About Alchemyst's Trading Post

Goals and Intentions

As a multi-talented individual, it can feel overwhelming to tell people all that I offer in my business. I am forever writing new classes at the same time and I'm taking them, and that inevitably leads me down new pathways. 

This is a space where you can get a taste of what I offer around what ever topics might interest you before contacting me for a session, facilitation, or educational reason. 


How do you have so many services?

After practicing a craft intentionally for long enough, it makes sense to offer my new skill to my local community. For several of my offerings I received certification or was told by a teacher to offer said service. 

Who is your market?

Humans. I work with everyone including people who live in mansions, people who live in tents, and everyone inbetween.

Animals. My offers are mostly a part of my daily practices. Im not necessarily introduced to a placenta frenquently, but I jump in when one is presented to me

The living and the dead. Just as I move a body off a highway with a wide shoulder or exit nearby, I lend a hand where possible within the scope of my practices.