Corporate Matching

One way you can double your contribution to Bubb is to take advantage of your company's matching program. Many companies will match the yearly employee donations to non-profit organizations. Bubb School PTA is a volunteer driven non-profit organization established in April 1991. We provide funding for enrichment programs and educational materials to enhance the academic curriculum and maintain the high quality of education at Bubb.

To ensure that funds are directed to the correct organization, please use the PTA's official name, non-profit tax id and contact information available in Question 7 of the FAQ section below.

Does your employer match? Check out below for the information to execute a match.

Companies often contact us to request copies of our letter for determination and bylaws. If you have applied for your company's matching program, please send a brief message to our PTA Treasurer ( to let us know that your company may be contacting us for more information or to make a donation. Thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is corporate matching ?

Many companies match their employees' contributions to nonprofit organizations (US based 501(c)(3)). This could instantly double the money you donate to the organization.

2. Does corporate matching benefit my employer ?

Definitely. Corporations are happy to do corporate matching for 2 reasons. It gets them tax deductions. It also gives them an opportunity to be good corporate citizens.

3. Will corporate matching impact me negatively in any way ?

Absolutely not. Companies keep corporate matching data totally private. No one has access to this data. In most cases, companies outsource the entire process.

4. When should I apply for corporate matching ?

As soon as you make your donation. Some companies distribute corporate matching funds right away, while others process them once a quarter. Some companies have strict time constraints within which employees are required to submit corporate match applications. If your company offers corporate matching, please apply for it right away.

5. Does my employer have a corporate matching program ?

Check the list at the end of this document. If your employer is not listed there, call up the benefits/HR department of your employer, or look up the company intranet for details.

6. Is "Bubb Elementary PTA" the same as "Bubb Elementary School"?

No, they are separate registered entities even though they work hand in hand. When you are submitting a request, please make sure you specify the one that you intend to receive your donation.

7. What if Bubb Elementary PTA (or school) isn't on my company's list?

Adding Bubb Elementary PTA (or school) to the list of organizations eligible for corporate match is usually a quick and easy process. You need the following information:

In most cases, once you enter the information into the system, Bubb will be added very quickly. 

8. What is the process for corporate matching ?

Each company has a different process for employer match. First, verify that your company participates in a corporate matching program. If so, check to see if they use Giving Station or EasyMatch (the 2 most common sites). If they do not use either of these sites, check with your Benefits person to see what steps you need to follow. If your company requires hard copy paperwork, please complete it and send to the Bubb School office Attn: PTA Treasurer at the address listed above.

9. I still have questions. Whom should I contact ?

Please send your questions/comments to PTA Treasurer at