Workshop on Big (and Small) Data in Science and Humanities (BigDS2023)
Andreas Henrich, Universität Bamberg | Naouel Karam, Fraunhofer FOKUS & InfAI e.V. | Birgitta König-Ries, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Bernhard Seeger, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Workshop 2
✳ Tue, 7th
☷ 09:00 - 12:30
☷ 13:30 - 15:00
☉ APB E005
The importance of data has dramatically increased in almost all scientific disciplines over the last decade, e.g., in meteorology, genomics, complex physics simulations, biological and environmental research, and recently also in the humanities and social sciences. This development is due to great advances in data acquisition and data accessibility, e.g., improvements in remote sensing, powerful mobile devices, popularity of social networks, and the ability to handle unstructured data (including texts). On the one hand, the availability of such data masses leads to a rethinking in scientific disciplines on how to extract useful information and foster research. On the other hand, researchers feel lost in the data masses because appropriate data management, integration, discovery, analysis, and visualization tools are only rudimentarily available so far. However, this is starting to change with the recent development of big data technologies and with progress in natural language processing, semantic technologies and others that seem to be not only useful in business, but also offer great opportunities in science and humanities. Scientific workflows must be realized as flexible end-to-end analytic solutions to allow for complex data processing, integration, analysis, and visualization of Big Data in various application domains.
For the workshop, we are particularly interested in two aspects of these topics: First, how can tools support the achievement of the FAIR principles? And second, what contributions can the database and information systems community make to the conceptualisation and implementation of Germany’s National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI?
This workshop intends to bring together scientists from various disciplines and ↗ NFDI consortia with database researchers to discuss real-world problems in data science as well as recent big data technology. The workshop will consist of three parts: inspiring invited talks from international experts, presentations of accepted workshop papers and concrete working groups on challenging subjects.
09:00 - 10:00 (Room APB E001!)
Keynote by Markus Stocker: Machine actionable scientific information: State of the art and the road ahead
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:30 Session 1
W-2 1 [↗PDF] ReStoRunT: Simple Recording, Storing, Running and Tracing changes in Spreadsheets (Wolfgang, Müller; Mertová, Lukrécia)
W-2 2 [↗PDF] Geo Engine: Workflow-backed Geo Data Portals (Beilschmidt, Christian; Drönner, Johannes; Mattig, Michael; Schweitzer, Philip; Seeger, Bernhard)
W-2 3 [↗PDF] Semantic Search for Biological Datasets: A Usability Study on Modes of Querying and Explaining Search Results (Löffler, Felicitas; Shafiei, Fateme; Witte, René; König-Ries, Birgitta; Klan, Friederike)
W-2 4 [↗PDF] A Core Ontology to Support Agricultural Data Interoperability (Abdelmageed, Aly; Hatem, Shahenda; Wael, Tasneem; Medhat, Walaa; König-Ries, Birgitta; Ellakwa, Susan; Elkafrawy, Passent; Algergawy, Alsayed)
W-2 5 [↗PDF] Using SQL/MED to Query Heterogeneous Data Sources with Alexa Voice Commands (Schildgen, Johannes; Heinz, Florian; Olijnyk, Andreas; Lindenau, Arvid)
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:00 Session 2
W-2 6 [↗PDF] Toward a User Empowering Architecture for Trustability Analytics (Bruchhaus, Sebastian; Reis, Thoralf; Bornschlegl, Marco Xaver; Störl, Uta; Hemmje, Matthias)
W-2 7 [↗PDF] The InsightsNet Climate Change Corpus (ICCC) - Compiling a Multimodal Corpus of Discourses in a Multi-Disciplinary Domain (Bartsch, Sabine; Duan, Changxu; Tan, Sherry; Volkanovska, Elena; Stille, Wolfgang)
W-2 8 [↗PDF] Integrating Access to Authority Data for Improved Interoperability of Research Data in the Digital Humanities (Jegan, Robin; Fruth, Leon; Gradl, Tobias; Henrich, Andreas)
Closing round (20 min)
Topics of Interest
In the context of big and small data in science and humanities, the scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to:
Big Data architectures for research
Design, implementation, optimization of scientific workflows
Data integration for scientific applications
Data archives, data repositories, data governance
Data provenance, data quality and data curation
FAIR data principles
Natural language processing, text analytics
Semantic technologies and knowledge graphs
Metadata and data standards
Low-latency processing of scientific data streams
Transformation & exchange of very large scientific data
Scalable data analytics
Predictive models in science
Scalable visualization and visual analytics
User interfaces for big data
Case studies and best practices in NFDI and other scientific data projects
Big Data and grand challenge science questions
New applications in humanities and social sciences
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers will be refereed by the workshop Program Committee. Accepted papers will appear in the BTW’23 Workshops proceedings, published as part of LNI. The papers should be written in German or English and adhere to the ↗ LNI formatting guidelines. Research and Experience papers are limited to 10 pages excluding references, Position papers to 6 pages excluding references.
Research papers must be an original unpublished work and not under review elsewhere. Experience reports must be stated as such and a comprehensive discussion of the taken approach, experiences, and its assessment are expected. All papers and reports must be submitted as PDF documents through ↗ ConfTool.
Authors of accepted high-quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of the paper for publication in Datenbank Spektrum.
Workshop Agenda (preliminary)
Invited talks
Presentation of accepted workshop papers
Discussion Round: Participants will brainstorm for open research questions and will then form groups to discuss possible solutions and future directions.
Andreas Henrich, Universität Bamberg
Naouel Karam, Fraunhofer FOKUS & InfAI e.V.
Birgitta König-Ries, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Bernhard Seeger, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Programm Committee
Alsayed Algergawy (Uni Jena)
Thomas Brinkhoff (FH Oldenburg)
Michael Diepenbroeck (GFBio e.V.)
Jana Diesner (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Michael Gertz (Univ. Heidelberg)
Anika Groß (Hochschule Anhalt)
Anton Güntsch (Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlem)
Alfons Kemper (TU München)
Toralf Kirsten (HS Mittweida)
Meike Klettke (Universität Regensburg)
Richard Lenz (Uni Erlangen)
Ulf Leser (HU Berlin)
Ulrike Lucke (Uni Potsdam)
Bertram Ludäscher (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Manja Marz (Uni Jena)
Wolfgang Müller (HITS)
Thorsten Papenbrock (Uni Marburg)
Kai-Uwe Sattler (TU Ilmenau)
Sirko Schindler (DLR Institut für Datenwissenschaften)
Heiko Schuldt (Uni Basel)
Uta Störl (Fernuni Hagen)
Dagmar Triebel (Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns, München)
Matthias Weidlich (HU Berlin)
Claus Weiland (Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung)