Plugin types

Architron (LWCAD) is using three types of Cinema 4D plugin types:

Some Architron tools are designed as a combination of multiple plugins that work together to provide the best possible user experience. For example Box primitive is combination of command , tool and object plugin.
When Box primitive is used then command plugin creates a new box object plugin, and the tool plugin is used for adjusting parameters of the box object.
Although the design looks a bit complicated, it is very easy to use.

Objects in Architron (LWCAD) generates spline or polygonal objects when converted to Cinema editable objects.
There are two basic types of objects:

Some parametric objects in Architron have additional modify functions when used in hierarchy.

2. Tool plugins (from ToolData )

Tool plugins are the essential type of the plugin for creating interactivity. Tool plugins are used  to modify existing geometry and parametric objects. Works only with selected scene objects.

An example of tool plugin is the Move tool. It moves all selected objects.
Another example of tool is the Line tool. It creates additional line in the selected NURBS object. If no object selected,  the Add Nurbs command is called.

3. Command plugins (from CommandData)

Commands in Architron (LWCAD) are used to perform one-time edit operations, such as converting objects from one type to another, creating a new object, etc ..