Riverside Tearooms at Houghton Bridge. Other pubs and restaurants will still be signing up for the scheme and please remember that advance booking is likely to be required.


As reported in last week’s Newsletter, pilot events involving certain sports are being held to establish whether spectators can be admitted to sports venues from 1st October. This week saw 1,000 people attending a friendly cricket match at The Oval and 300 spectators will be allowed in to each session of the World Snooker Championships in Sheffeld commencing later this week. Saturday 1st August is the final day of the Glorious Goodwood horseracing festival when 4.000 annual members and guests will be on site, albeit split into 8 new enclosures holding 500 people. A somewhat surreal experience compared to normal conditions at all these events but sports fans will be pleased to know that gradual progress is being made.

Keep well, stay safe and please don’t hesitate to ask for help from our wonderful volunteers by contacting: -

Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) 831475

For further information please contact the parish clerk Mike Simpson at

Best wishes

Bury Parish Council

Coronavirus Update 22 July

Following publication on Monday by Oxford University of the first human trial results conducted in partnership with AstraZeneca showing that its vaccine against COVID-19 is safe and produces an immune response, the Government has called for volunteers in the hope that 500,000 people will register by October to take part in trials to evaluate whether the vaccine actually protects the population. The Government has ordered 190 million doses of the putative vaccines from AstraZeneca and other producers to maximise the chances of a vaccine being produced that meets regulatory and safety standards.

Over the past few days, the Government has announced a number of further measures to ease the lockdown conditions – these will be introduced at various stages over the coming weeks, the timetable reading as follows: -

17th July – People are no longer discouraged from using public transport.

18th July – In the event of an outbreak, Councils will be given powers to close premises e.g. pubs and restaurants, cancel outdoor events and close outdoor spaces without reference to the government.

24th July – A reminder that from this Friday, face masks or coverings become mandatory for customers in shops and supermarkets. The Government has announced they are setting up face covering productions in line with a number of UK manufacturers to ensure the country can meet the expected increase in demand.

25th July - Indoor fitness and dance studios, indoor gyms, indoor sports courts and facilities, indoor swimming pools and water parks can all re-open

1st August – A whole range of measures including: -

Employers will be given more discretion to make decisions on how their staff can return to their workplaces safely.

More leisure facilities such as bowling alleys, skating rinks and casinos can re-open.

Beauty salons (which re-opened on 13th July) will be able to provide close contact services such as facial treatments.

Subject to the success of a number of pilot events, indoor theatre and concert performances can be staged once more.

Wedding receptions can take place, with sit-down meals for a maximum of 30 people.

3rd August – The Eat Out to Help Out Scheme begins. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout August customers can obtain a 50% discount on food and non-alcoholic drinks up to a maximum of £10 per head when eating at restaurants, pubs, cafes etc. registered with scheme on as many occasions as they wish. The government will very shortly publish a Find a Restaurant Guide enabling users to identify which establishments are offering the scheme within a two-mile radius of any post code used and we will provide further information on this as soon as it becomes available. A reminder that VAT on restaurant meals has been cut from 20% to 5% from 15th July until January 2021.

September – Schools, nurseries and colleges will be open for all children and young people on a full-time basis.

1st October – Sports fans could be allowed into stadiums again, subject to the successful outcome of a small number of events to pilot the safe return of spectators being held in July and August, one of which is likely to be the final day of the Glorious Goodwood horse racing festival on 1st August when annual members and their guests would be able to attend.

Business Events and Conferences will also be permitted to be staged.

Please note that night clubs, dance halls, discotheques, hostess bars, sexual entertainment venues and indoor play areas (including soft play areas) must remain closed by law.

For greater detail on this rapidly evolving picture, you might care to visit the Government’s website here

Needless to say, the normal guidelines on hygiene, safety, social distancing and other protocols will all apply in various ways to attendees, proprietors and even performers etc. thereby resulting in significant reductions in the number of customers or visitors allowed on site so please always check ahead via the internet or telephone with your intended venue.

In other news, please note the Foreign Office have clarified that their advice against cruise ship travel relates to staying overnight for at least one night on a seagoing cruise ship with people from multiple households. Holidaymakers will be able to sail on river cruises.

The Department of Health and Social Care have issued a warning, endorsed by the NHS, that paddling pools should not be used when families meet up and have urged parents to make sure their children keep a safe distance.

Chichester District Council

CDC have announced they are reviewing the dog control rules that apply to public spaces and are proposing that the current Public Space Protection Order - which covers rules around dog fouling, dog exclusion areas, and areas where dogs must be on leads – should be extended for a further three years, with minor changes, when the current order ends in October 2020. They would like residents’ views and are inviting participation in a short survey. For more details please see here.

CDC say that they have had an increase in reports of residents burning green waste and general waste in their gardens and are asking residents not to light bonfires since smoke and smells from these can aggravate respiratory problems which people with virus symptoms may be experiencing. Green and black bin waste collections have been running normally for some time now and all West Sussex waste and recycling centres accept garden and household waste. Residents who are affected by smoke from bonfires should report this to CDC’s Environment Protection Team (rather than the parish council who do not have enforcement powers) by providing full details here

If you need help with shopping or medication collection please contact

Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (W. Burton) 831475

For further information please contact the parish clerk Mike Simpson at

Best wishes

Bury Parish Council

Update 14 July 2020

In the past few days, the government has announced a number of measures as the country emerges slowly from lockdown including: -

From Saturday 11th July outdoor swimming pools were allowed to re-open, amateur cricketers could take the field again and outdoor theatres, opera, dance and music venues can operate once more.

From Monday 13th July nail bars, spas and massage studios can re-open as well as beauty salons (although not permitted to provide facial treatments).

From Saturday July 25th indoor gyms, leisure centres, indoor pools and dance studios can re-open – and other amateur sports will be permitted to restart once tailored plans have been approved by ministers.

Every Monday to Wednesday from 3rd to 31st August, the Treasury will pay half the cost of eating out up to a maximum of £10 per head in all participating restaurants and pubs. Customers will not have to apply for vouchers as participating establishments will simply remove the discount from the bill and reclaim this from HMRC. Guidelines were published on 13th July and eligible businesses can obtain promotional material for the scheme including a window sticker to show they are offering the discount.

As an added incentive to help the leisure industry (and the customers’ pockets!) VAT on restaurant meals, accommodation, cinema tickets and entry to attractions such as theme parks will be cut from 20% to 5% from July 15thuntil January 12th. For more details see here

It must be borne in mind of course that the normal guidelines on hygiene still apply and the need for social distancing will result in a significant reduction in the number of visitors allowed on site. A number of parishioners have already reported difficulties in booking slots to visit National Trust venues, the RHS gardens at Wisley and the beach at West Wittering and clearly gyms, leisure centres, cinemas etc. will have major issues over permitted visitor numbers so we would urge you to check the website or telephone in advance before planning any visit.

