
Monday, 6th of March

12:00 - 17:30
↗ FGBS-FERS Meeting (optional): Joint Spring Meeting of GI Special Interest Groups "Betriebssysteme" (FGBS) and "Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme" (FERS)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

17:30 - 19:30
Evening Event: Welcome Reception

Enjoy a drink and meet other arriving participants. You will have the opportunity to register at our central conference venue.
Foyer Fakultät Inf. 

Tuesday, 7th of March

09:00 - 12:30
Workshop 1: A Tutorial on ML for Systems and Systems for ML (Manisha Luthra, TU Darmstadt  |  Andreas Kipf, Amazon Web Services  |  Matthias Böhm, TU Berlin  | Local Chair: Lucas Woltmann, TU Dresden)
☉ E023

09:00 - 12:30
Workshop 2: on Big (and Small) Data in Science and Humanities (BigDS2023) (Andreas Henrich, Universität Bamberg  |  Naouel Karam, Fraunhofer FOKUS & InfAI e.V.  |  Birgitta König-Ries, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena  |  Bernhard Seeger, Philipps-Universität Marburg)
☉ E005

09:00 - 12:30
Workshop 3: on Data Engineering for Data Science (DE4DS) (Ralf Schenkel, Universität Trier  |  Ansgar Scherp, Universität Ulm)
☉ E006

09:00 - 12:30
Workshop 4: Novel Data Management Ideas on Heterogeneous Hardware Architectures (NoDMC) (Dirk Habich, TU Dresden  |  David Broneske, DZHW Hannover)
☉ 1004 (Gr. Ratssaal Fak. Inf. 1.OG)

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break

13:30 - 15:00
Continuation Workshops 1,2,3,4

13:30 - 15:00
→ Data Science Challenge Presentations
☉ E007

Recommending Alternative Cycling Routes via Predicted Usage Patterns (Men, Dakai; Becktepe, Jannis; Esmailoghli, Mahdi; Bermbach, David; Abedjan, Ziawasch)

Analyzing Cargo Bike Usage in Leipzig for Improved Bike-Sharing System (Petersen, Hauke; Plank, Martin)

In-Database Machine Learning on Bicycle Data from Munich (Großmann, Christoph)

Predicting Bike Traffic Using Graph Neural Networks: Integrating Residential Density, Amenity Distribution, and Street Networks (Chou, Wen-Chuang)

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:00
Dr. Valentina Damerow, Programmdirektorin Gruppe Mathematik und Ingenieurwissenschaften 2, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 

16:00 - 18:00
Continuation Workshop 1
☉ E023

16:00 - 17:00
Vollversammlung der GI-Fachgruppe Datenbanksysteme        (FG-DB): Rückblicke, Ausblicke und aktuelle Informationen aus der Fachgruppe, Wahl des Leitungsgremiums.

☉ 1004 (Gr. Ratssaal Fak. Inf. 1. OG)

17:00 - 18:00
Meeting DBIS Board
☉ 1004 (Gr. Ratssaal Fak. Inf. 1. OG)

Wednesday, 8th of March

09:00 - 09:10
Welcome   Wolfgang Lehner
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

09:10 - 10:00
Keynote 1: → Commodifying Data Exploration (Sihem Amer-Yahia | CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

10:00 - 11:00 Break A: Demos & Poster Session
☉ Foyer Fakultät Inf. 

