Granny Pad

A Granny Pad is an out-building located near the primary property, to keep an elderly relative close to caregivers. Retirement homes for seniors is a monthly expense that could exceed $4000 - $8000 per month and may involve a waiting list. A Granny pad could contain the basic necessities that would keep a senior occupied. Bed, toilet, shower, television and lots of light will help maintain a good attitude.

US Census = By the year 2050, there will be 1.5 billion people worldwide over the age of 65, including 100 million in North America. In the year 2030, there will be a projected 1 Billion people worldwide over the age of 65. Housing will become a major concern.

Granny Pad tall

Granny Pad 4

Granny Pad Bldg

Granny Pad 3