MMW L05: How Bad Food, Drinks and Habits Cause Disease

Purpose: To reveal the hidden causes of Diseases


“Our bodies are built from the food we eat and it is proper food that can repair our bodies.

Each organ requires its share…By precept and example make it plain that the food which God gave to Adam in his sinless state is the best” E.G. White.

“No food is ever made nutritious by heating it. Cooked foods are more dead than alive.

Dead foods sooner make dead people” Dr. G.B. Paulien.

“Living food for living people, dead food for dead people” – Dr. Ann Wigmore.

Note: Raw vegetarian food, at 80٪ fruit & veggies and 20٪ grains & legumes, no doubt, is divine and the best. On it, our first parents lived 900years. Even now, those who can afford it will see miracles in their lives.

1. The Sin of Modern World

Again, look at the diagram of a seed:

(a) Modern industry removes the Bran, Aleuronic layer, Scutellum and gem from the seed then sell the white endosperm and gluten as food – naked food, void of nearly all vitamins and minerals.

“What therefore God hath joined together (not only in marriage, but whatever!), let no man put asunder”- Matt 19:6.

By eating polished grain products we miss the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes which God in His wisdom, had placed in the grain bran to help us digest the food. Examples:

Chromium on the outer peel and joints of sugar cane help us digest and metabolize The sugar. Pealing the canes, mango is not healthful and, especially processed sugar even if it is brown sugar, will reward us with diabetes, High Bp., Kidney and Heart Problems.

(b) Polished grains have lost zinc, iron, vitamin E that can digest the starch-causing the Body to borrow calcium from our bones, Iron from our blood and Zinc/Vit. E from our prostate/ovaries to cause anaemia, infertility, impotence, etc.

(c) Vitamin C is mostly found on the inside side of the fruit peel. Peeling then juicing will throw away over 60% of Vit C. Potassium is mostly on the inside side diarrhe Banana peel-better we eat the peels as well! Peel and eat a lot of mangoes or canes And you may get a salary of diarrhea! But consume the peels as well and you will have little or no diarrhea!

(d) Animals, including the lion are better eaters than humans because they don’t cook or peel their food. Lions have shorter food canal and larger gaps in between their teeth, then they can make uricase, the enzyme that can digest meat. Humans cook their meat to make it rot faster in their tight teeth, longer food canal, and do not have Uricase enzyme to digest the meat properly (they use hydrochloric acid gastric juices As consolation)! The result is poor digestion that creates unwanted toxic byproducts, e.g. Ammonia, uric acid, purine, cholesterol, etc. What is the immune response to this self-poisoning? The brain commands the body to withdraw calcium from the bones to neutralize the uric acid to calcium urate salts, which can be damped in the limp joints to cause arthritis, gout, atherosclerosis, heart problems, High BP, Diabetes, kidney stones, premature aging, osteoporosis, and cancer.(e) The main reason they remove the rich out outer layer of the grain is to avoid early rotting:

Bacteria, fungi, viruses, worms, etc. would not trouble polished grain products because they know that there are no nutrients left for them in such bad food.

2. Sinful Habits

(a) Fried foods (CD 320 /323) - all become grease, has formed Benzo propynes a cancer carcinogen.

(b) Eating between meals (CD 179) – indigestion, fermentation, constipation, etc.

(c) Drinking Tea/Coffee CD 420 - All have nicotine, theobromine – a poisonous stimulant. Would cause habitual fatigue and mental problems.

(d) Drinking water at meals (CD 420) - arrests digestion, causes constipation, fermentation, etc.

(e) Late heavy suppers (CD 173) /Overeating (CD 131) - all cause fermentation, constipation, toxemia, etc.

(f) Same food daily (CD 112, 113) – Malnutrition, allergies, etc.

(g) Bad cooking a sin (CD 251-256).

(h) God’s people will be vegetarians by the 2nd coming –Isa. 9:6-7 (CD 382-384).

3. Divine Counsels on Natural Health

(a) Health Reform to prepare God’s people: “For the Loud Cry of the third angel” (CD 33), for “the refreshing or power of God” (CD 33), for the Latter Rain (CD33).

(b) “To discern sacred truth….and fitted for immortality “(3T161-162) (CD69). To purify the church (CD33), to prepare the church for 2nd Coming and translation (CD


(c) Therefore:

(i) “It was at the home of Brother A. Hilliard, at Otsego, Michigan, June 6, 1863, that the great subject of health reform was opened before me in vision” (CD481). Nine

years later the vision was repeated with an addition that “Health reform… part of the third angel’s message, and is just as closely connected with it as are the arm and hand with the human body” (IT.486-487 /CD33).

(ii) “The time has come for a thorough reformation to take place….” - 8T.251

(iii)”We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of medical missionary work…” (CD 455-457).

(iv) “Medical Missionary work is to be bound up with Gospel Ministry …ministers, do not confine your work to giving Bible instruction. Do practical work, seek to restore the sick to health. This is true Ministry….read the scriptures carefully, and you will find that Christ spent the largest part of His Ministry in restoring the suffering and afflicted to health”- MM 240. (ii) “The time has come for a thorough reformation to take place….” - 8T.251 (iii) ”We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of Medical missionary work…” (CD 455-457).

(iv) “Medical Missionary work is to be bound up with Gospel Ministry …ministers,

Do not confine your work to giving Bible instruction. Do practical work, seek to Restore the sick to health. This is true Ministry….read the scriptures carefully, and you will find that Christ spent the largest part of His Ministry in restoring the suffering and afflicted to health”- MM 240.

The whole world is imprisoned in this Great Chemical Chain. It is urgent that we take.

The counsels of our God, as He endeavors to lead us step by step back to Eden.

“Again and again I have been shown that God is trying to lead us back, step by step, to His original design – that man should subsist upon the natural products of the earth.” {CD 380.1}

The Entering Wedge pages 27 to 28

“WHAT SHOULD A VEGETARIAN KNOW?---With a reasonable variety of fresh vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and fruits, also milk and eggs or their equivalents, the vegetarian can easily balance his diet to supply all his body’s needs. He should therefore not neglect to include in his diet as wide as possible a variety of such foods both cooked and raw, remembering that the latter are even more essential and more complete. EW 27.1

“If we plan wisely,” asserts Inspiration, “that which is most conducive to health can be secured in almost every land. The various preparations of rice, wheat, corn, and oats are sent abroad everywhere, also beans, peas, and lentils. These, with native or imported fruits, and the variety of vegetables that grow in each locality, give an opportunity to select a dietary that is complete without the use of flesh-meats.” – Ministry of Healing, p. 299. EW 27.2

Why is it, though, that some strict vegetarians rather than improving their health and building up resistance against disease, often suffer from malnutrition and become even more susceptible to various physical ailments than before they gave up flesh foods? – Because in most cases flesh food is discarded without supplementing the diet with a satisfactory substitute. Many have the mistaken idea that by merely increasing their intake of protein foods – nuts, legumes, and grains, they adequately replace the deficiency. By so doing they do not at all replace the deficiency, but instead unbalance the nutrients. Ever remember that flesh is composed of about 80% grass and 20% grain. Biological experiments unmistakably demonstrate that animals cannot thrive on whole grain proteins divorced from the associated leafy plants. The health seeker must bear in mind that often the immediate result of an unbalanced diet is constipation, followed by rheumatism or arthritis, if not by other even more dreadful and destructive diseases. Balance your diet, and Nature will take care of the rest.”

End of the Lesson