Volunteer Roles

Every volunteer makes a difference and enhances the Bubb community! It's this dedication and commitment on the part of parents, students and staff that makes Bubb such a great place for our children to go to school. We hope you will take time again to get involved and make a difference in our children's education!

Getting Started

Most volunteer jobs at Bubb can be separated into four main categories: Classroom Jobs, Room Parents, School-wide Administrative Jobs, and PTA Jobs. The following is a brief description of each category, including examples of tasks in each. Some jobs can be organized and completed at home, while others require being on campus during school hours.

There may also be other opportunities to volunteer which are unique to certain classrooms. These opportunities will be presented at back-to-school night and/or specific requests will be made by the teacher or room parent liaison throughout the year. The weekly Bubb Bulletin will also note various events or tasks for which help is needed.

Please review the various categories of volunteer jobs below to help you to determine where your interest may best be expressed in your service to Bubb. Then, join a committee or check out our Open Volunteer Positions to see where you can help right away. Feel free to contact our Volunteer Coordinator (bubbvolunteer@gmail.com) with any questions about volunteering at Bubb.

Please also read the General Volunteer Procedures and Policies covering confidentiality, safety, and other important policies. Thanks for taking the time to volunteer. We really appreciate your interest and support!

Job Categories

Classroom Jobs

Curriculum-oriented classroom jobs include listening to children while they read, working with children in math, helping in the computer lab or assisting the teacher with an art or cooking project.

Administrative jobs in the classroom involve organizing homework papers, preparing for an art project, or assisting the teachers or librarian with other tasks.

To help with any of these tasks in the classroom, please talk to your child's teacher at Back-To-School Night or shortly thereafter.

Room Parents

Each classroom has one or more Room Parents who help the teacher by coordinating parent volunteers for such events as class parties, field trips, and the Walkathon & Silent Auction. To learn more, read What Does a Room Parent Do? To become a Room Parent for your child's classroom, please sign up with your child's teacher at Back-To-School Night.

School-Wide Administrative Jobs

Administrative jobs relate to the school overall, and include photocopying and collating documents for teachers. To help with a school-wide administrative job, please contact Volunteer Coordinator (bubbvolunteer@gmail.com).

PTA Jobs

PTA jobs support Bubb events such as being on the Walkathon Organizing Committee, assisting at Family Fun Nights, publicizing the Talent Show, or helping to serve at the Staff Appreciation Luncheons. They also involve ongoing tasks, such as translating PTA flyers into Spanish or welcoming new families to Bubb. We have several open positions in this area. Please review our Open Volunteer Positions and sign up on Konstella to help.

Complete List of Bubb Volunteer Roles

PTA Executive Board


Maintain the PTA calendar and set the agenda for meetings. Communicate with Board Members and Committee Chairpersons regarding status of duties. Attend all Bubb PTA meetings as well as PTA Council meetings. Meet with Executive Board to set goals and budget for upcoming year. Discuss PTA events with Principal. Requires 20-25 hrs/month on avg.

Executive Vice President

Attend all PTA meetings, curate the weekly PTA blurbs for the Bubb Bulletin, including Spanish translation, and assist the President as needed. Requires 8-10 hrs/month on avg.

1st VP - Volunteer Coordinator

Attend all PTA meetings, manage communications to all Room Parents and volunteers, and match volunteers to open positions. Organize Room Parent meeting at the beginning of the school year. Requires 12 hrs/month Aug-Oct, and 3 hrs/month thereafter.

2nd VP - Membership Coordinator

Attend all PTA meetings, promote PTA membership to Bubb community, and attend beginning of the year events to sign members up. Keep a record of all members and distribute cards and directories. Requires 12 hrs/month Aug-Oct, and 2 hrs/month thereafter.

3rd VP - Family Activities

Attend all PTA meetings and plan fun family activities including movie nights, dances, math night, science night, guest authors, etc. Recruit and coordinate volunteers, manage budget and expenses, and coordinate advertising, noticing, and any permits or approvals. Approx. 10-15 hrs/month.

