
Windows in Architron are designed to work in tandem with the Walls object, uniquely serving both an aesthetic and functional role in architectural models. 

When a Windows object is attached to a Wall, it not only depicts window elements but also automatically cuts precise openings, effectively integrating with the structure of the wall. 

Windows can be generated using parameters from the "Generated Windows" panel or defined by child objects for enhanced detail and customization.

Notably, windows can be defined by "Floorplan Lines," a 2D layout with lines indicating window locations. These lines must be accurately snapped to the wall edges to ensure proper generation. Parameters such as depth, bottom elevation from the floor, and height are definable by users, with other aspects controlled by the floorplan's geometry.

A second child object type, "Wall Frames," can also be utilized. These are 3D curves that delineate the exact window frames, drawn directly onto the Wall object's surfaces. When Wall Frames are used, the depth parameter is the primary adjustable attribute within the panel.

Should a child object be deleted, the Windows object seamlessly reverts to the auto-generated mode.

Key Parameters:


Generated Windows

These parameters control the spacing related to window placement within the wall structure. "Wall Gap" dictates the distance between the wall corner and the nearest window, ensuring a buffer zone for architectural detailing or structural requirements. "Windows Gap," on the other hand, defines the space between adjacent windows, allowing for consistent partitioning and visual symmetry. 

Conversion Options: