Brentwood Now

Posted on June 6, 2015

Alot has changed since you were a student at Brentwood College. The school is constantly improving the buildings and grounds, to keep a fresh, new look.

The facility may have changed, but your memories and friendships will remain with you for the rest of your life. The people you met at Brentwood have gone on to meet their own personal goals, moved cities, changed careers but the basics they learned at Brentwood will follow them into old age.

As some of us who attended Brentwood in our teens are now into our seventies, it is interesting to look back at the life at Brentwood and re-kindle some friendships we started there. Memories of authority ( table heads, prefects, house masters ) which piece of cutlery to use at the table and what alot of naked bodies looked like in a shower are thoughts that we will carry forever.

In 2015, Brentwood will turn 50 and this website is a great place to stay in touch with classmates.

2015 Headmaster Bud Patel Reunion Talk

Brentwood was first founded in 1923. The original location was in Brentwood Bay near Saanich on Vancouver Island, from where its name was derived. The original school was destroyed by a fire in 1947, leaving only the chapel intact.

The current school is located westward directly across the bay from the original site, in Mill Bay. The new version of the school opened in September 1961. In 1972, Brentwood College became the first all boys’ boarding school in Canada to gradually integrate girls, starting with 20 grade 12 students, becoming officially co-ed for the fall session.