What Does the PTA Fund?
Bubb PTA fundraising efforts through activities such as the Walkathon, Silent Auction, Book Fair, Dine Out events, and corporate donation matching, have helped us support Bubb teachers and staff by funding things like classroom supplies, science materials and virtual assemblies. The PTA is looking forward to providing even more of these activities and programs in the coming year. None of this happens without the help and participation of all our families at Bubb.
Note: The dollar amounts above are rounded and the list of expenditures is not exhaustive. Programs and dollar amounts refer to the 2021-22 school year. For a complete view of all income and expenses in the PTA budget, please attend a PTA General Meeting or contact the PTA Treasurer at bubbtreasurer@gmail.com.
PTA Executive Board
Why join the PTA Board?
Being a board member allows you to have a direct impact on how PTA funds are spent to support Bubb. You'll also get to know and work with amazing Bubb parents, teachers and staff. Our mission is to inspire students to achieve their full potential by providing the resources and programs that will enrich their learning experience, foster a strong community among students, parents, teachers, staff and administrators, and advocate for the benefit of children and families.
The Bubb PTA Executive Board meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Executive Board meetings are open to board members and invited guests. Being on the board doesn't have to take a lot of time; it simply requires a desire to help Bubb school be the best it can be.
Contact bubbpta@gmail.com if interested.
2022-23 Executive Board
President: Dylan Rivas
Executive Vice President: Melissa Pak-Wittel
1st Vice President - Volunteer Coordinator: Shilpa Mishra
2nd Vice President - Membership Coordinator: Rebekah Laffoon
3rd Vice President - Family Events Coordinator: Rachel Olsen
4th Vice President - Language Liaison: VACANT
Secretary: Jenny Hales
Treasurer: Jenn Yamaguma
Financial Secretary: Darren Goode
Auditor: Wenhsin Shen
Historian: Meredith Fredline
Parliamentarian: Jacob Swiss
Descriptions of all the PTA Executive Board positions are detailed below.
Time Commitment: Avg. 20-30 hours per month
Job Description:
Maintain the PTA Calendar.
Prepare the agenda for monthly PTA Executive and PTA General meetings and lead those meetings.
Attend monthly President PTA Council meetings and monthly PTA Council Meetings.
Maintain regular correspondence with Board Members and Committee Chairpersons (usually via e-mail) as to the status and or completion of duties.
Work closely with the school Principal to plan PTA-funded programming and set dates of planned PTA events.
Forward all pertinent information to Board Members.
Review reimbursement requests and sign checks as needed by the Treasurer.
Meet with Executive Board and Budget Committee to set goals and budget for the upcoming year.
Attend “welcome” events and other PTA sponsored events.
Special skills: must be organized, good with people and communications (phone/email)
Current President: Vinita Alwyn
Executive Vice President
Time Commitment: Avg. 10-12 hrs. per month
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year.)
Curate weekly PTA blurbs for newsletter, including translation,as well as Konstella and other communication as needed.
Work with President and Volunteer Coordinator to coordinate school-wide communications and homepage updates.
Serve as the primary backup to the Konstella administrator.
Support PTA President as-needed with duties listed.
Special skills: must be organized, good with people and communications (phone/email)
Current Exec VP: Melissa Pak-Wittel
Time Commitment: busy at the start of the year (approx 20 to 30 hours per month August - October ) and minimal time (2-6 hours per month) after most positions are in place.
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Solicit names and match volunteers to open PTA positions via email, signs at school, Konstella and the Bubb Bulletin
Organize and Faciliate Room Parent meeting at the start of the school year
Send as needed, school-wide email with PTA events and volunteer opportunities
Manage and setup school-wide sign up sheets, committees and classrooms on Konstella
Manage regular communications to Room Parents
Update PTA Job Descriptions at the end of the year
Coordinate Staff Appreciation dates and reminders
Serve as secondary back-up to the Konstella Administrator
Special skills: organized, good people and communication skills, computer savvy.
Current Volunteer Coordinator: Rebekah Laffoon
Time Commitment: busy during the first 3 months of the school year (approx. 12 hours per month); minimal time for the rest of the year.
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Promote membership and advertise benefits of PTA to Bubb community.
Distribute membership forms at beginning of year (ice cream social, first week of school, etc.). Attend PTA family events to get additional new member sign ups.