Demo 1: [↗PDF] UniDash: Interactive Dashboard for Data Driven Insights on Universities (Bayer, Mirjam Raffaela; Hansen, Yorik Timo; Kosbü, Kimberley; Kulow, Andrea; Kröger, Peer)
Demo 2: [↗PDF] JPTest - Grading Data Science Exercises in Jupyter Made Short, Fast and Scalable  (Tröbs, Eric; Hagedorn, Stefan; Sattler, Kai-Uwe )   
Demo 3: [↗PDF] MEDUSE: Interactive and Visual Exploration of Ionospheric Data (Reibert, Joshua; Osterthun, Arne; Paradies, Marcus)  

Poster 1: [↗PDF] Workload-Driven Data Placement for Tierless In-Memory Database Systems (Hurdelhey, Ben; Weisgut, Marcel; Boissier, Martin)
Poster 2: [↗PDF] Workload-Aware Contention-Management in Indexes for Hierarchical Data (Wellenzohn, Kevin; Böhlen, Michael H.; Helmer, Sven; Reutegger, Marcel)
Poster 3: [↗PDF] Tuning Cassandra through Machine Learning (Eppinger, Florian; Störl, Uta)
Poster 4: [↗PDF] GTPC: Towards a Hybrid OLTP-OLAP Graph Benchmark (Jibril, Muhammad Attahir; Baumstark, Alexander; Sattler, Kai-Uwe)
Poster 5: [↗PDF] IBM Data Gate: Making On-Premises Mainframe Databases Available to Cloud Applications (Stolze, Knut; Beier, Felix; Dimov, Vassil; Kalogeiton, Eirini; Tošić, Mateo)
Poster 6: [↗PDF] The Easiest Way of Turning your Relational Database into a Blockchain - and the Cost of Doing So (Schuhknecht, Felix; Jörz, Simon)
Poster 7: [↗PDF] Seamless Integration of Parquet Files into Data Processing (Rey, Alice; Freitag, Michael; Neumann, Thomas)
Poster 8: [↗PDF] The Evolution of LeanStore (Alhomssi, Adnan; Haubenschild, Michael; Leis, Viktor)

11:00 - 12:30
Research Session 1    Session Chair: Viktor Leis  
(long paper: 15 min, short paper: 10 min - including discussion)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal 

1. long paper: [↗PDF] Priority queues for database query processing (Graefe, Goetz)

2. long paper: [↗PDF] Workload-Driven Data Placement for Tierless In-Memory Database Systems (Hurdelhey, Ben; Weisgut, Marcel; Boissier, Martin)

3. long paper: [↗PDF] Workload-Aware Contention-Management in Indexes for Hierarchical Data (Wellenzohn, Kevin; Böhlen, Michael H.; Helmer, Sven; Reutegger, Marcel)

4. short paper: [↗PDF] Tuning Cassandra through Machine Learning (Eppinger, Florian; Störl, Uta)

5. short paper: [↗PDF] GTPC: Towards a Hybrid OLTP-OLAP Graph Benchmark (Jibril, Muhammad Attahir; Baumstark, Alexander; Sattler, Kai-Uwe)

6. short paper: [↗PDF] IBM Data Gate: Making On-Premises Mainframe Databases Available to Cloud Applications (Industry) (Stolze, Knut; Beier, Felix; Dimov, Vassil; Kalogeiton, Eirini; Tošić, Mateo)

7. long paper: [↗PDF] The Easiest Way of Turning your Relational Database into a Blockchain - and the Cost of Doing So (Schuhknecht, Felix; Jörz, Simon)

11:00 - 12:30
Tutorial 1: From BERT to GPT-3 Codex: Harnessing the Potential of Very Large Language Models for Data Management (Immanuel Trummer | Cornell University)
1004 (Gr. Ratssaal Fak.Inf. 1. OG)

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break

13:30 - 14:00
Fresh Thinking Talk 1: What You Say is What You Get: Hands-Free Coding in 2023 (Wolfram Wingerath | University of Oldenburg)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

14:00 - 15:00
Research Session 2    Session Chair: Stefanie Scherzinger    
(long paper: 15 min, short paper: 10 min - including discussion)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

1. long paper:  BEST LONG PAPER   [↗PDF] WannaDB: Ad-hoc SQL Queries over Text Collections (Hättasch, Benjamin; Bodensohn, Jan-Micha; Vogel, Liane; Urban, Matthias; Binnig, Carsten)

