
Reproducibility Track Chairs:

Ziawasch Abedjan (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Sheeba Samuel (Universität Jena)

Reproducibility Committee:

Matthias Böhm, TU Berlin

Paul Blockhaus, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

Pascal Hirmer, Universität Stuttgart

Peter Reimann, Universität Stuttgart

Felix Schuhknecht, Universität Mainz

Mohammed Sedir, Hasso Plattner Institut Potsdam

Christoph Stach, Universität Stuttgart

Ahmed Waqas, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


We believe that sharing experimental code, data and setup will benefit scientific progress, foster collaboration and exchange of ideas. We would like to build a culture where sharing results, code, and scripts is the norm rather than an exception. This way, we want to highlight the impact and credibility of database research papers. BTW 2023 has invited all authors of accepted papers to participate in the Reproducibility Track.

The Reproducibility Initiative/Track is running for the second time. The BTW Reproducibility Initiative has the following goals:

Participation implies:

Successful papers will be advertised at the conference and will receive a Reproducibility label in the proceedings.


We encourage the participants to exactly follow the SIGMOD guidelines for reproducibility, which has shown to be successfully implemented in previous years.
At a minimum participating authors were required to provide a complete set of scripts to install the system, produce the data, run experiments and produce the resulting graphs along with a detailed Readme file that describes the process step by step so it could be easily and independently reproduced by a reviewer.

The ideal reproducibility submission consists of a master script that:

. . . to produce a new PDF for the paper that contains the new graphs. It is possible!


The Reproducibility Initiative/Track was open to the accepted papers of the BTW Research Track.

Reproducibility guidelines