Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a DHET automatically accredited index alongside the CA Web of Science, Scopus, IBSS and SciELO SA.

All high quality Open Access scholarly journals are encouraged to apply for inclusion in this directory. Journals listed are evaluated and scrutinised, and only journals adhering to the strict DOAJ criteria are added to the list.

SciELO SA journals are required to apply for inclusion in the DOAJ.


Guidelines on how to apply and

complete the online form:

We recommend that a journal applying for inclusion first print out the questions included in the online application form - - to make it easier to check if the journal’s website provides URLs to all the questions asked. If not, it would be better to first make those changes before starting with the online application form.

When you are ready to do start with the online form then you first need to register. Use a generic email address if possible, e.g. and an easy password that future managers of the journal will find easy to remember, e.g. JnlName, then you can log in and start with the application.


DOAJ Ambassador for southern African region: Ina Smith 

SciELO SA Operations Manager: Louise van Heerden