Ages 18-23

Pleasure, Protection, & Patience

By the time we are legally adults, most folks in Virginia have experienced some form of very basic sex ed. Typically underwhelming, these classes focus mostly on procreation and STIs, two things that are important, but not seen as the most important aspects of sex for most. Most classes fully avoid discussing queer sex, and this can leave people in tough positions that might otherwise be avoided.

Reality is, most people have sex for pleasure, not for offspring. Without discussions around consent, red and green flags, and ways to make requests and hear criticisms, sex is troublesome ground we just expect people to "get" when they become of age. 

If you are looking for guidance on how to start these discussions with partners, how to adequately prepare for anal sex, and more, contact me and let's talk!

I'm happy to offer professional guidance to individuals, couples, and groups

Why wooing during the time of Covid is Key to Connecting

Image of a boquet with black eyed susans, echinacea, and queen ann's lace in it

*Photo Credit for this photo and the banner