Please note that face masks/coverings will become mandatory for customers in shops and supermarkets from Friday 24th July – failure to comply could lead to a fine of up to £100.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office have advised against cruise ship travel at this time and if you have future cruise travel plans it is recommended that you contact your travel operator for further guidance.

Some news on the retail front – as you have probably read, the Coronavirus outbreak has led to the demise of a large number of businesses including some of the well-known high street chains. Even John Lewis have had to announce the permanent closure of a number of their stores – however, the Chichester store is not amongst these and is set to re-open on 30th July.

Bury Parish Council

At the end of each financial year Bury Parish Council are required to complete an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). At their meeting on 6th July, Councillors approved the return for submission to the external auditor and the AGAR for 2019/20 can now be viewed on the notice boards in Bury and West Burton and under the Accounts section (Year end April 2020) here.

Preparations continue for the arrangements we need to make for the re-opening of Bury Village Hall and we hope to make an announcement on this very soon. We have contacted our regular users to ascertain whether they anticipate starting up again and we are pleased to report that the short mat bowlers, the ballet class and the ballroom dancers all expect to return. In addition, a new martial arts class will be starting on Tuesday evenings. Full details of all the various activities and clubs intending to use the hall will be made available to parishioners should they wish to join.

Bury Wharf

Bury Parish Council is pleased to announce that the new information board at The Wharf has now been installed. This replaces the previous board which had deteriorated and as a result had been absent for several years. Cllr Paul Whyles supplemented and edited the wording of the original sign, created by village stalwart Gwen Squire, and worked with Sussex sign makers The Acorn Workshop in designing the new board. As well as some fascinating history, the board also contains information on flora and fauna around The Wharf. Illustrations include a photo of Bury's last ferryman Bob Dudden and the board also contains wildlife watercolours taken, with kind permission, from the Bury 2000 village map, which hangs in the village hall. A new lifebelt housing box has also been installed.

Please keep safe and stay well – and if you require help from our volunteers please contact Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (W. Burton) 831475

For further information please contact the parish clerk Mike Simpson at:-

Update 8 July 2020

Following the many changes introduced by the government to ease the rules on lockdown as from 4th July, a further update has been published (6th July) providing detailed information which you can see here

Sports fans will no doubt be pleased to hear that cricket can resume from 11thJuly and there is expectation that this week the government may give gyms and swimming pools the green light to re-open in the near future.

For further information please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at: -

Bury Parish Council

As mentioned in our Newsletter at the end of last week, Bury Green and playground is open but please ensure you read the COVID -19 notice at the entrance gate describing the social distancing and hygiene measures all users should follow. At the Parish Council meeting on Monday 6th July, Councillors discussed the re-opening of Bury village hall and the measures required to be COVID-19 compliant - we will issue further information as soon as we can. Minutes of the Council meeting will be made available for parishioners shortly.

Sarah Nelson, our current Village Hall Manager is sadly leaving us this week. Sarah started her role within the village in January 2018 and since that time has been a tremendous supporter to the work of the village hall. She has been tireless in her efforts to improve the building, ensure that our procedures are correct and helping out at events whenever possible and on behalf of Bury Parish Council, hall hirers and our Parishioners we would like to thank her for going above and beyond in her role on so many occasions. We wish her every success in the future.

An announcement on the new Village Hall Manager will be made soon.

WSCC Recycling Update

West Sussex County Council haS announced that from 6th July it will now be possible to deposit construction type waste (e.g. soil, hardcore, plasterboard and asbestos) at certain sites and trailers will now be permitted on certain days at a limited number of sites. For full details please see here

Out and About

Most of the tourism sites and businesses in West Sussex started re-opening from 4th July and for a useful guide to the many attractions you can now visit please click here . One of the gardens shown in the guide – West Dean Garden – featured in the Sunday Telegraph which described the walled kitchen garden as possibly the best place to find the finest fruit and vegetable garden in Britain – please click here

Whilst the re-opening of many of our favourite venues is welcome news, obviously the visiting experience will be somewhat different going forward – in particular, most venues will require advance booking so please check their websites first to avoid disappointment.

For those looking for an alternative to watching films in the cinema, perhaps a drive-in movie might provide an interesting experience and this is what Loxwood are offering.

South Downs National Park

When next walking the South Downs it might be worth taking your camera – there is an opportunity to win £250 in the SDNP’s photo competition entitled “My tranquil heaven” which will be won by the image that best captures the tranquil beauty of the South Downs, The competition runs until the 23rdOctober and full details can be seen here

Please keep safe and stay well – and if you require help from our volunteers please contact Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (W. Burton) 831475

For further information please contact the parish clerk Mike Simpson at:-

Update 1 July 2020

This coming Saturday, 4th July sees the next phase of the government’s plan “to return life to as near normal as we can, for as many people as we can, as quickly and fairly as possible in order to safeguard livelihoods, but in a way that continues to protect our communities and our NHS”. Rules as to how many people you can meet with - indoors and out – will change, staying away overnight will be possible, public places such as libraries, community centres and places of worship can re-open along with many more businesses including restaurants, pubs, hotels, hairdressers, cinemas etc. Visits to all of these places will be a somewhat different experience than before and the guidelines are quite complex so for greater detail on all the changes we would urge you to visit the government website A number of businesses will have to remain closed, full details of which can be seen in Section 1.4 of the document.

Bury Parish Council is currently considering the implications of guidelines issued yesterday by the government in relation to measures we must introduce for the safe operation of community halls (Bury Village Hall) and public playgrounds (Bury Green/playground) and we will issue a further communication shortly.

Motorists please note that the Department of Transport has announced that the six-month extension granted to all drivers whose MOTs expired after March 30th will now end on August 1st – two months earlier than originally planned. Would-be motorists might be pleased to hear that driving lessons and theory tests can restart on 4th July and car driving tests from 22nd July.

Update 24 June 2020

As expected, during July we will see a number of easements in the current lockdown conditions and by way of a brief summary we reproduce the press release which followed the Prime Minister’s announcement:

“Prime Minister Boris Johnson has today (Tuesday 23 June) set out further changes to lockdown measures in England to enable people to see more of their friends and family, help businesses get back on their feet and get people back in their jobs. From Saturday 4th July, the Prime Minister has announced that pubs, restaurants and hairdressers will be able to reopen, providing they adhere to COVID Secure guidelines.

