
Expect the Unexpected

To be embodied on this planet is to have a viscerally unique reality. 

Sure, all human bodies have a heart rate. Every one of us breathes, bathes, and bargains with the society that envelopes us.  

At the same time, our genetics, home life, predispositions, and the cultures surrounding us shape the way that we move about this planet within these vessels of flesh. 

Even two people that share a similar experience will have very different translations and memories of what occurred. 

Bodies enjoy pleasure while holding trauma,  offer peace while internalizing chaos, and hope bursts out of us in moments that appear to have no clear path forward or reason to anticipate situations changing. 

On this planet where only You can be the you that exists, why would we expect body work, energy work, or birth to be homogenized? 

As you explore the offerings in the section of the website, please keep in mind that all services are custom, and my prayer is always to offer observation, technique, and knowledge that you most need, and can process with ease.