About the PTA

The Bubb PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a non-profit organization funded entirely by the community that helps support many activities and programs at Bubb School. These include field trips, school-wide assemblies, science, math, reading, music, art and physical education programs, school gardens, emergency preparedness, school library and much more. As part of the nationwide and California statewide PTA organization, the PTA also advocates for our kids at the government level, so they can enjoy things like hot lunches, and hearing and vision testing at school.

Thanks to Bubb's wonderful community of students, parents, teachers, staff and neighbors, we raise all the funds needed for our programs through our Membership and Fund Drive, Walkathon & Silent Auction, Book Fairs, and rewards programs such as Amazon School Rewards, eScrip, and Box Tops for Education.

Please join the Bubb PTA today so you can help make a difference in your child's educational experience.  

For additional membership information, including hard-copy membership forms, visit our Membership page

Join Konstella to get Bubb PTA email updates and get updates on family events and volunteer opportunities. 

Bubb PTA Mission Statement

To inspire students to achieve their full potential by providing the resources and programs that will enrich their learning experience, foster a strong community among students, parents, teachers, staff and administrators, and advocate for the benefit of children and families. 

PTA Mission, Goals, Programs & Strategies

We set our PTA goals, programs, and strategies annually.  


Our budget priorities reflect our goals for the year. All expenditures are discussed and voted on at our General Meetings. The next budget will be reviewed and voted on at our first General Meeting on the 4th Tuesday in September. Our budget is reviewed monthly and updated mid-year at the General Meeting on the 4th Tuesday in January.


The Bubb PTA Executive Board meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Executive Board meetings are open to board members and invited guests.

Bubb PTA General Meetings are held five times per year, in September, October, January, March, and May. General Meetings are open to anyone, but only PTA members who joined at least 30 days before the meeting may make motions, participate in debate, and vote. In the 2022-23 school year, the schedule of PTA General Meetings is as follows:


Here are various PTA and Bubb School forms that families may need. Can't find the form you're looking for? Please contact bubbweb@gmail.com 


PTA Organizational Structure.pdf