2. short paper:  BEST SHORT PAPER   [↗PDF] NN2SQL: Let SQL Think for Neural Networks (Schüle, Maximilian Emanuel; Kemper, Alfons; Neumann, Thomas)

3. long paper: [↗PDF] On the State of German (Abstractive) Text Summarization (Aumiller, Dennis; Fan, Jing; Gertz, Michael)

4. short paper: [↗PDF] Detection of Generated Text Reviews by Leveraging Methods from Authorship Attribution (Moosleitner, Manfred; Specht, Günther; Zangerle, Eva)

5. short paper: [↗PDF] To Iterate Is Human, to Recurse Is Divine — Mapping Iterative Python to Recursive SQL (Fischer, Tim) - Best Student Contribution Awardee

15:00 - 16:00 Break B: Demos & Poster Session
☉ Foyer Fakultät Inf.

Demo 4: [↗PDF] Better Safe than Sorry: Visualizing, Predicting, and Successfully Guiding Courses of Study (Kerth, Alexander; Schuhknecht, Felix; Pensel, Lukas; Henneberg, Justus)
Demo 5: [↗PDF] Interactive SQL Queries and Program Code in Presentations (Schildgen, Johannes; Heinz, Florian)  
Demo 6: [↗PDF] JumpXClass: Explainable AI for Jump Classification in Trampoline Sports (Woltmann, Lucas; Ferger, Katja; Hartmann, Claudio; Lehner, Wolfgang)  

Student 1: [↗PDF] Automated Statement Extraction from Press Briefings (Keller, Jüri; Bittkowski, Meik; Schaer, Philipp)
Student 2: [↗PDF] MLProvCodeGen: A Tool for Provenance Data Input and Capture of Customizable Machine Learning Scripts (Al Mustafa, Tarek; König-Ries, Birgitta; Samuel, Sheeba)
Student 3: [↗PDF] WebTensor: Towards high-performance raster data analysis in the browser (Naumann, Lucas Fabian)

Poster 9: [↗PDF] On the State of German (Abstractive) Text Summarization (Aumiller, Dennis; Fan, Jing; Gertz, Michael)
Poster 10: [↗PDF] Detection of Generated Text Reviews by Leveraging Methods from Authorship Attribution (Moosleitner, Manfred; Specht, Günther; Zangerle, Eva)
Poster 11: [↗PDF] PostBOUND: PostgreSQL with Upper Bound SPJ Query Optimization (Bergmann, Rico; Hertzschuch, Axel; Hartmann, Claudio; Habich, Dirk; Lehner, Wolfgang)
Poster 12: [↗PDF] RMG Sort: Radix-Partitioning-Based Multi-GPU Sorting (Ilic, Ivan; Tolovski, Ilin; Rabl, Tilmann)
Poster 13: [↗PDF] Approach to Synthetic Data Generation for Imbalanced Multi-class Problems with Heterogeneous Groups (Treder-Tschechlov, Dennis; Reimann, Peter; Schwarz, Holger; Mitschang, Bernhard)
Poster 14: [↗PDF] No Mayfly: Detection and Analysis of Long-term Twitter Trends (Ziegler, John; Gertz, Michael)

16:00 - 17:30
Research Session 3   Session Chair: Daniela Nicklas    
(long paper: 15 min, short paper: 10 min - including discussion)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

1. long paper: [↗PDF] Seamless Integration of Parquet Files into Data Processing (Rey, Alice; Freitag, Michael; Neumann, Thomas)

2. long paper: [↗PDF] The Evolution of LeanStore (Alhomssi, Adnan; Haubenschild, Michael; Leis, Viktor)

3. long paper: [↗PDF] PostBOUND: PostgreSQL with Upper Bound SPJ Query Optimization (Bergmann, Rico; Hertzschuch, Axel; Hartmann, Claudio; Habich, Dirk; Lehner, Wolfgang)