4th VP - Language Liaison

Attend all PTA meetings. Attend ELAC meetings or communicate closely with ELAC representatives. Translate all PTA communications into Spanish, and help ensure that PTA communications and events are accessible and welcoming to all families. Requires 1 hr/week and knowledge of Spanish.


Attend all PTA meetings and accurately record minutes. Prepare minutes for next meeting along with a list of unfinished business. Requires typing skills and 4-6 hrs/month.


Attend all PTA meetings and keep financial records using QuickBooks. Reconcile monthly bank statements, prepare monthly statements, write checks, prepare annual report and taxes, and provide financial records to Auditor. Requires 10-15 hrs/month.

Financial Secretary        

Attend all PTA meetings and assist the Treasurer by collecting, preparing, and promptly depositing all money into PTA account.


Attend all PTA meetings. Audit the books and financial record semi-annually, and prepare and present a written report to the Executive Board. Requires 5 hrs per audit, usually in January and July.


Attend all PTA meetings and tally volunteer hours logged by Bubb volunteers. Report regularly to Board and prepare end of year report. Requires 1 hr/month.


Attend all PTA meetings and chair the Bylaws Committee. Give advice on parliamentarian procedures and PTA bylaws and help revise bylaws as necessary. Help form the Nominating Committee and call the first meeting.  Requires 4 hrs/month and knowledge of bylaws and Roberts Rules.



This person is responsible for working with the WATSA, Spiritwear, Membership chairpersons to update and monitor the Bubb PTA Square online store. This person also helps to facilitate a process for fulfilling orders. See our current store at: https://squareup.com/market/bubbelementary-school-pta.

Language Liaison Committee

Help the Language Liaison and Bubb Teachers and Staff translate important communications. We need members able to provide oral and written communication in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, and more.

Marquee Committee Lead

Determine important dates and events and review with office staff. Coordinate volunteers.

Marquee Committee

On a monthly basis during school hours, take turns updating the informational signs at the front and back of the school. It'll take about an hour each time, and we promise not to make you spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!


Update the PTA website for Back-to-School (July-August), WATSA (July-October), and Bubb Bulletins (every Wednesday.) Regularly update site content and photos as needed. Requires 1-2 hours/week, plus 10-15 hours for Back-to-School and 20-30 hours for WATSA. Requires expertise with HTML and familiarity with Google Sites or similar content management system.


Book Fair Coordinators

Coordinate the dates of the fall and spring Book Fair with the PTA, the school office, and Scholastic Press. Publicize the Book Fair through the Bulletin and by hanging posters in advance. Open and close up every day of the Fair. Enlist volunteers to help set up, work the registers, and/or help students select books. Coordinate with a local author and teachers to read during "Reading Under the Stars" evening event. Present profit and overview of how the Fair went at the PTA meeting afterwards.

Book Fair Apprentice

Learn the ropes from our experienced Leads. Coordinate the dates and publicize the fall and spring Book Fair. Open and close up every day of the Fair. Enlist volunteers to help set up, work the registers, and/or help students select books. Coordinate with a local author and teachers to read during "Reading Under the Stars" evening event. Present profit and overview of how the Fair went at the PTA meeting afterwards.

Book Fair Committee  

Help Book Fair Chairs to set up, run and take down the fall and spring Book Fairs.  Book Fair jobs include running cash registers, helping coordinate book donations for teachers, and helping students select books and determine if they have enough money for their selections.

Rewards Programs Coordinator

Manage and promote the Bubb PTA's participation in rewards programs through Amazon, Box Tops, eScrip, Nob Hill, and Sports Basement. Specifically coordinate sign-ups, i.e. fill in escript program information online and advertise program in school bulletin, review statements and apply online for a Safeway Foundation grant. Requires 2 hours in August, then 1 hour per month. Can be done at home.

Spring Art Show Coordinator 

Work with art teachers and prepare for Art Show. Coordinate volunteers to setup and take down art show.

Spiritwear Committee

Help Spiritwear Chair sell spiritwear and fulfill online and in-person orders.

