Dr. Luis Miguel Grilo

Luis Miguel Grilo (PhD in Mathematics and Statistics, University of Lisbon, 2006) is Professor and Director of the Department of Mathematics and Physics at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (PIT), Portugal. He is director of the Postgraduate course in Data Analysis at PIT. He has collaborated in some Portuguese Universities and is currently a Visiting Professor of the Master in Statistics, Mathematics and Computing, in the Mathematics Section of the Department of Science and Technology, University of Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal.

As an integrated member of the Center for Mathematics and Applications of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon (CMA, FCT-UNL), he developed scientific research in Distributions Theory (exact and near-exact distributions of some statistics used in Multivariate Analysis) and has been working on the statistical data analysis and statistical modeling, with special interest in Engineering, Social and Health Sciences. He has been collaborating on some (international) projects, such as on applications of Structural Equation Modeling to assess academic burnout among students at Arizona State University (USA) and also the workers’ burnout in some Portuguese institutions. He was editor of some international journals and is currently editor of “Advances in Computational Data Analysis”, special edition of the Journal of Applied Statistics (JAS), Taylor & Francis. At the moment he is also a collaborating member of the Smart Cities Research Center (Ci2) of the PIT and in the Center for Innovation and Research in Business Sciences and Information Systems (CIICESI) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. He is a member of the board of CLAD (Portuguese Association of Classification and Data Analysis). He has participated in several international meetings of Statistics and Mathematics, as a member of the Scientific and Organizing Committees. In particular, at PIT he was local chair of some International Conferences and has been the chair of the executive committee of the annual "Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM)".