From the same date, he has set out that two households will be able to meet up in any setting with social distancing measures, and that people can now enjoy staycations in England with the reopening of accommodation sites.

In order to begin restoring the arts and cultural sector, some leisure facilities and tourist attractions may also reopen, if they can do so safely – this includes outdoor gyms and playgrounds, cinemas, museums, galleries, theme parks and arcades, as well as libraries, social clubs, places of worship and community centres.

Following a review, the Prime Minister has also set out that where it is not possible to stay two metres apart, guidance will allow people to keep a social distance of ‘one metre plus’. This means staying one metre apart, plus mitigations which reduce the risk of transmission.

As we begin to reopen the economy, it’s important that we do not increase the risk of transmission which is why “close proximity” venues such as nightclubs, soft-play areas, indoor gyms, swimming pools, water parks, bowling alleys and spas will need to remain closed for now. The Government is continuing to work with these sectors to establish taskforces to help them to become COVID Secure and reopen as soon as possible.

While the infection rate continues to fall, the Prime Minister has been clear that the public must continue to follow social distancing guidelines to keep coronavirus under control. The Government will keep all measures under constant review and will not hesitate to apply the handbrake, or reverse measures, should the virus begin to run out of control.

These changes apply in England only.”

Obviously greater details of all these measures will emerge over the next day or so and we suggest you visit: for further information.

Bury Parish Council

Among a number of issues currently under discussion, the Parish Council are now looking at making plans for the eventual re-opening of the village hall following the government announcement on 23rd June of the easing of the current lockdown restrictions applicable to community centres. Clearly a number of new protocols and procedures will apply and these will impact differently upon the various types of activities and functions that take place in the hall. Currently we are in contact with previous regular hirers of the hall to establish whether they expect to resume once the hall can re-open and with guidance from Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) we are carefully considering the COVID-19 Secure Guidelines measures we will need to follow prior to opening our doors again. We will of course continue to update you with our progress on this issue.

West Sussex County Council

We have been asked by West Sussex County Council to provide some useful information to parishioners reminding you of your rights and responsibilities when using Public Rights of Way (PROW) and to update you on what they are doing to maintain their service at this time.

The text of their request is reproduced here:

Please note WSCC has suspended the 15 month Inspection and Maintenance Cycle, due to the Covid 19 pandemic, and is currently only taking action on Public Rights of Way where reported issues require work to ensure public safety on the network. Should any enquiries received not be of this nature it will be logged so it can be prioritised and addressed in the future when normal working practices are resumed. We are currently reviewing when we can re-start inspections in line with government guidance and ask you for your patience in dealing with issues that arise. It is also important to note that our summer clearance programme for surface vegetation has now begun on selected paths and is running between the 1st June and mid-August.

  • At this time it is important to remind people that public footpaths are for use by the public on foot only and cycling on these routes is a trespass against the landowner. This unlawful use risks conflict on the paths themselves and considerable challenges for people trying to keep the necessary 2m apart whilst enjoying the countryside.

  • It is also important to note that landowners are responsible for any side vegetation encroaching onto the path and any structures on the PROW network, such as stiles and gates. If appropriate to do so please contact the landowner, if known, directly to make them aware of the issue but if not you can continue to report such issues here:

  • A final reminder is the need to ensure good hygiene when using the PROW network including regular hand washing along with social distancing in line with government advice.

As always, our thanks to the volunteers who are helping with shopping and medication collection for a number of our residents.

Please keep well and stay safe and as always, if you do need help with shopping and collecting medication please ask to be put in touch with our wonderful volunteers via: -

Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 Ken & Diana Rowsell (W. Burton) 831475

For further information please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at: -

Update 17 June 2020

Monday 15th June witnessed the opening of places of worship for individual worship, the compulsory wearing of face coverings on public transport and for those visiting patients in hospital or attending as out-patients - and the re-opening of non-essential shops although some of the larger retailers are phasing in their re-opening process. There are still a number of businesses still awaiting the all-clear to re-open and we suggest you visit the Government website for full details of the up to date position:


Although public libraries remain closed for now, West Sussex Library Service have introduced a scheme whereby you can return any borrowed items by depositing them in large letter boxes at certain library branches. This only applies on certain fixed dates and is not compulsory – there will be no charges on any items not returned in this way. For full details please click here

During the Coronavirus emergency the library service has developed an interesting selection of online material:


Please note that car park charges in Chichester have now resumed (but still free for NHS and social care workers in the Northgate Car Park on production of a digital season ticket). Chichester Farmers Market is open on the first and third Friday each month (June 19th is the next one) and is operating temporarily from the Cattle Market Car Park. The Wednesday and Saturday Market resumed on 10th June, also in the Cattle Market Car Park.

The Novium Museum is still closed but a number of their exhibitions and collections and a virtual tour are available to view online:


Despite not being able to meet together as a Council in the normal way, regular use of video conferencing has enabled council, committee and working groups to continue conducting the business of Bury Parish Council. One of our functions is to manage, maintain and improve our parish assets, some of which comprise: -

  • Bury Village Hall

  • Bury Green & Playground

  • The Recreation Ground

  • Bury Wharf

  • Pill Pond (West Burton)

  • Sand Pit (Coates Common)

  • The Chalk Pit

  • The Copse

  • Bus Shelter

  • Seats

  • Notice Boards

  • Footpaths & Coffin Trail

Limited resources often prevent us from delivering certain major projects but when South Downs National Park authority offered us the opportunity to work with them on improvements to the Sand Pit – a sand martin breeding site - we were delighted to accept. A number of dying ash trees were cleared from the site and replaced by a mix of trees including disease resistance elms planted in such a way as to provide more daylight and a clearer path for nesters and create a habitat for other birds and insects. Hand drilled nest holes were then made in order to attract sand martins to the site. An information panel has been installed by SDNPA and we very much appreciate the time and resources they provided for this project.

Please note that work by Beechdown Arboriculture has begun this week at various locations within the parish on the felling of a number of dead trees and branches that present a danger to public safety.

As always, our thanks to the volunteers who are helping with shopping and medication collection for a number of our residents.

Update 9 June 2020

Measures to ease lockdown have been moving on a pace, the latest developments being: -

From Monday 8th June Dental Surgeries can re-open. Reports suggest that a visit to the dentist will be a somewhat different experience than before as social distancing, hygiene and cleaning measures will result in far fewer appointments being available and patients will likely need to wear protective clothing as well as the practitioners.