4. long paper: [↗PDF] RMG Sort: Radix-Partitioning-Based Multi-GPU Sorting (Ilic, Ivan; Tolovski, Ilin; Rabl, Tilmann)

5. long paper: [↗PDF] Approach to Synthetic Data Generation for Imbalanced Multi-class Problems with Heterogeneous Groups (Treder-Tschechlov, Dennis; Reimann, Peter; Schwarz, Holger; Mitschang, Bernhard)

6. short paper: [↗PDF] No Mayfly: Detection and Analysis of Long-term Twitter Trends (Ziegler, John; Gertz, Michael)

16:00 - 17:30
Continuation of Tutorial 1
☉ 1004 (Gr. Ratssaal Fak.Inf. 1. OG)

18:30 - 20:30
Evening Event: → Reception City Hall of Dresden
City Hall Dresden, Entrance Golden Gate, Festsaal, 1st Floor

Thursday, 9th of March

09:00 - 09:10
Orga   Gottfried Vossen
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

09:10 - 10:00
Keynote 2: Why Machine Learning for Automatically Optimizing Databases Doesn't Work (Andy Pavlo | Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

10:00 - 11:00 Break C: Poster Session
☉ Foyer Fakultät Inf.

Student 4: BEST STUDENT PAPER   [↗PDF] To Iterate Is Human, to Recurse Is Divine — Mapping Iterative Python to Recursive SQL (Fischer, Tim)
Student 5: [↗PDF] Which Rules Entail this Fact? An Efficient Approach Using RDBMSs (Gutberlet, Tim; Sauerbier, Janik)
Student 6: [↗PDF] Explainable Data Matching: Selecting Representative Pairs with Active Learning Pair-Selection Strategies (Laskowski, Lukas; Sold, Florian)

Poster 15: BEST LONG PAPER   [↗PDF] WannaDB: Ad-hoc SQL Queries over Text Collections (Hättasch, Benjamin; Bodensohn, Jan-Micha; Vogel, Liane; Urban, Matthias; Binnig, Carsten)
Poster 16: BEST SHORT PAPER   [↗PDF] NN2SQL: Let SQL Think for Neural Networks (Schüle, Maximilian Emanuel; Kemper, Alfons; Neumann, Thomas)
Poster 17: [↗PDF] Duplicate Table Detection with Xash (Koch, Maximilian; Esmailoghli, Mahdi; Auer, Sören; Abedjan, Ziawasch)
Poster 18: [↗PDF] DPQL: The Data Profiling Query Language (Seeger, Marcian; Schmidl, Sebastian; Vielhauer, Alexander; Papenbrock, Thorsten)
Poster 19: [↗PDF] ExtracTable: Extracting Tables from Raw Data Files (Hübscher, Leonardo; Jiang, Lan; Naumann, Felix)
Poster 20: [↗PDF] Value-specific Weighting for Record-level Encodings in PrivacyPreserving Record Linkage (Rohde, Florens; Franke, Martin; Christen, Victor; Rahm, Erhard)
Poster 21: [↗PDF] HYPEX: Hyperparameter Optimization in Time Series Anomaly Detection (Schmidl, Sebastian; Wenig, Phillip; Papenbrock, Thorsten)
Poster 22: [↗PDF] Evolution of Degree Metrics in Large Temporal Graphs (Rost, Christopher; Gomez, Kevin; Christen, Peter; Rahm, Erhard)
Poster 23: [↗PDF] Pairwise Learning to Rank for Hit Song Prediction (Mayerl, Maximilian; Vötter, Michael; Specht, Günther; Zangerle, Eva)

11:00 - 12:30
Research Session 4   Session Chair: Meike Klettke  
(long paper: 15 min, short paper: 10 min - including discussion)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

1. long paper: [↗PDF] Duplicate Table Detection with Xash (Koch, Maximilian; Esmailoghli, Mahdi; Auer, Sören; Abedjan, Ziawasch)

