MMW L06: The Nature's Remedies for Disease


To reveal God’s Remedies for Disease


“There are many ways of practicing the healing art, but there is only one way that heaven approves. God’s remedies are the simple agencies of Nature that will not tax or debilitate the system through their powerful properties.”

“Health does not depend on chance. It is the result of obedience to law…pure air, sunlight,

 abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power-these are the true remedies.”


Oxygen (O2) is about 20% of the atmospheric air. It builds and energizes our bodies, burns waste, purifies and electrifies the whole body, kills harmful germs, strengthen the Immune system and increases the number of lymphocytes (white blood cells). The phagocytes (white blood cells) use oxygen to kill bacteria.

Food sources: Liquid chlorophyll in fresh green leaves and grasses, beets, grapes, tomatoes, onions, leeks, etc.

Areas of plenty oxygen (negative ions): High mountain and plateau areas, splashing sea shores, waterfalls, thick forest areas, behind a rainy cloud or storm.

Enemies of oxygen: Big city pollution (Nitric oxide, Nitrogen oxide, Ozone (O3, carbon monoxide, etc. Exercising in open air gives more oxygen to the body.


70% of the earth surface, it is the indication of life. In our bodies water transports nutrients to all parts of the body; and waste outside the body. The red blood cells carry oxygen (as ferric oxide) and water.

The best water to cleanse the body: Distilled water, Natural spring and Rainwater (which contain hydrogen peroxide- H2 O2). Mineral water from the store and deep borehole water is hard water which cannot wash away the waste from our bodies. Chlorinated water, sodium fluoride, used in purification of water actually pollutes it, and causes allergies, asthma, hives, colitis, diabetes, gout, kidney stones, coronary thrombosis, and is carcinogenic (cancer

causing). The best way to purify water is boiling- it also evaporates chlorine from the water. We should drink 3 to liters of water daily, between meals (up to 1hr before a meal and from 2hrs after a meal.


Sunlight speeds recovery, helps the body make Vit. D, destroys germs, removes Stress, increases oxygen in the blood. Sunbathing reduces CAMP-An immune suppressor, thereby relaxing the tired nervous, that is why you dose in sunbathing.

Humans are also photosynthetic like plants: Light is absorbed through the eyes and skin-we have solar energy cells all over our bodies!

Solar energy food sources: blue-green algae, organic fruits and vegetables, etc. It is sunlight on our backs that is more beneficial than on the belly. Very old people have heavy loses of Vit. D, and taking them out for sunbathing is healthful.

Vegetables, etc. Avoid: Heat waves, Artificial Vit D (destroys magnesium in the body, and raises Blood

cholesterol), micro waves (e.g. T.V/Computer, and X-rays.


The best food as covered in earlier lessons is raw organic vegetarian (Gen 1:29).

Vegetarians should never lack in protein because: 

Meat is 21% protein, Fish = 19%, Eggs = 18%,

Beans = 24%, Peanuts = 26%, Mushroom = 36%, Soy = 47%.

Avoid artificial foods (junky fast foods), food additives, colours and Preservatives. Monosodium glutamate is very carcinogenic. Aspartame –an artificial sugar in artificial drinks-though economic, is very carcinogenic. Steam your veggie, not frying or boiling. To your fruit and veggie diet, include More sunflower and pumpkin seeds (a handful a day), peanuts, soybeans, beans, Peas, honey, and more raw food.

“We shall never understand disease until we shall understand our food” – is the sweeping Statement made by Hippocrates. He further said that our food should be our medicine, and our Medicine should be our food.

“Our bodies are built from the food we eat and it is proper food that can repair our bodies. Each Organ requires its share…. By precept and example make it plain that the food, which God gave to Adam in his sinless state (i.e. 100% raw vegetarian diet – Gen 1:29) is the best” – E.G. White.

“No food is ever made nutritious by heating it. Cooked foods are more dead than alive. Dead foods Sooner make dead people”- Dr G.B. Paulien.

“Living food for living people, dead food for dead people” – Dr Ann Wigmore.

