Outdoor club

Since 2005 most summer evenings you will find a green full of bowlers watched by almost as many spectators often joined by passing walkers, often with their dogs; the club provides an effective social venue for people to meet each other – which is at the heart of the club’s ethos. The club typically has between 45 and 50 members – about half of whom bowl, in teams of four, for the club in the ‘Montgomery Mixed League’ of ten local clubs, so twenty league fixtures a season; in addition we compete in the league’s ‘League Cup’. We also enjoy friendly matches with clubs outside the league, including an annual visit to a crown green – which is a hummock in shape, with different rules so every match can be bowling across the line of the other matches. We also bowl two other competitive events with other clubs; against Sarn for the ‘Wilf Meddins Cup’ and the annual Bettws v Tregynon challenge. Individual members often enter ‘open’ competitions hosted by other clubs.