Submit DOIs to Crossref

1) The metadata for articles will be submitted to Crossref, once all articles have URLs assigned. Where a journal is hosted online by SciELO only, the DOIs will be submitted once the SciELO files have been uploaded.

2) Articles will be submitted using WebDeposit

3) Where the article DOI needs to resolve to dual web pages, the following procedure is followed (the SciELO page is regarded as the secondary host):

4) Establish permissions: the primary depositor notifies Crossref of their intention to deposit Multiple Resolution DOIs

5) Create an interim page template: an interim page template is constructed and sent to Crossref (typically this is done by the primary depositor)

6) Unlock DOIs: the primary depositor deposits (if necessary) and unlocks DOIs for Multiple Resolution. 

7) Register secondary URLs: when a secondary URL is registered for a DOI the DOI will resolve to the interim page provided in step 2. 

For more information on registering content with Crossref, click here.

When successfully submitted, the DOIs will resolve to the online article.