Raw vegetarian food, no doubt, is the best if only it can be afforded by someone. On it our first Parents lived a lifespan averaging 900 years! Raw organic food has its organic minerals, vitamins, enzymes, etc. which are very important for our maximum health. Food can be grouped into four Main categories:

1.Carbohydrates – sugars for energy

2. Proteins – for body building and repair

3. Fat – for energy, and warmth

Protective foods – minerals, vitamins, enzymes Carbohydrates (CH₂O)

These are formed in the plant from Carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. These are most abundant compounds on earth, forming the grass and trees. When man Eats and metabolizes these carbohydrates, the stored solar energy in them is released for our life:

4H + CO2 CH2O + H2O

The main three types of sugars are: Mono-saccharides, Disaccharides and Polysaccharides. Monosaccharide (C6H12O6)

These are simple sugars with single sugar molecules: Glucose (C6H12O6), and Fructose


There are some other simple sugars which were discovered to be very useful to the immune system. Glucose is found in green grains, fruits and vegetables. Fructose which may be sweeter than Glucose is mainly found in fruits. Simple sugars don’t need digestion in the food canal- they are directly absorbed for cell metabolism and energy:

C₆H₁₂O₆ +6O₂ 6CO₂ + 6H₂O+ 670 kilocalories of energy.

Disaccharides (C12H22O11)

Are formed by the condensation of two molecules of Monosaccharides. Examples of compound Sugars are
(a) Maltose (C12H22O11) – two molecules of glucose.
(b) And Sucrose (C12H22O11) – two molecules of glucose and fructose. And Lactose – two molecules of glucose and galactose.

(c) Polysaccharides (C6H10O5): formed by the condensation of long chains of simple sugars, e.g. starch from glucose molecules.

When grains and beans dry they not only lose moisture but also lose ions of hydrogen and oxygen (water), but keep the amount of Carbon ions. This means it becomes acidic to some extent. They Change from glucose to starch. Starch foods take long to digest because the body will have to look for extra oxygen and hydrogen to change it to glucose. In such processes, known and unknown Minerals, Vitamins, proteins and enzymes have to be deployed to accomplish the digestion, absorption and metabolism of starch foods. E.g. Zinc and Iron are some of the minerals that are required. Now let us have time to think: In the city, we eat food made from super-white flours and meals void of Zinc and Iron, then there is less oxygen! How many diseases shall be invited?

In order to digest starch, the saliva enzyme has to act upon the long chains of starch to cut them to shorter links. Then the powerful gastric (stomach) juices break them into disaccharides (maltose), and finally, the small intestine enzymes then finish off by breaking the maltose into simple sugar glucose. Now we can see the need of:

(a) Chewing our food fine and longer in the mouth for the saliva enzyme to cut the long starch chains first.

(b) Avoiding heavy late suppers of starch foods which take hours to digest.

(c) Avoiding the bad habit of modern society of craving for polished grains! They remove the bran (fibre, Zinc, Iron, and all the minerals and vitamins) and eat the pure, naked starch and gluten.


The word “protein” comes from a Greek word (proteios) meaning – “primary” or “to take first place.” After water, protein is the most abundant substance in our body; it is an integral part of every living cell. Protein is for bodybuilding and repair. Proteins occur in many forms as concentration of amino acids. There are 22 Amino acids. The body can make 14 of the amino acids: e.g. Alanine, Arginine, Cysteine, Glutamine (Glutamic acid), Glycine, Histidine, Asparagine (Aspartic acid), Praline (Hydroxyzine), Tyrosine, Carnitine, Glutathione, Ornithine, Taurine, etc. 

The 8 which have to come from the food we eat are: Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine. All the amino acids have therapeutical (healing) value. They are the main part of every living cell. They are the basis of life itself. However, there should not be an unscientific “protein scare”, when, for fear of lacking protein, the people dash for a “protein eating spree”- eating anything: eggs, insects, lizards, pigs, monkeys, crocodiles, snakes, etc.! Every plant and its fruit, grain, seed, flower, bark, leaves, etc. has plenty of protein. Meat has 21% protein, Alfalfa 17%, Beans 24%, Peanuts 26%, Mushrooms 36%, Soybeans 47 to 50%, Spirulina 65%. Meat therefore is not the highest in protein, also it is a “Salaula” or “Mutumba” (second hand) because, and the Ox gets that protein from 100% plant food! Moreover meat has to be digested by certain enzymes like “Uricase,” which we don’t have!