From Monday 15th June – Non-essential shops can re-open provided the Government’s tests for easing lockdown are being met – and subject to the retailer in question implementing measures to keep staff and shoppers safe. A number of major stores with a large network of branches have indicated that they will be implementing a phased re-opening of their stores so it may be prudent to check with the website prior to making a visit. In-store cafes and restaurants will have to remain closed for the time being. “Which” magazine has published an article on the re-opening of shops which you may find useful:

Unfortunately, hairdressers do not figure on the list although there is some degree of expectation that they might re-open on 4th July and some are already making appointments for their clients in anticipation. The hospitality trade (bars, pubs, restaurants etc.) will also have to wait a little longer before re-opening.

From Monday 15th June – Places of Worship can re-open for individual worship. Guidelines relating to social distancing, hand cleaning and the cleaning of shared spaces are being issued by the Government and no-doubt Father Peter will be contacting you with the details once known.

From Monday 15th June – Face coverings will be compulsory on public transport. This will apply to travel by bus coach, train, ferry and aircraft. It will also apply to all visitors and out-patients at hospitals. The Government has asked us not to use medical grade PPE masks to ensure these remain available for front line staff. It should be possible to source the masks on the internet but face coverings can be as simple as a scarf, bandana or other textile items that cover the mouth and nose while allowing the wearer to breathe comfortably. You can even make your own – this Government website will show you how:

With so many rules and guidelines to follow during the Coronavirus emergency it can be very confusing to know what exactly you can and cannot do so we recommend a visit to the Government’s very useful guide:

Update 26 May 2020

The government are required by law to review the coronavirus situation by this Thursday but ahead of this Boris Johnson announced the intention to implement a further easing in the current lockdown conditions. From 1st June outdoor markets and car showrooms can re-open and from 15th June this will extend to non-essential retail outlets such as shopping centres and small independent shops – all of which will be subject to the businesses in question meeting the government’s social distancing and hygiene standards. Hairdressers, beauty salons and the hospitality sector (pubs, bars, cafés, restaurants, hotels etc.) must remain closed.

There has been some easement affecting operation of certain local amenities and facilities that many of use as follows:

Chichester Farmers Market

Chichester Farmers Market returns on 5th June in its temporary location at the Cattle Market Car Park.

West Wittering Beach

West Wittering Beach reopens on Wednesday 27th May but if you are thinking of a trip to the beach to enjoy the warm sunshine promised this week please be aware that parking will be limited and must be booked in advance but is already sold out for this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. There will be no other local parking available in West Wittering. Please see

Waste & Recycling Sites

West Sussex County Council have announced that vans and pick-up trucks can now visit the sites (but will need a permit). Trailers are still not allowed on site. Only black bin and green garden waste can be taken there but a larger range of items are likely to be accepted very soon. Please see:

This coming Sunday marks the 45th anniversary of the official opening of Bury Village Hall on 31st May 1975 by Her Grace, Lavinia, Duchess of Norfolk. Unfortunately, we are not able to hold a village function to celebrate this if course, but we certainly aim to do so on the 50th anniversary in 2025.

Just a reminder that if you need help with shopping or collecting medication please ask to be put in contact with our wonderful volunteer force by calling:

Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 Ken & Diana Rowsell (W. Burton) 831475

For further information please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at: -

Update 14 May 2020

Government Announcement 10th May

On Sunday the Prime Minister announced the strategy for the second phase of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic which is focused on controlling the virus whilst gradually easing some restrictions and re-opening as much of the economy as possible without risking a second peak.

We are now being asked to Stay Alert, Control The Virus, Save Lives.

Staying alert essentially means staying at home as much as possible but stay alert when you do go out by maintaining social distancing, washing your hands regularly and respecting others in the workplace and the other settings you go to.

The Prime Minister has proposed three steps to ease the country gradually out of lockdown which will be subject to successfully controlling the virus and being able to monitor and react to its spread. The measures in question apply to England.

STEP ONE – Wednesday 13th May

Those who cannot work from home will be encouraged to return to their jobs if their workplace is open. They should avoid using public transport where possible and employers must follow new guidance from the government on making workplaces safe for staff.

There will be greater freedom for individuals to take more and unlimited outdoor exercise - sunbathing in the park, driving to other destinations and playing golf and tennis will be allowed but subject to conditions that will ensure social distancing. If you follow this link you will have a much clearer picture of all the changes to the current rules – in Section 2.1 for example you will find an explanation of the rules pertaining to those aged 70 and over, vulnerable groups and shielding.

STEP TWO – June 1st

This should see the gradual return to school of children in primary schools but secondary school pupils and university students will not return before September. Retailers of non-essential goods will be allowed to re-open and certain cultural and sporting events should be able to take place behind closed doors for broadcast. In all cases, social distancing and other safety measures under the new government guidelines must be observed.


This will hopefully see the re-opening of venues such as cinemas, churches, pubs, restaurants, hotels and hairdressers as long as they can meet social distancing measures.

On Monday 11th May the Government published the “road map” – a 60 page document outlining the strategy for recovery which provides much greater detail and can be viewed here.

We also recommend that you read the following guide to staying alert and safe social distancing also published on 11th May

The following are updates on various local services and facilities in the light of the current health emergency.

WSCC Recycling Centres

West Sussex County Council are re-opening some of their household waste and recycling centres from 11th May for limited materials only and there are a number of restrictions including: -

  • Only garden waste (grass cuttings and hedge trimmings) and general household waste (“black bin” type waste) will be accepted

  • Only cars will be allowed on site (no trailers, vans, pick-up trucks etc.)

  • Social distancing rule must be observed

The number of vehicles entering the site will be restricted and visitors should expect long delays. You will be asked to prove you are resident in West Sussex by producing ID such as a driving licence, council tax demand or utility bill etc. Before making a visit to a site we strongly recommend that you refer to the website first so you are aware of all the restrictions that will apply. On the website you can follow a link to find information on the location and days/hours of opening of all WSCC sites.

Garden Centres

From Wednesday 13th May Garden Centres can allow customers to enter the premises (click and collect has been possible already). However, they must comply with social distancing so managers must control the numbers of people in the store so that customers can keep 2 metres from each other. In-store cafes/restaurants must stay closed. If you are planning to make a visit it might be worthwhile phoning first and/or looking at the centre’s website for further information.

