9. The Feldenkrais Project

Feldenkrais is a technique in and of itself, one I've considered trying to get trained in. It incorporates non-painful micro-movements to retrain 1) the body to use muscles properly, and 2) the brain to realize it doesn't have to hurt with movement. I think it's brilliant. I have several clients with chronic pain who have used it successfully; they have taken classes from one of the few practitioners in the area.

What is more brilliant is that a local Feldenkrais practitioner has made mini-lessons available online, basically for free (although I'll encourage you to send him a little donation if you end up liking the work). 

If you'd really like to get familiar with how and why Feldenkrais technique works, I'll refer you to one of my favorite books: Dr. Norman Doidge's "The Brain's Way of Healing". Specifically it's chapter 5 that talks about Moshe Feldenkrais and his work, but the other chapters leading up to 5 help to set up the premise.

Here's a link to the website: https://feldenkraisproject.com/

Here's a little video about the project: