Highlights in the News

Illinois State University professor of mathematics Olcay Akman has created a mathematical model that shows why airline passengers should wear N95 masks.

October 21, 2020

An Interview with Dr. Olcay from Illinois State University describes what they have discovered through his research on COVID-19. Audio File.

Dr. Olcay Akman, an Illinois State University biomathematics professor, correctly forecasted three months ago the number of COVID-19 deaths the United States would have by August.

AUG 27, 2020

An Illinois State University biomathematician is reminding people that herd immunity won’t be a magical COVID-19 solution that happens on its own without widespread vaccination.

AUG 26, 2020

As of June 10, there are 129,837 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Illinois. While the number of cases in the state has peaked, they are still on the rise in other parts of the country.

JUN 11, 2020

“Every model we look at agrees on one thing, … it is too soon to remove the lockdown measures,” said Olcay Akman, who also serves as editor in chief of “Letters in Biomathematics.”

JUN 8, 2020

As the state prepares to ease some restrictions designed to limit the spread of the coronavirus, an Illinois State University professor who has been developing models of the pandemic since January is urging caution.

JUN 7, 2020

An Illinois State University researcher who's been staring at coronavirus data since early January says his estimates point to an even higher death toll than some of the mostly widely cited national models.

MAY 18, 2020