Local Businesses

In previous Newsletters we have given details of a number of local outlets and the services they offer during the current difficulties – you can also find details of these here:

For fish lovers we have received news of a further supplier able to offer a delivery service – Browns of Littlehampton. Call 01903-715544 to place an order. You can view their website here:

Please note that the Truffles Bakery mobile bread van is now operating a different schedule and will visit Bury on Tuesday and Thursday each week. They will call at Bury Village Hall at 1.00pm and move on to Coombe Crescent at 1.30pm

Chichester Festival Theatre

Many of our parishioners who have been regular patrons of CFT were doubtless disappointed to hear of the decision to have to cancel all scheduled Festival 2020 productions in the light of the Covid-19 situation. However, CFT say they are determined to stay connected to their audience and continue supporting the community and have announced the introduction of CFT AT HOME – ON LINE BROADCASTS where you can view for free certain past productions. Please see their website for details

Bury Parish Council News

The first ever “remote” meeting of Bury Parish Council was held on the evening of 11th May via the Zoom video conferencing facility. All eight councillors plus the parish clerk managed to link up successfully (with an appearance by Alan Sutton our district councillor to present his report) and the meeting was conducted very satisfactorily. One member of the public “attended”. The minutes of the meeting will be made available on the Council’s website and notice boards shortly.

Bury Village Hall

As reported previously, Bury Village Hall had to be closed from 23rd March until further notice resulting in a total loss of the revenue derived from commercial and private hirers plus coffee mornings and similar events. This revenue forms a vital part of Bury Parish Council’s overall income needed to cover the many functions and services the parish council is responsible for and the loss of it was a cause of some concern. However, we are pleased to report that under the Covid-19 grant funding support scheme announced in March we have just received a business support grant of £10,000. Hopefully, this should help us ensure that our estimated expenditure for 2020/21 will be covered – and without any adverse effect on next year’s precept demand.

VE Day 75th Anniversary

It was wonderful to see a number of houses festooned with bunting and to hear our residents join in the national toast and the evening sing along on the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. The glorious weather helped make May 8th a very special day indeed!

Whilst we will all welcome the news of some easement in the lockdown conditions, the underlying message must still be to stay well and keep safe and if you need any help please do not hesitate to call upon our wonderful volunteers. As always, the first ports of call are: -

Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 Ken & Diana Rowsell (W. Burton) 831475

For further information please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at: -

Household Waste Recycling Sites reopening

From Monday 11th May Household Waste Recycling Sites will open for limited materials only.

Please check what will be accepted here:

For opening times, check here:

Update 30 April 2020

Dear Parishioner

As you will be aware the current lockdown measures are currently set to continue until 7th May so may we remind you of who you can contact for help with shopping and collection of medication - or if you would simply like a friendly neighbour to telephone you for a chat. Our team of volunteers can be reached via: -Father Peter Mallinson (Bury) on 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) on 831475

Coronavirus Testing

The Government have just announced that coronavirus testing is now available for millions more people in England. Testing can be applied for by: -

  • those who have a clinical referral

  • people age 65 and over who have symptoms

  • those who are currently required to travel to work and have symptoms

It has also been announced that care home residents and staff with or without symptoms can request testing. We would recommend visiting the Governmentwebsite for further details of these changes and for a reminder of the conditions of “lockdown” and other measures.

Bury Parish Council

We reported previously that parish councils were unable to hold council or committee meetings as a result of the social distancing and stay at home rules. Emergency legislation was recently enacted allowing meetings to be held remotely by means of telephone or video conferencing and Bury Parish Council recently had a practice meeting by video conferencing with the aid of Zoom. This worked extremely well and so we will be hosting the first Bury Parish Council online meeting on Monday 11th May at 6.30pm. As always, members of the public are welcome to join, albeit remotely, and speak on an agenda item for up to 5 minutes at the beginning of the meeting. The agenda will be posted on the website and noticeboards on Tuesday 5th May. If you would like to “attend” please email the clerk in the first instance on so that the appropriate arrangements can be made.

Normally in early May we stage the Annual Parish Meeting – this is essentially the opportunity to enable parishioners to attend and hear news of the council’s activities in the preceding year, to inspect the accounts, raise queries and offer views and suggestions on the various aspects affecting the parish and its residents. Obviously, we shall not be able to stage such a gathering under the current rules but we are anxious to ensure that you are kept fully up to date on the Council’s activities and we will produce and circulate a written report shortly covering 2019/20.

Local Services & Businesses

In previous Newsletters we have provided details of a number of local outlets who between them are able to cater for most of our everyday needs. Feedback has been extremely positive from residents regarding the arrangements the proprietors have made to observe the social distancing rules etc. and we are most grateful to all concerned who have made huge efforts to ensure that stocks are regularly replenished. Home delivery has also helped, particularly when we have been quoted a delivery slot in the middle of May or later by well-known supermarkets!

The take away and/or home delivery of meals by some of our local pubs has proved very popular – and delicious! For details of the local businesses still operating and the services they offer in these difficult times please see 'Update on local services and businesses' below.

Changes afoot

In recent days we have already seen major retailers such as B&Q (see and MacDonalds re-open some of their outlets (hardware stores and food retailers were never required to close but many elected to do so) and the government have now given permission for garden centers and “non-essential” retailers to operate click and collect services as long as customers remain outside the store to collect their goods.

It was also reported that the Local Government Minister is asking local councils to plan the organised re-opening of household waste and recycling sites, although to begin with, since many householders would have built up a sizeable amount of rubbish over the past six weeks, they may be required to book appointments and produce proof of identification in order to visit the site.

There is also some expectation that the Government may modify some of the current lockdown restrictions ahead of May 7th- we will continue to update you on changes as they occur but in the meantime please keep well, stay safe and above all, please do not hesitate to ask for help from our volunteers – to whom once again we extend our gratitude for the marvellous way they are supporting others during the current public health emergency.

If you require help with shopping or collection of medication or are prepared to volunteer your services your first port of call is: Fr Peter Mallinson (Bury) on 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) on 831475.

Update on local services and businesses:

Chichester District Council

May Bank Holiday office closure.

It does seem that household waste, recycling and green waste collections are currently running normally again so a big thank you to the crews who operate these services. However, all Household Waste and Recycling Sites remain closed at present. Can we please remind you that CDC is urging people not to light bonfires in order to protect the health of others during the coronavirus crisis. For Chichester District Council Service Updates visit:

Charlie's Farm Shop

The shop continues to operate Tuesday to Sunday as per usual. They are also offering a collection service from the back of the shop if you order ahead by phone or e-mail. Please call 01798-303989 or see their website

Johnson's Fish

The company no longer visits Charlies Farm Shop on Thursdays but they do offer a home delivery service. Details can be found on their website although it seems that at present all orders have to be made by phone on 02392-817547 between 0800and 1500hrs Monday to Friday and 0800 to 1200hrs on Saturday.