Keep a record of all members
Coordinate with the president and include any membership related announcements to weekly Bubb Bulletin
Coordinate with the PTA webmaster and keep membership page (including benefits) current
Special Skills: familiar with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets
Current Membership Coordinator: Lisa Henry
3rd Vice President – FAMILY ACTIVITIES
Time requirement: time varies depending on activities, approximately10-15 hours per month
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Plan and advertise PTA-sponsored family events. These include Monster Mash Dance, Science Day, LEGO Night, Science Night, Movie Night, and the International Potluck.
Recruit volunteers in advance of events
Coordinate volunteers on day of event
Manage budget and expenses for events
Coordinate advertisement and proper noticing
Obtain all necessary permits and approvals
Special Skills: Fun loving, organized, good with people and communications (phone/email)
Current Family Activities Chair: Derek Holbrook-Wallace
4th Vice President – LANGUAGE LIAISON
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week.
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Translate PTA notices into Spanish for weekly Bubb Bulletin and provide same for other PTA communication
Help ensure that PTA-sponsored communications are accessible to all families at Bubb by coordinating translation.
Help ensure that PTA events feel welcoming to all families, even if English is not their first language.
Attend ELAC meetings or communicate with ELAC Representatives to stay aware of what school/district is doing to integrate families of English Language Learners.
Special Skills: Excellent knowledge of Spanish, both oral and written
Current Language Liaison: Dylan Rivas
Time requirement: 2-3 hours per month
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Accurately records minutes at all meetings of the Executive Board and PTA General Meetings. Prepares minutes for reference from previous meetings, and prepares listing of all unfinished business for use by the President.
With the President, signs all payable list authorizing expenditure of funds and record these expenditures in the minutes.
Keeps a current list of paid members and a current copy of the bylaws and standing rules.
Special Skills: Typing and note taking
Current Secretary: Jenny Hales
Time requirement: 10-15 hrs. per month
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Keep accurate financial records of all PTA gross income, receipts and disbursements using QuickBooks.
Reconcile monthly bank statements.
Write checks of all PTA-sponsored reimbursements, field trips and bills.
Prepare financial reports for monthly PTA meetings (Treasurer’s Report,
Remit to MV/LA PTA Council all reports, payments and dues.
Prepare annual financial report and taxes.
Provide financial records to Auditor twice yearly, or upon request.
Chair annual PTA budget meeting, and prepare budget for adoption by general membership..
Special Skills: Good with numbers; Knowledge of Quickbooks; accurate.
Current Treasurer: Irene Lau
Financial Secretary
Time requirement: WATSA support is 3-4 hours; otherwise 2-3 hours per month
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Assists the Treasurer when needed
Collects, prepares and promptly deposits all money into PTA bank account (local bank)
Helps manage cash during large fundraising activities. Count and deposit all money at the end of the annual Walkathon (early October).
Special Skills: Good with numbers; experience with Excel or Google Sheets.
Current Financial Secretary: Darren Goode
Time requirement: 5-10 hours per audit, two audits per year. The time varies if errors are found and/or a re-audit needs to be done. The Treasurer and Auditor work together to complete this task. 10 minutes per monthly review.
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Audit the books and financial records of the association semiannually (usually January and July), verifying the work of the Treasurer. This includes reviewing transactions through all records, ensuring proper accounting for receipts and ensuring expenditures have been authorized in the minutes.
After the audit, prepare and present written reports to the executive board and the association.
Perform monthly review of bank statements and bank statement reconciliation.
Special Skills: Addition and subtraction are required. A basic understanding of audits is useful, as is familiarity with concepts like accounts payable and accounts receivable. Otherwise, anyone can learn the procedures.
Current Auditor: Wenhsin Shen
Time requirement: 1 hr. per month
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Manage and tally volunteer hours logged by school volunteers. Coordinate with webmaster to retrieve online hours report.
Occasionally advertise in the Bubb Bulletin and Konstella to remind volunteers to log hours.
Report total hours on a regular basis at PTA meetings.
Prepare an end of year report.
Special Skills: Excel or Google Sheets
Current Historian: Kelly Martin
Time requirement: 4 hrs. per month
Job Description:
Attend PTA Executive Board meetings (monthly) & general meetings (five times a year)
Give advice on parliamentarian procedures and PTA bylaws.
The Parliamentarian chairs the Bylaws Committee and helps make revisions to the bylaws as necessary.
Parliamentarian calls the first meeting of the Nominating Committee after helping to form the Nominating Committee.
Special Skills: Knowledge of PTA bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order.
Current Parliamentarian: Alexis Davis