Fats (Lipids)

When animals eat more energy-giving foods than they can use, the surplus is converted to fat, so that it can be stored for a longer time. Animal fat is saturated fat which the body cannot properly use, thus upon eating plenty, it accumulates in the body. Eating refined sugar also increases fat levels, resulting in weight gain. Unnecessary fat causes heart and artery diseases, cancer, ulcers, overweight, etc. Unsaturated fats are the extra virgin (i.e. raw) plant oils from grains, seeds, nuts, etc. They are easily used by the body for lubrication, energy, protecting nerve cells, etc. But when plant seeds are roasted, milled and boiled in water, then cooled and left for oil to float, then collected it for double or triple refining and blenched of all their minerals, vitamins etc., it becomes saturated grease which is worse than animal fat! No wonder we have rising cases of cancer! The main carcinogen in saturated re-heated oil is called benzopropyne, etc.


“Mineral” means an element in its simple form. In the body they occur in their ionic or colloidal form. Minerals can be used for structural tissues, e.g. Calcium and magnesium for bones. Some can be used in electrolyte balance, e.g. Potassium, sodium, chloride, and calcium. Others as transporters- Iron transports oxygen in form of ferric oxide. The “major” minerals are: Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, sulfur. The “minor” (needed in trace amounts) are: arsenic, cobalt, copper, fluoride, nickel, selenium, manganese, boron, silicon,

vanadium, chromium, etc. See SENALI book for details on minerals.


These are substances which are needed by the body for proper function, normal growth, tissue maintenance and for life in general – hence the Latin /Greek stem word “Vita” for “life.” Others are fat soluble, e.g. A, D, E, K etc. The body can store the fat soluble vitamins but the water-soluble ones have to be constantly supplied. For detail on vitamins, see SENALI books, Chapter 12.

Enzymes Are catalysts which aid the multi-biochemical processes in the body, ranging from digestion of Food to anti-carcinogenic, and anti-aging? Enzymes are made by the white blood cells also used For fighting disease, etc. Raw food supplies its own enzymes for digestion of the same foods and Supply the immune system with fresh regimens for wonder multi biochemistry—for example:

Enzyme P4D1 discovered by Dr. Kubota, as present in barley grass and wheat grass –which can suppress DNA damage by mutagens, carcinogens, pesticides, drugs, radiation, X-rays (Orange/fruits, etc., passed by business men through X-ray would destroy the enzymes so that they don’t Get rotten for months), stress and aging process. The best source of plant enzymes are: sprouts, young green fresh grass juice, fruits (pawpaw, pineapples), stalks (sugarcane, etc.), fresh green vegetables.

The enemies of food are:

Cooking Frying, boiling, roasting, baking…not only do these disturb or completely destroy nutrients in the food, but they also change the state of the minerals, etc. Food value is reduced from 80% in raw food, to 20% of usefulness, in the same food in its cooked state. E.g. only 20% of Iron can be obtained from cooked food. All foods that can be eaten raw should be eaten raw.

Don’t cook only because Mrs. Tradition – your grandmother, taught you to cook everything. If you have to steam or bake tubers, fruits, etc., keep their skins on. Vitamin C is one for the most perishable vitamin in the world. It is greatly removed by all forms of cooking. Even steaming green vegetables removes 50% of the vitamin! Vitamin C is found on the inside wall of the skin of fruits and tubers. Therefore, for every fruit or tuber peeled, washed then boiled, save a dollar or a Naira for your coffin and other funeral expenses! To avoid unnecessary premature death,

thoroughly wash the fruits and tubers (onions, tomato, okra, carrot, etc.) and just eat them raw!

You can grate or mince them for salads.


Helps take in more oxygen, massage the body, boosts immune, respiratory, nervous, digestive and circulatory systems increasing recovery rate and fighting back premature aging.

The best exercise is gardening (it puts good food on your table), walking, riding a bicycle, etc.

Physical exercise is essential to the health of the body and mind. Exercise in the open sunshine will give us the healing from the natural doctors – sunshine and pure air. Exercise helps us sweat, thereby throw out toxins. It increases oxygen intake and utilization. It opens the lung’s air sacs to receive more oxygen. The inactive air sacks due to incomplete breathing and mucus blockage will encourage more mucus and toxin accumulation in the lungs and the entire body.

This will subsequently encourage the multiplication of the bacilli bacterial and worm larvae, resulting in serious diseases. Exercise boosts the immune, respiratory, nervous, and digestive and circulatory systems – thus increasing recovery rate. But we should avoid overdoing those expensive idolized games which continuously rob the poor children and the disabled of their needs. It was better to put a 5% tax on all luxurious games like golf, boxing, wrestling, football, etc. Then the money realized should be used to uplift the lives of the poor, disabled and orphans.

