
Coffee Mornings

Coffee Mornings are normally held in the Village Hall on the first Saturday of each month, commencing at 10.30am and finishing around 12 noon.

Weather permitting, we usually hold a couple of the summer events in a garden, thanks to the generosity of some of our local residents. In May and October the Coffee Mornings are hosted by the Horticultural Society in conjunction with their very popular bring and buy plant sale. The November event is normally run by The Bury Players to enable them to publicise their end of year production.

Coffee Mornings provide an excellent opportunity for friends and neighbours to meet up and for new residents to get to know the village and its people. Lately we have been very pleased to welcome some younger families with their children.

The modest £1 entry fee (but no charge for children) includes tea or coffee and of course a piece of one of the mouth-watering cakes always to be found on display. There is also the opportunity to win some excellent raffle prizes. All proceeds raised from the event are donated to the Village Hall fund – in 2018 we were able to raise a total of £1,570 in this way.

We are fortunate – and very grateful - to have a number of different catering teams taking care of refreshments so that we do not need to call upon any one team more than once a year. Having said that, volunteers are always welcome to join the rota and/or offer to bake a cake occasionally. Donations of raffle prizes are always greatly appreciated too!

Details of the Coffee Mornings can be found here on the web site, each month in The Link and, by way of reminder, a notice board is placed in The Square a few days in advance of the event.

We hope to see you at a Coffee Morning soon.

For more information please contact John Labarte on 01798 831174.