2. long paper: [↗PDF] DPQL: The Data Profiling Query Language (Seeger, Marcian; Schmidl, Sebastian; Vielhauer, Alexander; Papenbrock, Thorsten)

3. long paper: [↗PDF] ExtracTable: Extracting Tables from Raw Data Files (Hübscher, Leonardo; Jiang, Lan; Naumann, Felix)

4. long paper: [↗PDF] Value-specific Weighting for Record-level Encodings in Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage (Rohde, Florens; Franke, Martin; Christen, Victor; Rahm, Erhard)

5. long paper: [↗PDF] HYPEX: Hyperparameter Optimization in Time Series Anomaly Detection (Schmidl, Sebastian; Wenig, Phillip; Papenbrock, Thorsten)

6. long paper: [↗PDF] Evolution of Degree Metrics in Large Temporal Graphs (Rost, Christopher; Gomez, Kevin; Christen, Peter; Rahm, Erhard)

11:00 - 12:30
Tutorial 2: The Principles of Database and SSDs Co-Design (Alberto Lerner | University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Philippe Bonnet | IT University of Copenhagen)
☉ 1004 (Gr. Ratssaal Fak.Inf. 1. OG)

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break

13:30 - 14:00
Fresh Thinking Talk 2: Between Data Lakes and Research Data Management – Data Engineering Tasks for the Next Decade (Meike Klettke | University of Regensburg)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

14:00 - 15:00
Research Session 5   Session Chair: Andreas Henrich
(long paper: 15 min, short paper: 10 min - including discussion)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

1. long paper: [↗PDF] Discovering Multi-Dimensional Event Queries from Traces - From Theory to Practice (Kleest-Meißner, Sarah; Sattler, Rebecca; Schmid, Markus L.; Schweikardt, Nicole; Weidlich, Matthias)

2. long paper: [↗PDF] Learn What Really Matters: A Learning-to-Rank Approach for ML-based Query Optimization (Behr, Henriette; Markl, Volker; Kaoudi, Zoi)

3. short paper: [↗PDF] Pairwise Learning to Rank for Hit Song Prediction (Mayerl, Maximilian; Vötter, Michael; Specht, Günther; Zangerle, Eva)

4. short paper: [↗PDF] Communication-Optimal Parallel Reservoir Sampling (Winter, Christian; Sichert, Moritz; Birler, Altan; Neumann, Thomas; Kemper, Alfons)

5. short paper: [↗PDF] CLOCQ: A Toolkit for Fast and Easy Access to Knowledge Bases (Christmann, Philipp; Saha Roy, Rishiraj; Weikum, Gerhard)

14:00 - 15:00
Regex-Pubquiz (Johannes Schildgen, Florian Heinz | OTH Regensburg)
☉ 1004 (Gr. Ratssaal Fak.Inf. 1. OG)


A Pubquiz is a quiz held in a pub or bar where different teams compete with each other. Pubquizzes may attract customers to a pub who are not found there on other days. Different pubquizzes can cover a range of formats and topics" – so says Wikipedia.

Therefore, why not holding a pubquiz at BTW!

We don’t guess capital cities and we don’t rack our brains over song titles – instead we will be parsing and formulating regular expressions! Because – whenever you have a problem, you only need to use regular expressions (and then you suddenly have two problems!// according to Jamie Zawinski).

But – don’t worry: First, we will brush up our knowledge on regular expressions. And then everybody can join in guessing.

15:00 - 16:00 Break D: Poster Session
☉ Foyer Fakultät Inf.