The best exercise is farming! Imagine – if all that money which is swallowed up by these games, can be used in the farming industry! Why is this world more able to sponsor an extra-expensive sport than help a peasant farmer?

“Exercise in the open air should be prescribed as a life-giving necessity…there is nothing better than the cultivation of the soil… outdoor exercise combined with hygienic treatment, will work miracles in restoring and invigorating the diseased body and refresh the worn and weary mind.

It is God’s medicine for the restoration of health”- E.G. White.


(a) One day of rest per week is very healthful-the Sabbath rest is both spiritual and physical obligation. Up to now, our hearts beat slower on the Sabbath day even if one works on the Sabbath or not a Sabbath keeper: Our bodies still remember the Creator, while the world pretends not to.

(b) The best healing sleep comes from 22hrs to 02hrs, when the body is renovated.

(c) “Between the ages of 25 and 70 the average person spends 15 years sleeping. Lack of sleep has made generals lose battles, nervous patients lose their minds, wives lose their husbands…

Animals die more quickly from lack of sleep than from lack of food”- Reader’s Digest, June 1945.

(d) Best tips about good sleep: Avoid deep mattresses or hard surfaces. Leaves windows open, one person one bed policy even if you are married, sleep on empty stomach….


(a) Prophets including Jesus, fasted before entering upon their public ministry.

(b) Plato and Aristotle practiced fasting to “attain mental and physical efficiency.”

(c) Paracelsus: “Fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within.”

(d) E.G. White: “In many cases of sickness the best remedy is for the patient to fast.”

(e) Hippocrates: “if the sick person is fed, one feeds the disease. On the other hand, if the sufferer is withheld from food, the disease is fasted out…”

(f) Dr. Werner Zabel: “Together with fever and optimal nutrition, fasting is man’s oldest healing method.”

g) Adolph Mayer: “Fasting is the most efficient means of correcting any disease.”

h) Animals, including lions, fast on grass or zero food to gain health.

(i) 3 day fast is better than 1 or 2 days. Healing fast should be 7 to 14 days depending on the disease:

(i) Day 1 – 2 =False hunger zone in which the body is forced to eat from inside -the toxins, mucus, uric acid, cholesterol, calcium carbonates, etc by first changing them back to original form e.g. uric acid to protein, cholesterol to fat, carbonic acid to sugar, etc. We are really “fearfully and wonderfully made”- Ps. 139:14.

(ii) Day 3 to 7 = now the body does some autolysis (eating oneself): The body now targets the unnecessary fatty cells, sick and aged body cells, cancerous or tumour cells, etc. After this “Real

starvation” comes, and it is time to break the fast.j. During a fast it is better to keep the skin clean, bowels clean by a few enemas, drink more water and pure natural fruit juices and some little raw food only – no cooked food for 7 days to break the fast start with more raw food increasing more slowly then include your cooked food but as 75% Raw -20% cooked for 1 month.


Ps. 66:18 – “If we regard iniquity in our heart God will not hear us.”

Exo. 15:26 - “I am the Lord that healeth thee.”

Prov.17:21/23:7 –“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…..for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”

Isa 2:22 - “Cease ye from man”

Jer. 17:5 – “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.”

Many people-Christians included, are like King Asa who “was diseased in his feet until this disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians”.

Prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse…where are treasured the boundless resources of omnipotence…The darkness of the evil one encloses those who neglect to pray…prayer should not be entered into without careful consideration….it should be made plain that the violation of God’s law, either natural or spiritual is sin, and that in order for them to receive His blessings, sin must be confessed and forsaken.” (SC 98-102/MH 227 – 228).

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases+- Ps. 103:3


The greatest mistake among human beings is the habit of trusting in fellow mortals for life and health, instead of trusting God: “Cease ye from man”- Isa 2:22. “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knoweth not”- Jer. 33:3. “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm” (i.e. his helping hand) – Jer. 17:

The Apostle James advised that when we fall sick, we should call in the elders of the Church to pray for us, and that “the prayer of faith shall save the sick”- James 5:15-16.

Therefore, both the praying elders and the sufferer should have faith in the Word of God and the promises recorded therein. Faith is all about hearing, reading, believing, obeying – doing (living according to) the Word of God.

“Prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse…where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence…The darkness of the evil one encloses those who neglect to pray….Perseverance in prayer has been made a condition of receiving…Prayer should not be entered into without careful consideration…To those who desire prayer for their restoration to health, it should be made plain that the violation of God’s law, either natural or spiritual is sin, and that in order for them to receive His blessings, sin must be confessed and forsaken”-

E.G. White (SC 98 -102 /MH 227-228). “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases” Ps. 103:3.

Those who pray for others, they must be God-fearing people. They also need preparation on their part first before they can try to heal or pray for others. Then teach the sick about repentance, confession and obedience. “Point sin-sick men and women to the Man of Calvary, who takes away the sins of the world …encouraging the sick and suffering to look to Jesus…the Great Physician…the One who can heal both physical and spiritual diseases. Encourage them to place themselves in the care of Him Who gave His life for them…I saw that the reason why God did not hear the prayers of His servants for the sick among us more fully was, that He could not be glorified in so doing while they were violating the Laws of health…Sick persons cannot be healed while knowingly committing sin.” E.G. White –CD 457 – 459 /CD 25-26 /Sons and Daughters of God 297. Id. 

“Those who have the light and do not follow it, but disregard the requirements of God, will find that their blessings will be changed to curses, and their mercies into judgments” – CD 379. Id. 

“It is labor lost to teach people to look to God as a healer of their infirmities, unless they are taught also to lay aside unhealthful practices. In order to receive His blessing in answer to prayer, they must cease to do evil and learn to do well” – MH227.

Therefore, let us not crave for miraculous healing even if it is the booming business in fashion today! Satan and his angels are fully at work casting their evil spell upon human beings to make them sick, and then calculate tricks to deliver them from those sicknesses! Then multitudes of people may shout a big “Hallelujah, Glory!” while both the healer and the one “healed” have no single connection with the Lord Jesus! Sinners may be made whole for a while, but their sinful habits which are not abandoned and repented of, soon lead them into more sin, sickness death! 

Prayer should be accompanied by repentance from immorality and intemperance.

Then use the natural remedies to cleanse the sufferer from past self-toxification.

“We ask for a miracle and the Lord directs the mind to some simple remedy…Natural means used according with God’s will, bring about supernatural results…The idea which you hold, that no remedies should be used for the sick is an error. God does not heal the sick without the aid of the means of healing which lie within the reach of man. There are simple herbs that can be used for the recovery of the sick, whose efforts upon the system is very different from that of those drugs that poison the blood and endanger life…the Lord has provided antidotes for diseases in simple plants and these can be used by faith, with no denial of faith…” E.G.W.

We should not “force” God to heal us in an express deal. He knows what is good and what is not good for us, well before we know and see it. It is not wise to ask for unconditional healing, because God knows the end from the beginning – He knows that the sufferer may not endure the trials of his/her life should he/she be allowed to live. It was better for King Hezekiah of Judah to die than ask for additional “injury time” years, because in those 15 extra years which he was allowed to live, he committed the greatest foolishness of his life (See Isaiah chapters 38 and 39).

Summary on prayer for the sick:

Those conducting the prayer should purify themselves by repentance and confession of their own sins before they can present themselves and the sick before God. The sick if conscious, must also be told to examine their past life, to repent and confess their sins. They should pledge to serve the Lord in any way possible should they be healed by Him. God’s answer can be “Yes, be healed”, or “Ok, but wait,” or even “No, my child, rest (die), until the resurrection Day.” It doesn’t always mean that when we fall sick or die, we are the biggest sinners in town. Remember Job, Lazarus, and the young man of the Bible who was born blind. 

Some problems are allowed for a while to come upon us. God loves us, He wants us to know great things, or wants us to have a connection with His grace by making us depend upon Him, thereby allowing us to know Him better and walk with Him. Or, He wants to reveal His glory, His power, and teach us great lessons of experience, to humble us, or to burn our earthliness and rottenness of character, until we reflect His character and glory.

Our Creator and Redeemer has a right over us – He knows the best experience and remedy for our weakness. As we keep on discovering ourselves, we shall continue to give thanks, praise and worship Him, then work for Him better – to make Him known to others. Otherwise, He may have to allow His creature to die in peace, or even in pieces, in order to save him/her from some mischief or an upcoming calamity. Thus, allowing our bones to rest and wait in a hopeful-grave until that glorious Resurrection Day of the just:“What a day of Victory that will be!”

End of Lesson