dhet: submissions for inclusion on dhet list of accredited journals 

Also visit http://www.assaf.co.za/department-of-higher-education-and-training-accredited-journals/

Submission for inclusion on the DHET List of Accredited Journals

According to the DHET Research Outputs Policy Gazette 2015 & DHET Communique 2 of 2015:

A minimum of three consecutive issues must be published for journals with a quarterly or higher publication frequency and one issue for annual publications. The following information must be submitted to the Department of Education by 15 June for the journal to be considered for inclusion, effective the following calendar year:

(a) Title, including translations if not published in English;

(b) The ISSN (incl. online ISSN if online) of the journal;

(c) Publisher and the publisher's address and contact details;

(d) Frequency of publication;

(e) Evidence that the journal has been published for the minimum prescribed cycle (the most recent 3 copies of 3 consecutive issues for a journal with a quarterly or higher publication frequency, 2 copies, for a journal published semi-annually, and 1 copy for a journal published annually);

(f) Editorial policy, including evidence of the peer review process;

(g) Editorial Board, the status of the members of the editorial board must be stated together with their institutional affiliations;

(h) In the case of electronic journals, the journal's internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL);

(i) Indication of library holdings should be provided.

Policy re inclusion on the DHET List of Accredited Journals

For scholarly journals to be accredited through the DHET, they are checked against the criteria listed below. All applications go through a dual assessment process with panels convened by both the DHET and the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). Only peer-reviewed articles in journals qualify for subsidy. All non-peer reviewed articles including the following types of articles appearing in the journal are not subsidised: Correspondence to editors, Abstracts or extended abstracts, Obituaries, Book reviews, News articles, Advertorials. Accredited journals are re-evaluated periodically. 

Please notify the DHET of any changes, e.g. when going online (URL), editor, correspondence addresses, ISSN, frequency of publication or journal title.


Walter Ntuli

Tel.: 012 312 5283

Fax: 012 325 4419

E-mail: Ntuli.W@dhet.gov.za 

Criteria for inclusion on the DHET List of Accredited Journals

Do the last 2-3 years of issues of the journal reflect:

SciELO SA Criteria: Criteria, Policy and Procedures for admission and permanence of scientific journals in the SciELO SA Collection

See http://www.scielo.org.za/avaliacao/avaliacao_en.htm