Motorbike updates


4 August 2020

In earlier updates we described the initiatives being taken by West Sussex Police via Operation Downsway to tackle the anti-social behaviour of bikers – a particular problem in Bury but also in other communities along the A29 and A272. Sussex Police committed to continue Operation Downsway throughout the summer and although they cannot be everywhere at all times, their deployment of camera vans, marked and unmarked police vehicles and roadside vehicle stops has certainly led to our being able to enjoy a number of quieter weekends.

We also described previously how Bury Parish Council were working with police, county and district council officers to explore a range of possible measures to find a permanent solution to this problem and we are pleased to report that at her recent Performance & Accountability meeting, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne made the issue her number one priority, devoting 40 minutes to the matter in a 90 minute meeting and dealing with the problems experienced in Wisborough Green and on Bury Hill. You can watch the whole meeting here.

The discussion on Bury’s problems begins at about 5 minutes 30 seconds into the meeting. Katy Bourne quotes extensively from the letter Bury Parish Council wrote to Andrew Griffith MP in May and repeats our request for a sustainable solution to be found. Chief Constable Jo Shiner describes the initiatives her officers are undertaking in response to the problem and avers that Sussex Police absolutely recognise the issues and are constantly striving to address anti-social road behaviour. Bury Parish Council are hoping to arrange for Katy Bourne and Jo Shiner to come to Bury to meet Councillors and other residents on site.

In the meantime, Bury Parish Council have made a formal application for the installation of average speed cameras on Bury Hill and we have asked both Katy Bourne and Jo Shiner to personally add their support to this.

Whilst we are very pleased that the concerns of Bury residents are being taken very seriously, we believe it is important that residents continue to make their feelings on anti-social behaviour on Bury’s roads known to the powers that be and here are some useful contact details:

Jo Shiner – Chief Constable, Sussex Police

Katy Bourne – Police & Crime Comm.

Andrew Griffith MP

Grant Shapps - Sec. of State for Transport

Baroness Vere – Under Sec. of State for Transport

Becky Shaw – CEO West Sussex CC


1 July 2020

Despite a very large congregation of bikers at Whiteways car park last weekend – particularly on Sunday – the ongoing Operation Downsway run by Sussex Police is clearly having the desired effect of reducing speed and noise levels. District Councillor Alan Sutton reports that the working group he chairs which aims to draw together county, district and parish councils to explore possible measures to provide a permanent solution to the issue now has over 40 representatives.

24 June 2020

Thanks to Sussex Police and their Operation Downsway, last weekend was another largely peaceful and quiet affair. A roadside briefing on the A29 in Bury was conducted on Sunday morning when Andrew Griffith MP re-affirmed his intention to help work towards a permanent solution to anti-social behaviour on the roads of Sussex. The police officer leading the initiative on the day, PC Tom Van Der Wee, outlined the various measures the force were currently deploying including the use of camera vans, patrol cars (marked and unmarked) roadside vehicle stops and data boxes. PC Tom said that on the weekend of 13/14th June some 150 offenders were apprehended (with 3 times that number over the late May bank-holiday weekend) with custodial offences very likely resulting for a small number of cases where speeds of 120mph had been recorded.

PC Tom explained that Sussex Police intended to maintain Operation Downsway throughout the summer and urged us to help by continuing to report offenders. This can be done via: or phone 01243 642222. Alternatively, you can phone 101.

17 June 2020

Another reasonably peaceful weekend, particularly Saturday which is usually the quieter day anyway. On Sunday the A29 seemed to resemble the MI motorway at times with a large number of cars and hordes of bikers on the move but a strong police presence in Bury with two camera vans at one stage, one of which was positioned in the layby on Bury Hill, coupled with further police activity in Coldwaltham seemed to keep speeds and noise reasonably in check for a good part of the day. However, not unexpectedly, once the police had departed things became somewhat noisier in the late afternoon.

We are very grateful to Sussex Police who have now been on site for three successive weekends and are clearly taking the anti-social behaviour problem very seriously. As we reported previously there is considerable activity taking place behind the scenes with Bury Parish Council continuing to work with the police and county council officers as well as playing a part in District Councillor Alan Sutton’s action group as we seek to explore a range of possible measures to counter what is a persistent, widespread and complex problem.

