Conditions and quality checks

Similar to Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science, Scopus, IBSS and DOAJ, SciELO SA has its own unique quality criteria.

SciELO SA’s conditions and quality checks are as follows: 

 1) The Affiliation % / Author Diversity  

The 2024 SciELO SA Advisory Committee ratified the decision of the previous committee that an affiliation percentage would not be applied to SciELO SA journals considering the following context:

Co-authorship is encouraged, especially between institutions. The 35% does not include authors who co-author with authors from different organisations. Example:

The 35% affiliation guideline from Clarivate Analytics’ Web of      Science, Scopus, the Norwegian List, and SciELO Brazil is recommended for SciELO SA journals. Additionally, the affiliation percentage is calculated per volume, not per issue. Emphasis is placed on the need for diversity in the geographical distribution of authors. 

2) Quality Measures  

SciELO SA journals are expected to:

3) Current Criteria for Acceptance and New Best-Practice Criteria 

4) The SciELO SA Team may monitor

Queries can be referred to Louise van Heerden, the SciELO SA Operations Manager or Susan Veldsman, the Director of Scholarly Publishing at ASSAf.