
The club organises and participates in other village events; the annual duck race held in Bechan Brook is enjoyed by many villagers as well as many visitors from other local villages who come especially for the event. In the autumn we hold our presentation evening in the Community Centre – typically a quiz night or bingo evening – which is again supported by many non-bowling villagers and visitors from other villages. We always willingly assist with ‘Banger Racing’, being ‘front of house’ – organising the parking and safe entry into the field and back out, as well as manning the gates. We are always immensely grateful for the annual donation made to the club by the banger racing committee which has enable us to gradually upgrade our facilities over the seasons. We are also grateful to ‘Bettws Cedewain Community Development Association’ for their substantial grant, which matched our contribution, and enabled us to have our leaking clubhouse roof repaired in good time. We welcome younger members of our community to our green to ‘have a taste’ of bowling, Brownies, Badgers and ‘The Lifehouse’ pupils for example.