Turner's Garage

The shop and forecourt are now closed until further notice but the workshop remains open between 0800 and 1600hrs for repairs, servicing, MOTs etc. Phone 831417 or visit their website

Amberley Stores

The shop remains closed and a delivery service has been introduced. The Post Office can be visited by appointment only. The newspaper delivery service to Bury is continuing although papers are arriving later than normal. Contact the store or phone 831171.

Truffles Mobile Bakery

Truffles visits Bury twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays:

1300hrs Bury (village hall)

1330hrs Bury (Coombe Crescent)

The Labouring Man - Coldwaltham

They are running a shop with groceries etc. and are selling plants and compost. A take-away meal service is available and they will deliver to Bury. Please call 873337 for details.

The Sportsman - Crossgates, Amberley

They offer a set take-away lunch and an evening meal service on Wednesday and Friday and lunch only on Sundays. They will deliver to Bury. Call 831787 for more information.

Bury Post Office

Tracy still visits Bury on a Friday between 13.15 and 15.15hrs where she offers the normal Post Office services including paying in of cash or cheques along with cash withdrawals. Please note, the Post Office will not be open on Friday 8 May for VE Day.

Jane Bellinger

Bury based Cordon Bleu Chef Jane is able to offer cooked meals and/or batch meals for your freezer. Contact her on 839433 or email: website:

Cokes Farm, West Burton

Free range eggs, duck eggs, milk and some dairy items, local produce and some seasonal vegetables can be found in Ken and Diana’s shop at the farm. Phone 831475.

Thank you to our volunteers who continue to provide marvellous support to others during the current public health emergency. Keep well, stay safe and if you require further information please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at

Update 22 April 2020

Dear Parishioner

As expected, the “lockdown” measures under the Covid-19 pandemic have been extended and will now continue until 7th May. Consequently, the Government advice on social distancing and staying at home etc are still in place so please visit their website for full details of what we can and cannot do in these unprecedented times.

If you require help with shopping or collection of medication or are prepared to volunteer your services your first port of call is: Fr Peter Mallinson (Bury) on 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) on 831475

Here is an update on local services and business in the light of the current difficulties: -

Chichester District Council

It does seem that household waste, recycling and green waste collections are currently running normally again so a big thank you to the crews who operate these services. However, all Household Waste and Recycling Sites remain closed at present. Can we please remind you that CDC is urging people not to light bonfires in order to protect the health of others during the coronavirus crisis.

Charlie's Farm Shop

The shop continues to operate Tuesday to Sunday as per usual. They are also offering a collection service from the back of the shop if you order ahead by phone or e-mail. Please call 01798-303989 or see their website

Johnson's Fish

The company no longer visits Charlies Farm Shop on Thursdays but they do offer a home delivery service. Details can be found on their website although it seems that at present all orders have to be made by phone on 02392-817547 between 0800and 1500hrs Monday to Friday and 0800 to 1200hrs on Saturday.

Turner's Garage

The shop and forecourt are now closed until further notice but the workshop remains open between 0800 and 1600hrs for repairs, servicing, MOTs etc. Phone 831417 or visit their website

Amberley Stores

The shop remains closed and a delivery service has been introduced. The Post Office can be visited by appointment only. The newspaper delivery service to Bury is continuing although papers are arriving later than normal. Contact the store or phone 831171.


Truffles Mobile Bakery

Truffles tell us that the calling schedule has now altered and they will come to Bury first in future to give us more choice. The next visit by the truck is on Thursday (23rd) and it will arrive in Coombe Crescent first at 9.00am before moving on to the village hall. The current intention is that next week the calling dates will be Monday (27th), Wednesday and Friday and the following week on Tuesday (5th May) and Thursday with the pattern repeating itself into the future. Things are somewhat fluid however and they suggest checking their website on a Sunday when apparently they publish the truck calling schedules

The Labouring Man - Coldwaltham

They are running a shop with groceries etc. and are selling plants and compost. A take-away meal service is available and they will deliver to Bury. Please call 873337 for details.

The Sportsman - Crossgates, Amberley

They offer a set take-away lunch and an evening meal service on Wednesday and Friday and lunch only on Sundays. They will deliver to Bury. Call 831787 for more information.

Bury Post Office

Tracy still visits Bury on a Friday between 13.15 and 15.15hrs where she offers the normal Post Office services including paying in of cash or cheques along with cash withdrawals. Please note, the Post Office will not be open on Friday 8 May for VE Day.

Jane Bellinger

Bury based Cordon Bleu Chef Jane is able to offer cooked meals and/or batch meals for your freezer. Contact her on 839433 or email: website:

Cokes Farm, West Burton

Free range eggs, duck eggs, milk and some dairy items, local produce and some seasonal vegetables can be found in Ken and Diana’s shop at the farm. Phone 831475.

Thank you to our volunteers who continue to provide marvellous support to others during the current public health emergency. Keep well, stay safe and if you require further information please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at

Update 21 April 2020

Chichester District Council - Service Status

Please follow this link to the CDC Service Status Update.

Update 8 April 2020

Dear Parishioner

Having now entered the third week of “lockdown” our volunteer force is well established and arrangements for collecting shopping and prescriptions for our more vulnerable residents are working smoothly.

Fortunately, following the recent spell of dry and sunny weather, some of the local footpaths and bridleways which recently resembled conditions on the Somme have now dried out completely thus affording widespread access to all the favourite walks and views in our beautiful parish. By way of endorsement as to how much easier it is to endure the current rules when living in somewhere like Bury, research just conducted by Evergreen Life found that the Arun constituency of West Sussex had the highest rate of compliance with the restrictions in the country at 98.4%!

The following is an update of local businesses and facilities: -


Chichester District Council report that at the moment they are operating a full waste collection service (black, burgundy and green bins) but are not able currently to support a bulk waste collection service. Should things change, priority will be given to the collection domestic waste (black bins) and recycling (burgundy bins). All being well, the burgundy recycling bins should be collected on their next due date which (for most residents) is this coming Friday, 10th April – crews do normally work on Good Friday! Please visit: - (scroll down to Waste & Recycling section)


Chichester District Council are urging people not to light bonfires in order to protect the health of others during the coronavirus crisis – for more information please visit: -


Our previous Newsletters provided detailers of a number of local outlets open for business and details of these can be found on our website at

Others to be added to the list are

  • TRUFFLES BAKERY – during the current crisis Truffles will be using one of their lunch trucks which normally service business parks and industrial estates (now mostly closed) to provide a bakery delivery service to local villages. They visit Bury (1pm in the village hall car park and 1.15pm in Coombe Crescent) on Tuesday and Thursday one week and then Monday, Wednesday and Friday the next – and so on. Their next scheduled visit is this Thursday 9th April. They probably won’t come on Easter Monday but would be due in Bury on Wednesday 15th and Friday 17th.

