So You Want to 

Co-Create a 

Better World... 

Check out our community, where we discuss all the isms, unconcious biases, and stay in our individual lanes at the same time!

Make Shift Happen

What does "Pro Liberation" mean?

Pro Liberation is the concept of coming  together as community creating a patchwork majority, and committing to doing our own part daily towards justice, equity, and liberation for all. It means taking accountability for our individual parts of the casual violence that is the foundation of US culture 

Every individual is at a different place with their understanding of the interpersonal and institutional harm that we all participate in every  day. 

The more deeply we understand the various intersections we each embody, the more we are able to acknowledge our own privileges, empowering ourselves to actively use those privileges. When we consciously use the power we have in the world, we shift closer to the goal of a society that is built on inclusion of everyone involved. 

What Is Intersectionality?

Intersectionality is the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as physical ability, class, race, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage. 

For example:  a bisexual Inuk woman experiences the intersections of being indigenous, a part of the lgbt+ community, as well as a woman, all of which are identities marginalized by the US government, as well as broader US culture.  

What is Privilege?

The word privilege speaks to where there is a lack of obstacles in a person's life.

 A wealthy, Black, heterosexual man likely experiences racism on a regular basis, but his reproductive health care isn't likely to be affected by the government's attempts at banning viagra. 

A poor, white woman is going to experience both state and federal governments attempting to limit her reproductive rights, and she might face classist discrimination, but she will never experience the particular flavor of prejudice that comes with racism. 

The better people are at assessing which of the systemic oppressions help or at least aren't a limiting factor to them personally, the more folks are able to help shift the social constructs around harmful policies, laws, and interpersonal rules. 

Contact me to learn about & discuss any of the following, &or anything other topic gnawing at your mind

Image of a graphic created by Sabr in 2003. The center of the image is a green eye with large lashes and smokey eye make up, against a psychedelic checkerboard background. there are streaks of blues, greens, and yellows, and the barest image of white wings in the corners

If we all put in an effort to reduce our individual harm by taking accountability for the harm of our complicity, as well as holding institutions fully accountable, the world will be able to change to a more just, and equitable place

All people deserve to have their basic needs met, all people deserve to be safe

I do not educate people on race, rather I recommend you seek learning from Black and Indigneous peoples, as well as other people of the global majority who experience racism themselves every day

Everyone has a place in the persuit of deconstructing colonization. What's yours?