MMW L12 - Answers to Questions


Answer to MMS 12 Introduction Question:

“Before attempting to heal a person:”

Medical Ministry 225 “Thousands need to be educated patiently, kindly, tenderly,

but decidedly, that nine-tenths of their complaints are created by their own course of action…”

MH 111 “While the physician uses nature’s remedies for physical disease, he should point his patients to Him who can relieve the maladies of both the soul and the body.

That which physicians can only aid in doing, Christ accomplishes. They endeavor to assist nature’s work of healing; Christ Himself is the healer. The physician seeks to preserve life; Christ imparts life.”

Place of Herbs...144

“The true method for healing the sick is to tell them of the herbs that grow for the benefit of man. Scientists have attached large names to these simplest preparations, but true education will lead us to teach the sick that they need not call in a doctor any more than they would call in a lawyer. They can themselves administer the simple herbs if necessary.

“To educate the human family that the doctor alone knows all the ills of infants and persons of every age is a false teaching, and the sooner we as a people stand on the principles of health reform, the greater will be the blessing that will come to those who would do true medical work. There is a work to be done in treating the sick with water and teaching them to make the most of the sunshine and physical exercise.

Thus in simple language, we may teach people how to preserve health, how to avoid sickness. This is the work our sanitariums are called upon to do. This is true science.”—M.S. 105, (written August 26)

1* Try to find out how long the sickness has taken and how it started.

2* Find out the diet before and at the time the disease started.

3* Educate the patient on dietary mistakes that may have contributed to the sickness, teaching about the bad foods, drinks, cooking and bad eating habits. And explain the remedies you would give and the diet you would advise.

4* On the day of review, especially when recovery has occurred, say that if he/she goes back to the same lifestyle, the disease will come back.

MMS Lesson 12 Answers to Question 1:1 and 2

AA 12-year-old boy is bitten by a snake/A girl bitten by an insect….The main poison in poisonous snakes and insects is venom. The main four toxins in venom are:

(a) Phospholipase A2 – which inhibits electron transfer, damages the red and white blood cells, platelets, skeletal muscles, vascular endothelial and peripheral nerve endings.

(b) Hyaluronidase – which helps to spread the venom through the tissues and create swelling.

(c) Neurotoxins – which bind and destroy some nerve endings to cause paralysis in the patient.

(d) Polypeptides - which are absorbed into the blood to poison the heart, lungs kidneys, etc.

The main drug used by the hospital to cure snake bite poisoning is AVS, which is derived from horse or sheep serum immunoglobulins (antibodies) after the animal has been injected with venom. This drug is not free from side effects and is not found in most of the rural health centers and chemists..

Natural Remedies

The main minerals and vitamins which the body uses to neutralize poisons and toxins are:

(a) Vitamin C (can be obtained from rosehip powder, baobab pond powder, tamarind ponds, kiwi, moringa powder, orange or guava and lemon juice, etc).

(b) Vitamin E (can be obtained from Sunflower seeds, squash or pumpkin seeds, fennel seeds, etc).

(c) Calcium (can be obtained from wheat or Barley juice, skim milk powder, milk, wheat and Barley juice or powder, limestone, yams, walnuts, soybeans, etc).

(d) Potassium (can be obtained from wheat or Barley juice or powder, yams, walnuts, and soybeans).

Some Plants that are powerful detoxifiers

African locust bean tree bark (Parkia biglobosa), Cashew nut tree bark (Anacardium occidentale), Neem tree leaves (Azadirachta indica), Indian tamarind seeds

(Tamarindus indica), Turmeric tuber (Curcuma longa), Plantain banana fruit and tuber (Musa paradiasica), Mango tree bark (Mangifera indica), African Mable tree

leaves (kasongole/mawii/muhuluhulu), etc.

 From this knowledge, you can now make some powerful formulas combined with Activated Charcoal. You can combine all and place 2 to 3 tablespoons of the ingredients in a cup and add hot water, for the patient to drink three to four times a day, alongside a poultice of the same in a cotton cloth bag, applied on the affected area – also three to four times a day.

I have used Activated Charcoal and pounded fresh Mable tree leaves, orally together with poultice in snake bite cases with 100% case recoveries within two days. Question 12:1:2 for insect bites is also covered in the snake treatment indicated above.