  • THE SWAN at Fittleworth are providing a take-away meal service – for full details please contact them on 01798-865154

  • THE LABOURING MAN in Coldwaltham are also offering take-away meals and are running a shop with groceries. They will have bedding plants and compost available from 8th April– full details on 01798-873337


Further information on suppliers and services still operating during the crisis within or bordering the South Downs National Park can be viewed here on this extremely useful interactive map. 9d31f


We reported in our previous newsletter that the parish council were unable to hold council or committee meetings as a result of the social distancing and stay at home rules. Emergency legislation has now been enacted allowing meetings to be held remotely by means of telephone or video conferencing, live webcast and live interactive streaming etc. The council are now in the process of setting up suitable arrangements and we will report further on this shortly.


The following is a message from Father Peter regarding distribution of The Link for April.

"In this time of lock down, when we can only go outside for limited reasons the Parish has not been able to distribute a paper copy of the April edition of The Link. Instead it has been sent out by email to as many people as we have email addresses for. We do not have the addresses of everyone who had the Link. If you normally receive the Link, please would you send a message to Fr Peter on the Parish email, which is In the message can you please give your name and address and the email address can be picked up from the message. We will then start to collate a group to which the monthly Link can be sent separate from Fr Peter's daily message. Please send this information even if you are already receiving the Link by email, so you don't inadvertently get missed."

Once again, our thanks to the volunteer force for the marvellous support they bring to others during the current public health emergency. If you require help or are able to volunteer your services the points of contact are:

Fr. Peter Mallinson on 839057 (Bury) Ken & Diana Rowsell on 831475 (W. Burton)

Keep well, stay safe and if you require further information please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at

Update 2 April 2020

Dear Parishioner

We are delighted to say that the volunteer force initiative appears to be working very well so just a reminder that if you need assistance or are prepared to offer your services to help others your first port of call is:- Fr Peter Mallinson on 839057 (Bury) Ken & Diana Rowsell on 831475 (West Burton)

We are writing to you now to update you on various aspects of the current crisis: -


For the latest information, advice and guidance relating to Coronavirus for residents and businesses offered by WSCC please visit their website


Up to date information on the vast range of services run by our district council can be found here. Under the heading Waste, Recycling and Garden Waste at the foot of the list you will find the latest information on bin collections. Having announced originally that CDC were prioritising domestic waste (black bin) and garden waste (green bin) they now state that priority will be given to domestic waste and recycling (burgundy bin) collection.

A further link within the Waste, Recycling and Garden Waste section will take you to the FAQs page where you will find suggestions as to what you might do to manage garden waste during the period of possible non-collection of green bins.


As reported previously all public libraries are closed until further notice. However, the library service has now produced online facilities including eBooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers for you to enjoy at home. Full details of all the services available can be found here.


We have been advised that the shop is now closed and a delivery service is being operated. For further information visit their website or phone 01798-831171. The Post Office is providing an appointment only service (15 minute slots per person) so please phone to reserve a time slot. Newspaper delivery to Bury will continue as before. Bury Post Office is expected to open this Friday at the normal time (13.15hrs to 15.15hrs)


The new rules on staying at home and away from others also impacts upon the parish council. Consequently, we cannot hold full council or committee meetings at the present time. We understand that the government is currently working on legislation that will allow council meetings to be held remotely and to make decisions without the need for physically meeting.

In the meantime, Councillors are in constant touch by email and telephone and will continue to provide you with information relevant to current issues. Fortunately, the significant repairs and improvement to the Village Hall are now completed and the ongoing maintenance work around our parish is being dealt with by outside contractors so our current inability to hold meetings and make decisions should not cause any undue disruption in the short term.


Bury School is currently open for children of key workers and we thought you would like to see this report that Headteacher Thomas Moore has provided on their current activities.

“We are all good here at school, we have a few key worker children each day and will be open throughout Easter to support the families who need the childcare at this vital time. The children have started growing crops in the hope we can grow food to give to the community if we remain in lockdown for a long period of time. The staff and children have been doing Joe Wicks workout each morning and the staff are finding aches in muscles they never knew they had as a result! We have done lots of pond-dipping and on one day we transferred 15 newts from our old pond to the new extra-large pond space that used to be the pool - the children loved watching the newts swim off into the depths of the pool, and were fascinated watching the masses of diving beetles (including some greater diving beetles and their scorpion-like nymphs). We have played lots of hangman and Mr Moore’s knowledge of tractor companies is improving as these appear to be the words of choice for some of our children. We hope you are all well in the village and getting use to the unusual situation we find ourselves in. Today we are going to start taking some microscope images of items in school as a little quiz for people. Have a look at our Twitter feed or Facebook page to have a guess at the object”. For website please visit:-

Once again, a huge vote of thanks to our volunteer force who are helping enormously to relieve our more vulnerable residents of the worry of obtaining everyday necessities and for providing a friendly voice to those who might otherwise feel rather lonely at home.

Keep well, keep safe and above all please ask for help if you need it. For further information please contact the parish clerk Mike Simpson at:-

Update 28 March 2020


In our previous Newsletter we reported on the plans being made to establish a bank of volunteers to help the more vulnerable members of our community with basic tasks such as shopping and prescription collection. The volunteer force is now up and running and so is the “telephone buddy” system to ensure that those residents who might be feeling rather lonely in these difficult times can have a friendly chat with a fellow resident. To all those who have stepped forward to help we extend a huge vote of thanks on behalf of the community. If you need help - or if you are able to join the volunteer force - your first point of call is

Father Peter Mallinson (Bury) on 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) on 831475

Following the Prime Minister’s address to the nation on Monday 23rd March we now have some clarity as to which businesses can remain open. In addition to supermarkets and other food shops, petrol stations and garages along with banks and post offices are amongst those permitted to continue trading. Bury Parish Council has been in touch with local businesses and other facilities who have provided us with an update on their current situation.


It has now been announced that, as well as public worship having being suspended, all church buildings in the Church of England are now closed until further notice. In the event of an emergency please contact Father Peter on 839057 or email:


Bury C of E Primary School is now closed until further notice in accordance with the government edict. We have asked Thomas Moore the headteacher if we can help in any way. Dorset House School is also closed.