Walkathon & Silent Auction (WATSA)

This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and occurs in early October. It’s a great way to become a part of the Bubb Community. 


Chess Coordinator

Act as a liaison between parents, school office, and the chess club staff. Communicate with the MVWSD Interschool Chess Tournament and collect permission slips. Attend the tournament (April/May) to supervise Bubb students. Requires a few hours plus tournament attendance.

Garden Committee Co-Chair  

Need someone with a “green thumb” to lead projects and help maintain the gardens.

Garden Committee  

Have a "green thumb"? Join this group to lead garden projects with the kids and help maintain the school gardens. We need help in our two gardens: one for Kinder and one for the rest of the school.

Project Cornerstone Co-Lead  

Work with our experienced co-leaders to train our school’s monthly readers. Requires additional training and planning for a few of the lessons. Project Cornerstone books teach kids life skills to foster friendships, stand up for what is right, and prevent bully behavior. For more details, see PC ABC Reader Program.

Summer Reading Program Coordinator

Help tally logs and distribute new scholastic books to students that have successfully met their summer reading goals (Aug/Sept).

Talent Show Coordinator

Coordinate the show date, location, and acts. Responsibilities include advertising, processing applicants, screening content, holding talent show rehearsals, and overseeing the event.

Community Building

Family Events Committee  

Help our Family Events Co-Chairs to put on fun Family Events throughout the school year.  Past events include the Halloween Dance, Author Night, Math Night, Science Night, Bubb Beautification, Outdoor Movie Night, International Potluck event, etc.

Hospitality Committee  

Help put on the Welcome Coffee for Parents on the first day of school.  Help with shopping, setup, refilling and cleanup.

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Committee  

In May, help to recognize our amazing teachers and staff by coordinating a staff luncheon, decorating a few staff doors, and helping with thank you gifts.


Emergency Preparedness

Purchase and organize inventory of emergency supplies in classrooms. Delegate classroom supply inventory to room parents and collect returned supply list. Replace used and expired materials (once in the beginning of the year). Work with school staff to confirm latest recommendations for emergency binders/supplies.

Fall Picture Day

Coordinate with office staff, teachers, photographer, and parent volunteers to escort students to get their pictures taken. Requires approximately 8 hrs, at school.

First Day Hospitality Coordinator  

Help coordinate and organize Bubb’s Welcome Coffee for Parents on the first day of school, e.g., shopping, setup, refilling and cleanup.

Food and Toy Drive Co-Leads  

Help coordinate and publicize our annual holiday food and toy drive, which occurs mid-November to mid-December.

Lost and Found Coordinator

Straighten the lost and found cart as needed and attempt to find owners of labeled items. When cart is full, advertise in the Bulletin, and after a reasonable time, donate to Good Will. Requires 4-5 hours per trimester.

MVEF Representative

Represent Bubb School at MVEF meetings, and represent MVEF at Bubb events (Back-to-School, kinder potluck, holiday concerts, art show.) Sell MVEF Gala raffle tickets in Feb/March. Requires about 4 hours/month.

Nominating Committee

Led by the Parliamentarian, this group recruits parents for the PTA Executive Board’s open positions. Effort occurs January - March, with the bulk in the latter two months. Can be done in person at drop-off and pick-up times and/or over email.

Staff Appreciation

In May, help to recognize our amazing teachers and staff by coordinating a staff luncheon, decorating the a few staff doors, and helping with thank you gifts.

Staff Holiday Wish Stars

Provide stars for teachers and staff to write their holiday wishes on, and hang string and clips for them outside their classrooms (December). 

General and Classroom Volunteering

General Volunteering Committee  

If you'd like to help with various activities on an as-needed basis, please click to join our General Volunteering Committee, or contact our Volunteer Coordinator (bubbvolunteer@gmail.com). You will then be notified of miscellaneous opportunities to volunteer throughout the year, both during school time and after hours.

Room Parents and Classroom Volunteers

Teachers generally ask for parents to sign up for these positions during Back to School Night, which this year will be on Wednesday, August 25, 2022. In the meantime, you're welcome to read about these positions above and our What does a Room Parent do? page.