9 June 2020

For the third weekend running we have enjoyed a mostly peaceful Saturday and Sunday although later on Sunday, not unexpectedly, the motorbike noise returned somewhat once the police camera van had departed. However, as reported previously other initiatives are gradually taking shape in relation to this problem – on 28th May our district councillor Alan Sutton chaired the inaugural meeting of the working group aiming to draw together county, district and parish councils to work on a united front.

This was attended by representatives from Bury, Fittleworth, Petworth, Duncton, Lodsworth, Midhurst & Harting, Easebourne, Trotton & Chithurst and Wisborough Green which demonstrates the extent of the problem throughout West Sussex – and the determination of many communities to work together for a solution. It was encouraging to note that Gillian Keegan MP had sent a representative and Eileen Lintill, Leader of Chichester District Council was also in attendance. Many areas were explored and debated and the group will convene again on 11th June. A Bury Parish Councillor is also due to meet with senior police officers and county council representatives very soon to discuss tackling Bury’s motorbike problem.

2 June 2020

It would appear that the police initiative in Bury via Operation Krypton over the bank-holiday weekend to combat anti-social behaviour has had a positive effect as we have just enjoyed another (largely) peaceful weekend. Sussex Police have indicated that they plan to continue their activity during the summer to ensure the message is well and truly received. A Bury Parish Councillor has attended the inaugural meeting of the working group organised by District Councillor Alan Sutton - which aims to draw together county, district and parish councils and local MPs to work on this issue on a united front - and is also shortly due to meet with various senior police officers and county council representatives aimed at tackling Bury’s motorbike issues. Obviously, we are much encouraged by events so far but please remember that we as residents have our part to play by reporting anti-social behaviour on our roads via or phone 01243-642222.

22 May 2020

In yesterday’s article we reported that Bury Parish Council had written to our Member of Parliament, Andrew Griffith, seeking his help with the motorbikes issue. Andrew’s response was both immediate and extremely positive and you can access a copy of his reply to the Council here.

As we enter a bank holiday weekend, no doubt we can expect many bikers on the A29. The problem is not just confined to Bury and we understand that there will be a stronger police presence across the county in general. However, the police cannot be everywhere but with the momentum of the launch of Operation Krypton - #OpKrypton - in our favour we can all help our cause so much more by reporting incidents of anti-social behaviour by bikers through:- or phone 01243-642222.

Andrew Griffith MP 210520.pdf

21 May 2020

Following the Government’s easing of the lockdown conditions which now enable people to travel unlimited distances, it was no surprise last weekend to see the return of the motorbikes on the A29 – and Bury Hill in particular.

As we know, many of these bikers continue to break the law by travelling at speeds well in excess of the legal limit, putting other road users and pedestrians in serious danger, some have illegal exhaust and silencers fitted to their machine which increases noise levels but more alarmingly, in the light of the coronavirus emergency, they are potentially putting extra pressure on the emergency services (there have been many accidents and fatalities on the A29 involving bikers) and are totally ignoring rules on social distancing on dismounting at the top of Bury Hill.

At the request of many of our parishioners, Bury Parish Council have now written to our Member of Parliament, Andrew Griffith requesting his intervention, this being the latest development in a long history of attempts by the council to achieve a solution to this problem.

Sussex Police have informed us this week that they are deploying their new Operation Krypton in Bury which helps them gather intelligence to put in the right resources at the right time and place. They rely upon local residents reporting incidents to them via Operation Crackdown which you can access at:- or phone 01243-642222. The more information you can provide such as nature, time date and location of the incident – plus the registration number if possible – the greater is the likelihood of action being taken. Dash-cam evidence is extremely useful too and helped to prosecute 150 drivers last year.

Mobile speed cameras will be deployed to Bury Hill – there was a unit there at the weekend which recorded some bikers travelling at 80mph - and the police are also in contact with West Sussex County Council to determine whether there are any engineering works that could be carried out to prevent speeding although it is very early days yet on this particular aspect. Bury Parish Council will seek to obtain a banning order that will prevent the photographer on Bury Hill taking pictures of the bikers which only encourages more reckless riding.

Hopefully, these measures will signal the beginning of a new more vigorous approach to providing a long-term solution to this anti-social behaviour but we all need to play our part too by reporting incidents to the police.

We shall of course keep you informed of further developments.