Student 7: [↗PDF] Optimizing Query Processing in PostgreSQL Through Learned Optimizer Hints (Thiessat, Jerome; Woltmann, Lucas; Hartmann, Claudio; Habich, Dirk)
Student 8: [↗PDF] Efficient handling of recursive relationships in ORM frameworks using Entity Framework Core as an example (Killisch, Benjamin Uwe)
Student 9: [↗PDF] Witness Generation for JSON Schema Patterns (Köhnen, Christoph)

Poster 24: [↗PDF] Discovering Multi-Dimensional Event Queries from Traces - From Theory to Practice (Kleest-Meißner, Sarah; Sattler, Rebecca; Schmid, Markus L.; Schweikardt, Nicole; Weidlich, Matthias)
Poster 25: [↗PDF] Learn What Really Matters: A Learning-to-Rank Approach for ML-based Query Optimization (Behr, Henriette; Markl, Volker; Kaoudi, Zo)
Poster 26: [↗PDF] Communication-Optimal Parallel Reservoir Sampling (Winter, Christian; Sichert, Moritz; Birler, Altan; Neumann, Thomas; Kemper, Alfons)
Poster 27: [↗PDF] CLOCQ: A Toolkit for Fast and Easy Access to Knowledge Bases (Christmann, Philipp; Saha Roy, Rishiraj; Weikum, Gerhard)
Poster 28: [↗PDF] RAPP: A Responsible Academic Performance Prediction Tool for Decision-Making in Educational Institutes (Duong, Manh Khoi; Dunkelau, Jannik; Cordova, José Andrés; Conrad, Stefan)
Poster 29: [↗PDF] Semantic Watermarks for Detecting Cheating in Online Database Exams (Brass, Stefan; Hinneburg, Alexander)
Poster 30: [↗PDF] Developing OERs for Teaching Database Systems - A Two-Year Effort of Four Universities of Applied Sciences (Rakow, Thomas C.; Kless, André; Hasler, Charlotte; Knolle, Harm; Faeskorn-Woyke, Heide; Saatz, Inga Marina; Lambert, Jens; Focken, Mareike)
Poster 31: [↗PDF] Adaptive Architectures for Robust Database Management Systems  (Tiemo Bang) Winner 2 Dissertation Award

16:00 - 17:00
Research Session 6   Session Chair: Ralf Schenkel
(long paper: 15 min, short paper: 10 min - including discussion)
☉ Schönfeld-Hörsaal

1. short paper: [↗PDF] RAPP: A Responsible Academic Performance Prediction Tool for Decision-Making in Educational Institutes (Duong, Manh Khoi; Dunkelau, Jannik; Cordova, José Andrés; Conrad, Stefan)

2. short paper: [↗PDF] Semantic Watermarks for Detecting Cheating in Online Database Exams (Brass, Stefan; Hinneburg, Alexander)

3. short paper: [↗PDF] Developing OERs for Teaching Database Systems - A Two-Year Effort of Four Universities of Applied Sciences (Rakow, Thomas C.; Kless, André; Hasler, Charlotte; Knolle, Harm; Faeskorn-Woyke, Heide; Saatz, Inga Marina; Lambert, Jens; Focken, Mareike)

4. long paper: [↗PDF] Enhancing Explainability and Scrutability of Recommender Systems (Azin Ghazimatin) Winner 1 Dissertation Award 

5. long paper: [↗PDF] Adaptive Architectures for Robust Database Management Systems

(Tiemo Bang) Winner 2 Dissertation Award

16:00 - 17:00
Continuation of Tutorial 2
☉ 1004 (Gr. Ratssaal Fak.Inf. 1. OG)

from  18:15 on Reception  Hygienemuseum, Gallery 1st Floor
from 19:15 on   Conference Dinner Hygienemuseum,  Hall  Ground  Floor
Hygienemuseum Dresden

Friday, 10th of March

09:00 - 16:00
Dresden Data Day
The Industry Day of BTW23 will be held as Dresden Data Day at ↗ Sächsische Aufbaubank
For more information please see: dresden-data-day.de
Sächsische Aufbaubank – SAB, Pirnaische Str. 1,  01069 Dresden.