% rule - sCielo sa 


Not all of the Research Office staff at all the South African universities are aware that SciELO SA journals being exempt from the 75%/25% rule.


Provide the relevant Research Office with the following documents confirming that SciELO SA is a DHET automatically accredited index and that SciELO SA journals are exempt from the 75%/25% affiliation rule:



In conclusion SciELO SA journals are exempt from the 75%/25% rule, as is the case with Web of Science, Scopus, IBSS and DOAJ journals.


If the Research Office has further queries in this regard they may be directed to Mrs Susan Veldsman, the Director of the Scholarly Publishing Programme of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) – susan@assaf.org.za . Or Mr Walter Ntuli in the DHET Universities Policy and Development Support Directorate – ntuli.w@dhet.gov.za / T: 012-312-5675.