Policy Documents

Appendix 2 Arrangements for dealing with complaints against members.pdf

Arrangements for dealing with complaints against members

BPC Code of Conduct.2018doc.pdf

BPC Code of Conduct 2018

Bury Parish Council Standing Orders 2018 - 2019.pdf

Bury Parish Council Standing Orders 2018 - 2019

data protection policy.pdf

Data Protection policy

BPC - Financial Regulations - March 2020.pdf

Financial Regulations 2020

health and safety policy (1).pdf

Health and safety policy (1)

media and communications policy (1).pdf

Media and communications policy (1)

risk management policy (1).pdf

Risk management policy (1)

Transparency code for smaller authorities.pdf

Transparency Code for smaller authorities

The good councillor's guide A5.pdf

The Good Councillor's Guide