2024 Bubb PTA Silent Auction
February 2, 2024

It's happening! The Bubb PTA Silent Auction is one of our big fundraising events that offers unique parties for everyone to participate in, builds our community at Bubb and gets you access to some great auction items from local businesses! It is a ton of fun and makes lots of great memories for all. 

The Auction Site is now live! Check out the Items up for auction

Bidding begins February 2 at 12pm.


>> Get in on the action - organize a party to host!

How do the parties work?
Adults host or co-host (you don't have to do it alone - it is fun to partner!) events for kids, adults or families. The host covers the cost of the party as a donation and then spots to attend your party are sold at the auction. All proceeds go to Bubb PTA.

Examples of past parties to get you thinking:

Kid Parties: Have a soccer party at the park with ice cream, fairy tea party for 8, lead a nature hike and picnic.

Adult Parties: Wine tasting party for 10, host a themed dinner party with another parent or two at Bubb, sponsor a Zumba party with 20 spots and make some memories

Family Parties: Bubb's Amazing Race, pool party for 20, organize a camp out

Submit your idea(s) for a party!
Party hosts should fill out this form to submit information about the party they are organizing. The Silent Auction Party Team will be in touch after that to make sure we're all squared away. 

If you don't have an idea fully baked but want to participate, contact us! Our Party Team would love to brainstorm! Parties are due by January 26. 

>> Get in on the action in another way!

Have a connection to a local business or something to donate for auction?

We'll be auctioning off gift certificates for a week at camp, gift cards to local restaurants, classes local stores- anything we can get our hands on. If you know of somewhere or something that would like to donate to our fundraiser, we'd love to hear from you!

>> What happens on February 2, 2024?
An online portal will go live and you will be able to buy spots for parties and donated goods! This is the fun and easy part - you'll have time to prepare your wish list so you'll be ready to buy when the online auction begins. Stay tuned for more details!

>> Most importantly, why this matters
While we did a great job raising money through our Walkathon, the silent auction will help us reach our overall annual fundraising goals to fund all our programs for the kids this year, which this infographic shows in detail.  And, bonus! the parties are super fun :) 

Questions? Comments? Ideas?

contact: Christina Esfehani - Bubb PTA Fundraising Lead - esfehani@yahoo.com