Renowned Bury-based, Cordon Bleu chef Jane Bellinger is very happy to cook batch meals for parishioners and their freezers! Do support Jane if you can and how lovely would it be to have such gourmet food at home for a change! Jane is contactable on 01798 839433 or email:


Charlie reports that the farm shop is continuing as normal (Tuesday to Sunday) providing milk, a range of dairy products, bakery items, vegetables, on-site butchery and a large range of quality local produce. Currently there are sensible restrictions on egg purchases and some meat items but pasteurised milk is literally on tap and will always be available. You can now telephone ahead with your order and it will be put together and carried out to you/your car!

Telephone: 01798-303989 Website:


Turners Garage offers the full range of facilities for motoring needs – forecourt service (8am to 4pm) with petrol and diesel and a shop offering some everyday essentials plus snacks, confectionary, beverage and newspapers. Vehicle servicing, repairs and MOTs available plus batteries, brakes, tyres, exhausts etc and Britpart Land Rover Parts. Coal and gas are also available. Open Monday to Friday. Phone 01798-831417

email: Website:


In Ken and Diana’s shop at Cokes Farm you will find free range eggs, duck eggs, milk and some dairy produce along with some seasonal vegetables plus items of local produce.

Open daily. Phone: 01798-831475.


Tracy our postmistress says she intends to continue coming to Bury (Fridays 1.15pm to 3.30pm) to deliver the normal Post Office services including paying in of cash and cheques along with cash withdrawals. Tracy requests that given the very restrictive space within the Post Office could customers please keep a sensible distance from each other.


Sadly, following the government edict on Friday 20th March, Nick has had to close the pub and restaurant for the time being. We shall certainly miss the superb presentation and quality of the meals enjoyed there for many years. We send our best wishes to Nick and family and the staff and do hope that we can return to the Squire at some stage.


All hirers of the hall have cancelled their bookings and the hall will now be closed until further notice. This does not affect the Post Office which has its own separate entrance.

If you have any queries please contact Sarah Nelson on


West Sussex County Council have closed all libraries until further notice – however, WSCC have said that books currently out on loan will be renewed automatically and no fines will be incurred once books are returned to the libraries when they re-open.

Despite our rural location we are fortunate to have on our doorstep a number of outlets able to cater for most of our needs. However, when visiting any of the establishments concerned please always remember to follow government guidelines on aspects such as social distancing as well any other controls the retailer might impose.

Since circumstances are likely to change frequently in these uncertain times, further updates will follow but in the meantime, keep well, stay safe and If you have any queries or suggestions as to any further initiatives we could consider please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson, at


Chichester District Council advise that they are currently running a reduced service. Due to staff shortages they are prioritising domestic waste (black bins) and green waste. They will endeavour to collect recycling bins on the normal collection day but this is likely to become increasingly difficult. If they cannot collect your recycling, please keep hold of this while alternative arrangements are considered.

Please put your bins out for collection on your normal day and place them at the roadside for ease of collection. In all cases, please leave your bin out for collection all day as crews may be arriving later than usual.

All household waste and recycling centres are currently closed until further notice.

For further information please visit the CDC website at:- or phone 01243-534619


If you think your neighbour(s) may not have internet access and/or may not be receiving Paris Council information could you please print off a copy of the attached download HERE , add your details on the red lines and pop it through your neighbour’s door?

Once you’ve done this, would you please be able to tell us who you have shared this with so that we can fill in the gaps to ensure that everyone has been kept updated? It would help immensely at this challenging time and be a real help to us all. Again, if you could e-mail our Clerk, Mike Simpson at to let him know it would really help us coordinate efforts.

National Health Service advice on Coronavirus

Government advice on Coronavirus


A bank of volunteers to help the more vulnerable members of our community with basic tasks like shopping, medicine collection and acting as a “telephone buddy” has been formed and your contacts are:

BURY – Father Peter Mallinson – 01798 839057

WEST BURTON – Diana and Ken Rowsell – 01798 831475

They will co-ordinate efforts and are your first port of call if you need help. If you are interested in volunteering do please get in touch with either of them.

Please also don’t hesitate to contact Mike Simpson, the Bury Parish Clerk on 07894 858048 if you have any queries.


Please check back here for our most up-to-date news on local issues. For health advice please visit Public Health England HERE


We are increasing the newsletter to weekly until further notice. The newsletter on 1st of the month will contain all news but the others will focus on CoVid-19 and what is happening in the Parish. If you know someone that would like to be added to this mailing list please contact the clerk with their details and we will happily add them.


We have already reached out to Fittleworth and Amberley in the spirit of cooperation to work together on our responses. We are all sharing our initiatives so that we can borrow materials or ideas to all give the best response to our communities. We will be reaching out to Watersfield as well, but if you see any great ideas please do share with the Clerk at


As a community we are committed to ensuring that no parishioner feels isolated, on their own or in need of food or household basics. We have many initiatives in the pipeline and will share these as they become relevant. Our key aim is to ensure that all parishioners stay safe but please, help your community by keeping distance, washing hands very regularly and following Public Health England guidelines at all times. These will be challenging times but we will do everything we can to help.

Thank you for reading and we hope that you stay safe.

Bury Parish Council

1 July 2020

This coming Saturday, 4th July sees the next phase of the government’s plan “to return life to as near normal as we can, for as many people as we can, as quickly and fairly as possible in order to safeguard livelihoods, but in a way that continues to protect our communities and our NHS”. Rules as to how many people you can meet with - indoors and out – will change, staying away overnight will be possible, public places such as libraries, community centres and places of worship can re-open along with many more businesses including restaurants, pubs, hotels, hairdressers, cinemas etc. Visits to all of these places will be a somewhat different experience than before and the guidelines are quite complex so for greater detail on all the changes we would urge you to visit the government website A number of businesses will have to remain closed, full details of which can be seen in Section 1.4 of the document.

Bury Parish Council is currently considering the implications of guidelines issued yesterday by the government in relation to measures we must introduce for the safe operation of community halls (Bury Village Hall) and public playgrounds (Bury Green/playground) and we will issue a further communication shortly.

Motorists please note that the Department of Transport has announced that the six-month extension granted to all drivers whose MOTs expired after March 30th will now end on August 1st – two months earlier than originally planned. Would-be motorists might be pleased to hear that driving lessons and theory tests can restart on 4th July and car driving tests from 22nd July.

As always, our thanks to the volunteers who are helping with shopping and medication collection for a number of our residents.

Please keep well and stay safe and as always, if you do need help with shopping and collecting medication please ask to be put in touch with our wonderful volunteers via: -

Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 Ken & Diana Rowsell (W. Burton) 831475

For further information please contact the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at: -