Architron (LWCAD) depends heavily on the hierarchy of Cinema scene objects.
Some LWCAD objects can modify the parent object (parent modifier), some can be modified by the parent object (modified by parent).

You can attach active object as a child with:

Auto Parent (auto link)

Auto-parenting module is included in every Architron parametric object.
If this option is enabled, the newly created object is automatically linked to the object under the mouse when the first click occurs.

Hierarchy Modifiers

Some parametric objects in Architron (LWCAD) have additional modify functions when assigned to hierarchy:

An example of a 'parent modifier' is Window object. When attached as a child to a wall, it becomes a parent modifier. The child (window) drills a hole in the parent (wall).
Each polygonal primitive object is also a 'parent modifier' if RT Booleans are enabled.

An example of 'modified by parent' is Floor object. When attached as a child to any object that can be converted to polygons,  it becomes a modified by parent. Floor object (child) is created based on the parent object.