Open Access Policy


Copyright applies to the intellectual right of the author of an article. In the case of an open access journal, copyright usually resides with the author/s of an article. The author/s remain/s the intellectual property owner/s of the article content and research results.

Also see: SA Copyright Law

License to use articles in journal

For other researchers to use the article, the journal assigns a license, e.g. Creative Commons. SciELO SA supports the CC-BY Creative Commons license.

Journal policies on open access

Individual journals have individual policies. Visit the web page of the journal, or the SHERPA RoMEO database.

Journals are encouraged to explicitly state their open access policy on the journal web page – regardless of whether the journal follows a subscription or open access approach.

Example open access policy wording:

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Articles form this journal can be submitted to institutional repositories, under the following conditions:

Research funder policies

A list of funder policies is available on the RoMEO.Juliet database.

Also see the Statement on Open Access to Research Publications from the National Research Foundation (NRF)-funded Research