Crossref Reference linking

Reference linking means hyperlinking to Crossref DOIs when you create your citation list. This makes it possible for readers to follow a DOI link from the reference list of a published work to the location of the full-text document on a member’s publishing platform, building a network infrastructure that enhances scholarly communications on the web.

Follow these simple steps:

5. Copy and paste your reference list into this box: 

             a. There should be no line breaks within an individual reference

             b. When submitting multiple references they must be in alphabetical order or presented as a                                numbered list

             c. You may use any reference style, although it works best if references are formatted in a                                    consistent and standard style.

6. Click submit when correctly formatted 

7. Your results will look something like this: 

8. Copy and paste from the box to your article (please take note that all formatting will be lost once you search for DOIs)

9. Click on the DOI to confirm that it applies to that article.